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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 5 of 16

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Ok give him one more dose of the Borax, but I want you to dilute it more.

That teaspoon you take out of the full cup, I want you to put it in another 1/4 cup of water. Stir and then give him a teaspoon out of that.

It could be that the Zantac is causing problems for him. Soon we may need to consider reducing the dose, then treating what changes occur as we do that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David, I gave my son the dose yesterday.

Just wanted to find out. My son has over the weeks developed an aversion to food particularly when he sees the spoon coming his way. Was not like this when he was 4 months. Things when worse after sulphur. I've been seeing a community nurse who specializes in this behaviour.

My question is Can homeopathy medicine help or cause this type of behaviour?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David, I gave my son the dose yesterday.

Just wanted to find out. My son has over the weeks developed an aversion to food particularly when he sees the spoon coming his way. Was not like this when he was 4 months. He went worse with food after sulphur. I've been seeing a community nurse who specializes in this behaviour.

My question is Can homeopathy medicine help or cause this type of behaviour?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

so here are the symtoms we have left. His reflux is still bothering him, I think that is why he is now turned off food. He does burp a lot still and hiccups occasional

He has been dribbling a lot lately and have been requiring the dummy more. I think his gums are hurting too.

He has been waking up at night too around 3 or 4 am in the morning crying and sounding congested in the nose. Day sleeps haven't been that great either.

He bark cough is not to bad but still not 100%

His stool is looking a lot better actually, not hard anymore.

So mainly just digestion now.

What do you think?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Sorry haven't heard on what to do with my son.

So far he is still waking up at nights, not sure why.

His not bring up as much, but it could now be more silent reflux.

His a really fussy eater, only likes dairy and carbs. No vegetables and hardly fruit on its own

His struggled with his stool today for some reason, it was hard.

A friend of mine was saying that reflux babies are generally fussy eaters and are skinny. Which is sounding like my son.
VenessaM last decade
Hmmm...Ok I think that there are a couple of steps to take.

Before moving to a new remedy, we need to be sure that Borax will not take him any further. Can you get hold of 1M?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I rung Newtons pharmacy and they can make the 1M up. So is 1M weaker than 200c or stronger?
VenessaM last decade
Potency and strength aren't really comparable concepts in homoeopathy. Potency has to do with depth and precision (how similar it is to the patient's symptoms). You can go higher the more precise the remedy is, and consequently the less well-fitted it is the less it will help them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David, how would you like me give the borax 1m to my son?
VenessaM last decade
Same was as the 200c. Just one dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
So is that 1 drop in a qtr of a cup of water?
VenessaM last decade
Sorry I meant full cup of water
VenessaM last decade
Yes that is what I meant.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

These last two nights my son has been waking up at nights again. His also got a bad cough and had a bit of runny nose yesterday - clear mucus.. Not sure if he is unwell or pre teething. But I've had to give him panadol a few times over the weekend.

He was poohing more than usual last week too

Does he need another dose?
VenessaM last decade
He shouldn't because he just had one.

He may be teething - what is his general behaviour at the moment?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
His General behaviour is not to bad actually. Not to clingy

I think he is just more bothered by the cough and tossing around in his cot at night. I guess it could be teething, just not sure if it's reflux I guess. So hard to tell. But the increase in stool is something that is different as well as the running nose.

I have been noticing that he touches his ears a lot more, like he flicks them. Not sure what that means
VenessaM last decade
That is typical for teething. Ear pain often goes with it for babies.

Describe the cough, the stool, and the discharge from the nose for me.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The cough sounds really dry, still sounds like a bark cough too but just more frequent coughing. His eyes sometimes goes watery from the cough.

Nose, clear runny mucus, not a lot of mucus but he has been sounding very congested at nights when he sleeps. I didn't notice the mucus today as much as yesterday.

Stool, has been looking more greenish and smells like rotten eggs.
VenessaM last decade
Hi David, I gave my son Zantac before he went to bed and he slept a lot better. Ive actually stopped giving him Zantac before bed time. So perhaps it is his reflux. As for his stool, it was really green today like dark green. Not sure if panadol can change their stool colour.

Do you think he may now need something specific to reflux only, since it is the last issue we have left. His skin and stool is all okay now....which is just amazing!
VenessaM last decade
We need to get his health up to 100% though.

I would like to change to the remedy Cina 200c, looking at the symptoms that have remained a problem. Can you get that and give him a single dose as before.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yap I can get that.

Just looking at what he has left, would Cina help with the following David?

- cough due to reflux
- craving sweet
- acid relux
- congested nose due to reflux
VenessaM last decade
Using reflux to modify symptoms is not how we choose remedies in homoeopathy. Either the connection is not established as irrefutable, or the connection is common for people with the complaint. This means such a modification is of no value to us.

The same can be said for simply naming the condition as well. Every one of our 5000 remedies can cure reflux, if the pecuilar symptoms agree.

The symptoms I used were:

Green stool
Stool odour rotten eggs
Cough barking
Cough with lachrymation

This gave only 3 remedies, and of those 3 I decided Cina was most appropriate.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for the explanation David.

I'll be starting Cina tomorrow and go from there. The cough is definitely a concern, so would like that to be resolved soon.

Thanks again
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

My son has broken out with a lot of little pimples on his face this week. His always gotten little break outs actually on his face, but it's a bit more worse this week. Can it be an aggravation or teething?
His stool colour is looking a bit better. But he has been a bit more clingy, sooky, stubborn and has been vomiting a bit again.

As for the cough, I can still hear it at times. Still not gone away, but has improved a bit
VenessaM last decade
Hi David, I've changed my sons milk to stage 2 on friday which is suppose to have more iron and the protein of milk has more casein instead of the whey....getting hm ready for normal cows milk. The one he was on stage 1 had more whey and less casein so easier to digest. However since changing over to the stage 2 he is hiccuping more, he sounds more congested in the nose when he is drinking his milk. Yesterday for his day time sleep he even woke up screaming. His stool went really green again, but his stool today didn't look as green as the last 2 days.

I'm more worried about the hiccups and congested nose. His cough seems to have improved, but still coughs occasionally. Also when he hiccups his behaviour is more clingy. So he must be bothered by it.

Just not sure what to do, not sure if I should go back to stage 1 or just stick to stage 2 and get his body use to the new protein.
What are your thoughts?
VenessaM last decade
What happened with the Cina?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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