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6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 11 of 16

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Hi David,

My son is constipated again.....I don't know what is going on with him. All weekend we have gone back to being constipated. Also his getting this outbreak on his face particularly around the cheeks, but his been scratching his forehead and hair like crazy....to the point that the back of his neck is badly scratched, it evenly looks inflamed. The rest of his body is fine though. I don't though if this is eczema reappearing or if its from his sweat.

He is back on his formula, and I have give him Alumina drops 3 times already. But he is still straining and is only able to get little pellets out.

What do you think I should do? I feel like we are going backwards again.

Thanks heaps
VenessaM last decade
First step would be to get Alumina 200c in case it is simply a potency problem.

However, it is important to know if the remedy helped anything apart from the constipation. If it did not, the remedy may be ony acting locally and therefore will not take him any further.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well I think it did help him else where. You know that hoarse cough he gets, I haven't been hearing him do that as much

If anything he has had more of an outbreak on his face, but you have also told me that could be a good thing.

Am I still okay to get the 200c.
VenessaM last decade
Only thing David I can only get the 200c tomorrow, should I give him a dose of the 30c or just wait til tomorrow?
VenessaM last decade
Alumina is a big remedy for skin eruptions too.

Give him a dose of 30c but hit the bottle 10 times.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Will the skin eruptions eventually calm down though

Cause his face really flared up yesterday from the heat. I remember what sulphur did to him, and it was pretty bad.
VenessaM last decade
Direction of Cure tells us that complaints will cure from the inside out. This means that skin complaints will often be the last to clear up. Not only that, but they will often be used by the vital energy as a vent for the internal disturbance.

Are there any other changes? Anything in the behaviour or sleep or appetite?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Appetite has changed, he doesn't really want to eat as much. He wasn't eating a lot before. But these last couple of days he has hardly ate much and this morning too

Behaviour is still the same, he still likes to be wherever I am, itches his head a lot when his tired or agitated and his still stubborn. But he is also happy over all.

Is the outbreak behind the neck a common place? I guess that's where the sweat is too. And he was also scratching his forehead a lot yesterday. It seems like its calm down a bit today, but his neck is a little scabby from all the itchy
VenessaM last decade
Actually David, maybe im being over protective now but I'm feeling a little uneasy with giving Alumina because of the skin eruptions.

Could trying another be an option or not?
VenessaM last decade
Every remedy will aggravate the skin. Changing remedies will not stop that. It is the way of healing. Only orthodox medicine drives it the other way (inwards to harm the patient).

Wrong remedies will not aggravate him at all. Only partial similars and of course the simillimum itself will do that. Even a partial similar can create healing if the right parts of the case are being addressed.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for the explanation and reassurance David. I rather it come out from the skin than remain internally

It's good to know
VenessaM last decade
Hi Guys
Not quite sure if you are interested, but I manage an e-commerce store specialized in Eczema Relief and Management.
It is unique and leading store for all people affected by eczema.
We sell worldwide.
It is not only commercial but also educational, based on my long experience in dealing with Atopic Dermatitis.
We are very well-known for our audio-visual blog and Facebook.
Anything you need please send me an email.
christianaus last decade
Hi David,

Just wondering if you could help. I think my son may have caught a cold, his been sneezing a lot yesterday and today and last night he even woke up a couple times crying and sounding congested.
He has a little clear runny nose too, but not excessively. His not to upset about it and still quite happy

Just a couple of other things. His stool at times is a problem, at times it seems more on the hard side and not to much in qty and may need to go two or three times...but little amounts At times he may have just have a few little pellets. The colour of stool is brown when hard and a yellowish colour when it's softer. I haven't been needing to help him, but the consistency of his stool does not seem regular.

His still getting alot of pimples on his face too. I think the environment is affecting it. Over the weekend it flared up when he was in the pool water..., it would go really red...but as soon as I washed him and put moisturiser it gets better. He doesn't have any pimples on any part of his body. Sometimes he gets it when just eating food and wiping the food all over on his face. And it flares up too when teething. Or when his sweating or really hot.
VenessaM last decade
Can you list all his symptoms with a Better or Worse (or Same) and a percentage for me. I want to get an idea of overall improvement.

Be aware, there is a whooping cough epidemic starting in Australia - one that appears to hit vaccinated children and adults (as it always did quite frankly). I am starting to see those cases in clinic. If the respiratory symptoms worsen we will need to treat that asap. To be prepared, can you get Ant-crude, Drosera, Spongia, Cuprum metallicum. I cannot really guess what he will need but this tends to be a common spread of remedies that are useful.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Overall Symptoms:
reflux - as far as i can tell it is better, not requiring Zantac, or bringing up any spillag 80-90%
Hiccups - better 70-80%
Stool - a bit better, but still not great at times, sometimes normal (not to hard or soft), sometimes really hard and unable to get out much at one time 15-20%
Eating food - better 50-60%
Cough - I haven't heard the hoarse cough in a few weeks, so I would say better for now - 50-60%
Pimples on face - looks like its getting worse around the cheeks. White little pimples as well as red and inflamed
Congested nose - comes and goes,I guess now that he has a cold it has gotten worse
Clingy behaviour - better 50-60%
Stubborn behaviour - same, always wants his way
Sleep - at times fights his days sleeps and needs to be put in the pram to sleep. Night sleep generally okay, besides last night he kept waking up cause he was congested.

Thanks for letting me know about the whooping cough. Good to know
VenessaM last decade
That is a pretty good reaction across the board. Still some things to be worked on but overall that is great.

You haven't given him 200c of the Alumina yet have you?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes he has improved a lot, just a few things Still there

No I didn't give him 200c of the Alumina
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

I know when he had a cold last time you gave him Allium Cepa 30c and that seemed to help him. Not sure for this time though?

But he is sounding more congested and the nose is running more now
VenessaM last decade
Don't give him anything for the moment. When did you use Allium cepa?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
You prescribed it to him on the 13th of feb after he caught a cold straight after the tonsillitis episode and him taking the course of antibiotics More info is on page 9 top of page.
VenessaM last decade
Morning David,

My son had a really unsettled sleep last night and so did I cause of him, he must of woken up over 5 times. In the end I gave him some panadol but that honestly did nothing. I ended up giving him milk at 5am...but that disnt help either. I'm not really sure what is wrong with him besides sounding like he has a blocked nose. And maybe he could be a little banked up, cause he was straining all day yesterday. But he managed to get some stolen stool out though. His nose is not actually leaking today he just sounds congested. And he has dry mucous in his nose.

What do you think?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

I'm thinking of buying Alumina 200c. Another rough night last night. He is still very congested in the nose...seems like he is unable to breathe.

Am I okay to give it to him, since I never gave it to him the last time?
VenessaM last decade
What is the weather down there like at the moment? What are the days and nights like?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The weather has been temperamental. Mainly sunny lately though, but it has been cold at times and than humid. We have had a little rain too, but overall I would say nice.

I do know we were surrounded with another family on the weekend who were coughing all weekend. So I'm sure that could of impacted on his health as well as the pool aswell as this crazy weather.

He is not coughing though, just sounds like he has a cold and he has dry mucous in his nose.
VenessaM last decade
So the temperature during the day compared to the nights?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
A little cooler a night, but still comfortable. I wouldn't say to cold, but the temperature has been dropping at night
VenessaM last decade

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