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6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 15 of 16

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mobley last decade
Thanks David,

Oh wow I was definitely spelling Phlegmy wrong...so sorry about that. Both my husband and I got the spelling wrong

I think I will get rid of all remedies made up by a homeopath now, since it's been over 6 months

Thanks for clarifing
VenessaM last decade
Ok lets try Pulsatilla instead, 200c if you can get it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David

So I'm going with Puls 200 now instead of Ant-tart right?

I think I have the 30c in my first aid kit, can I give that til I get a hold of the 200c?
VenessaM last decade
Get both remedies. Ant-tart is for the acute problem. Pulsatilla is more for the chronic. Sorry I was not very clear about that.

I am not sure what Puls would do for this acute, but you can give it a try if you want.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I gave my son the Puls today (30c) and at lunch he had his bottle and after an hr he vomited ..it was acid smelling and curdled milk.

I remember when our last homeopath gave it to him when he ws a baby, the same thing happened. He would vomit more and she told me to stop it.

What are your thoughts about it this time?
VenessaM last decade
Not sure if I also mentioned but his face is still looking pretty bad with pimples on his cheeks and chin. I almost think his got a skin sensitivity.

Would the Ant-tart help with that?
VenessaM last decade
Hi Vanessa I'm sorry your still having problems, your son will have a skin sensitivity if he is allergic or intolerant to what he is eating or drinking, sorry to put my nose in again but not sure you realise this. It can also weaken the immune system if they keep having the thing they can't tolerate, have you tried adding tiny bit of goats milk or something else to his dairy so he gets use to the taste, very small bit for a few days then a bit more again he will slowly get used to it. Sorry if you think im sticking my nose in but I hate to think of babies suffering and this may help. Good luck
pixie wood last decade
Hi Pixie

I know your wanting to help, so I truly don't mind. Do you have your kids on goats milk? Has it helped their health?

I am beating myself up for not breastfeeding him as a baby and I feel that I am getting punished for it now.

I never knew cows milk can weaken the immune system.

So you think I should keep trying to convert him to goats?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Just a couple of things I've been noticing with my son this weekend.

His been throwing himself on the floor and arching his back....is this a teething sign or a reflux plain?

Also his stool have been a mushy mustard colour and they spell like rotten eggs.

I'm not hearing cough as much but he still sounds a bit chesty/Phlegmy
VenessaM last decade

[message deleted by pixie wood on Mon, 07 May 2012 01:20:05 BST]
pixie wood last decade
Hi it's really up to you but it maybe worth a try my 2 are good on goats milk and it takes 3 days to get it out the system but can take 3 weeks to see full improvement in some people of course there's no guarantee he's not intolerant to goats milk bit my eldest couldn't eat barely a thing as a baby and is fine with goats,
I used to see a nuttitionist and she said about foods weaken the body and immune system and if you check it online your find something, I sure do see th difference in there health when I don't give them wheat and dairy, it's all stomach issues with the eldest and still experimenting with the youngest but so far no asthma since no wheat and he's certainly been healthier but this could be because if the winter being gone,
Are you from uk? We have a milk called kara which I give also it's coconut milk but not sure of age recommendation ,
Anyway after reading alot of your posts and knowing the signs of these intolerances it is worth trying something other than dairy for your son bias possibly wheat too, there toxic to most people just google it.

Oh and to me the back arching seems like reflux which again CAN be intolerance, my son used to get it, he would burp like crazy tooand for some reason the reflux was horrific during teething, i would sit up for hours with him because he would make a gulping sound all night and suddenly scream with pain, II took him to be food tested and the culprit was rice of all things, this was after stopping dairy, i stopped the rice and within 3 days NO reflux.I am by no means saying this is the same as your son as this is rare but just as an example of what food can do to you when intolerant.
pixie wood last decade
Excuse my spelling Vanessa lol predictive text as I use my phone to go on here lol
pixie wood last decade
Morning David,

so my son got better my last tuesday and than when he went to daycare on Wednesday he got sick again.
So it's definitely the daycare because all the kids there are coughing.

Symptoms he has now. Over the weekend he had a lot of runny nose. I had given him the Ant-Tart but didn't find it did much. I still had to give him nurofen. His cough now sounds very dry and he is waking up during the night coughing a lot. I even had to give him a little medicine over the weekend but that just got him hypo.

His nose is very blocked and he is unable to drink his milk. He sounds congested

He did bring up some green phlegm over the weekend

His face is still flaring up with red pimples.

I have given him the Ant-tart twice. But not sure if I should give it to him anymore?
VenessaM last decade
Also he seems to be coughing more during the night than the day
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

I would like to review my son again if you can. I went to the children's drs yesterday and I'm now a little confuse. She thinks if he was allergic to milk or something he would react all over his body not just his face.. She thinks he has a sensitive skin and he is reacting to almost everything. So she gave me a cortisone cream but I know that this can be a suppresent.

The other thing is his general health, his still got a phlegm cough and a little runny nose. I did give him the Ant-tart yesterday and he didn't wake up coughing last night. However earlier on the night he woke up crying/screaming and I did have to give him Nurofen to calm him down.
The doctor also had to give him his 3rd vaccination yesterday Meningococcal.

I know you told me to get Puls for his chronic state. But Not sure if you still want me to get it?

His still hiccuping about 2 times a day.
VenessaM last decade
The vaccination caused the screaming, not the remedy. Vaccines are highly dangerous and cause severe damage to many body systems. It is hard to say yet whether it has permanently harmed him or not.

The Ant-tart is for the wet cough he has. Does he still have that?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yah I thought the vaccination caused him to wake up screaming too.

As for his cough, yesterday he had a dry cough but today it sounds a bit more mucous /phlegm again. Can the sound of a cough keep changing
No sneezing or watery eyes though. Just a runny / blocked nose
VenessaM last decade
It's more on the dry side than wet I would say
VenessaM last decade
The vaccine may have changed everything. You need to watch him now to see if he shows any regression of behaviour or milestones.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
So just wait and see what happens from here than? And not give him any other remedy?

Hopefully the Ant-tart will help him get through it
VenessaM last decade
David, his just gotten really bad. His crying and screaming, just wants to be on me and near me. I've had to give him Panadol. It's definitely the vaccination.

His nose is heaps mucous and the cough is dry. His face looks really bad, it's red and inflamed.

Is there anything I can give him to help him. I feel helpless
VenessaM last decade
Make sure you get to hospital the moment things look really bad. That particular vaccine can cause convulsions and other serious reactions.

Do you have Belladonna?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Oh god, I don't know why I gave it to him now.

I do have Belladona in my first aid kit 30c

How would you like me to give it to him?
VenessaM last decade
I've got them in pillules do I dissolve one in a full cup of water?
VenessaM last decade
Yes you want to avoid aggravation.

2 pillules in a 1/2 cup of water, let them dissolve stir and give 1 teaspoon every 10 minutes for no more than 4 doses.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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