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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Buck

You can discontinue the Silicea when the pus is no more but continue to take the Arnica which you can change the potency to 6c for life as I have done for the last 11 years.

Post your response regularly.
Joe De Livera last decade
Reading over the thread for days now, I have read from beginning to end and have written myself a prescription based on the findings of this thread, here it is:

Arinca 30c. 3 tablets in 500ml of water, remove 100ml of water (to allow for air)
slam bottle down on palm and watch for fizzing. take one capful moring & before bed daily. for life.

Silicia 6x . 2 tablets twice daily. one in moring, one before bed.

Neosporin (otc) or Bactraban (if you can get prescription). after BM & before bed.
no more than 7 days in a row. (pus should subside by then)
cleanse area thouroughly. apply finger cot to
index finger. lubricate with medicated ointment and insert into rectum on affected area.
Apply sanitary pad.
I use Johnson & Johnson 4' square gauze pad. I cut each individual pad
(which will open up like a napkin into 4 squares)
into 4 peices as it is entirely too thick individually out of the box.
Then fold the thinner cut 4' square in half and wedge in between buttox infront of anus
to catch any leakage of ointment and provide comfort for day.
change frequently (2-4 times) per day which would equal 1 pad cut in fourths.

Avoid Toilet Tissue at all cost.
Use baby wipes, or Tucks medicated wipes to cleanse area.
After BM shower is preferable, use of a Shower Massager that you can stream
water into affected area help with sanitation of area, then follow up with medicated Tucks*
wipe after, aloe vera will sooth wound.

You may add in Nat Phos if you have Constipation or hard stools, I do not. so removed it from my prescription.

and if anyone (Joe) has any input or agrees please inform me. I will follow up regularly to inform of progress once I receive my meds.
buck99se last decade
To Buck

You have got the therapy that I have suggested precisely as I indicated but I would like to emphasize that it is best to add the Nat Phos 6x to your medication as this neutralizes the lactic acid in the body which I believe is the original cause of the lesion which occurs when the chemical balance gets too acidic. 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x twice daily is the recommended dosage.

Also NO ALCOHOL please. Foods that are difficult to digest like red meat are best avoided.

An inflatable hollow rubber cushion to sit on is also advised as it takes the pressure off the affected area.

I have had many reports that antibiotic ointment is not easily available and till it is got you may use Calendula ointment which is available where you purchase homeopathic remedies.

I would like to emphasize that this therapy is by no means a quick fix as the cure may take a few months.

Whatever you do even when you feel desperate, DO NOT RESORT TO SURGERY unless on a SOS basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Warwick, and others,

>>I read up on it, success rates, side effects, recurrance rates - and said to myself - NO WAY -

I think everyone is different. Joe's remedy works for some, and doesnt for others. Similarly, surgery works for some (although Joe would not agree :) ), and not for others.

But the thing is, if you dont try both, how do you know which one works for you? and the other thing is, we all know the remedy path takes more time. And the surgery doesnt hurt more than getting the abcess drained.

So why not try the surgery? what harm can it do? if its not going to work for you, heck you'll be back where you are now, and then you can try the remedy.

But what if your body WAS going to respond positively to the surgery? but since you never tried it, you kept on taking the slow remedy and suffered longer when you DIDNT have to?

I tried the remedy for over 6 months. It didnt work cause it was a cycle: sumptoms would go away, then come back, and so on.

I got surgery 2 months ago, and now I can sit on my butt! :) I have no drainage anymore, and there is no wound there, its all healed (AH).

so, I really recommend to everyone, the worst that can happen is you end up back with the abcess etc. you have now? so if you have insurance, why not try surgery?

NP - no more! hehehe!
noproblemo last decade
i tryed surgery, I healed 99% and i've been stuck on 99% for 5 months. I have steady pus comming out of my rear but no pain to speak of, so i am of the opinion I do not have the abcess anymore. and the fistula was removed via fistulectomy so all i can conclude is that i have constant infection do to stoll getting into the wound daily. For me, this remedy should speed up the lagging recovery post op i have experiences. if it doesn't i'm only out about $25-30 dollars and a week of two. If i was in an extreme pain situation, I would seek medical attention immediately, but i'm not. I am able to perform daily duties, work...etc just with a minor inconvenience of adressing this constant pus (although only several drops worth a day) it is something I am concerned about. I will post back regularly to let everyone know how it goes, If i am successful I will be honest. If this is a crock of you know what, then I will reply with that too.

Thanks to everyone so far for your ongoing help. Together I feel we can all get a better understanding of how to get this under raps eventually!

buck99se last decade
Picked up the Nat Phos 6x today, and calendula, but i got the wrong thing calendula i think, this one is a 'lotion' not an ointment. or is this the right thing? it says it is for rashes and sunburns?
buck99se last decade
Hey buck -

calandula needs to be the ointment, not the lotion. Are you in the UK? Anyway, I use something called Neosporin for the antibiotic thing up my butt. Its lots of fun and seems to really expell left over infection. I Asked my homeopathic pharmacist about Calandula VS. Neosporin and aven HE said go with the neosporin - if that means anything to you. best - E
fistula last decade
Fistula, Thank you.

I have easy access to Neosporin, i will stick with that. I live in the U.S. California to be exact.

buck99se last decade
In the book titled 'The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler' by Boericke & Dewey, it speaks strongly about the successful treatment of anal fistula, by Dr. Fleury, as follows:

Calc phos 1X, thrice daily for one week, to be followed by Silicia 3X thrice daily the following week, and repeated, in that order, until cured.

Why isn't anybody trying this line of treatment, which, if I may add, has helped someone I know. The person I am referring to was ready for his second surgery, until, he started taking the above medication.

Additionally, the other factors, like controlling acidity and constipation, about which a lot has already been written in this forum, could work, side-by-side, with the main treatment, as mentioned.

Regards, Karim.
Karim last decade
Hi Joe,
Just got back from two weeks on holiday. Here is my report.
The day before I flew out a an abscess formed once again which thankfully cleared before the flight the next day. For the first week I took Arnica and Silicea (in tablet form under the tongue) three times a day as suggested. Did not have time to find an outlet where to obtain antibiotic cream (I live in UK), so used Anusol sparingly after each BM and smeared over the external openaing of the fistula every time I went swimming to stop it from getting infected. Didn't dare trying to swim in the sea though!!!

Another small abscess developed 9 days later but seemed to got bigger than usual before it eventually burst. Rest of final week I switched to the Arnica liquid dose as you suggested.
On saturday, the feeling around the external opening felt much better and for a while I didn't even know it was there. Unfortunately that was short lived as yesterday however, (Sunday) it had developed into the biggest abscess yet since I first had one over a year ago. It seemed that the exit hole which is tiny (mm or so in size) completely healed up and it took some time and a lot of discomfort and some pain before it burst again. No pus, just clear sticky liquid with a tiniest amount of blood mixed in.
The surrounding tissue was white and very inflamed and although it has now gone down again it still looks a bit white around the edges.
It is suppurating slighlty but that is subsiding again.

The turn around time is between 7-10 days before the abscess appears again.

Thats my report.
martinp last decade
Hey Buck - I'm in Southern California! Well good luck and keep the updates going.

TO KARIM - Maybe one of us will try that method, too. But for now, what we have seems to be working OK. COnsistency is important instead of just bouncing around - you know?
fistula last decade

I recently had a low grade fever of 100.7 the same day my menstrual cycle began. The fever only lasted a couple of hours, and it happened only that day. This is very weird to me. Now the area around my fistula is very swollen, I can barely sit or walk and it hurts. There is a large lump at the entrance of the vaginal opening which is very painful. Could my menstrual cycle have caused something?
hatechrons last decade
To Hatechrons

Your fistula seems complicated as I have just realized that you are a female.

If the therapy that I have advised does not help, you are advised to consult a surgeon for help as you have reported that the large lump is at the entrance to the vagina which can complicate matters.

Have you used the andibiotic on the finger directly inserted into the anus ? It occurs to me that the lump may be due to the accumulation of fecal matter in the fistula which is now blocked and causing pain. If you have the courage you may be able to dislodge it by gentle pressure from the bottom upwards and dislodge the lump which will then alleviate the discomfort.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

I read your wet dose is via the Gel form on Arnica30c.
However The Arnicamontana i have is the pellet type & they are the size of a BB. SHould i just disolve 3 of these small tablets in the water. or should I take these pills orally and if so how many per day?
buck99se last decade
Dear Joe,

In the store I can only find 'Natrum Phosphoricum". Is this the Nat Phos 6x that you mention in the thread?


jnazal last decade
To Buck

You should dissolve 3 pellets of the Arnica 30c in the 500ml bottle of water and proceed as instructed.

Dose is just a teaspoonful after shaking the bottle hard twice daily. You may use it thrice daily for the first week and reduce it down to twice later.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Jnazal

The Natrum Phosphoricum you have located is the Nat Phos that I have referred to but it must be only in the 6x potency.
Joe De Livera last decade
an update:

I was suspicious that the nat phos 6x was actually HARDENING my bowel movements. I stopped and the change was immediate. I am continuing with sitz baths, Arnica love potion silicea, and antibiotic ointment. I'm almost out of the woods with this thing!

Best - E
fistula last decade
I have read several of the comments and having suffered from this condition or a similar one I would just like to state that toilet paper may be the aggravating factor .In my case I just quit using it and washed with water and a mild bath soap liquid and presto that discomfort went away.I also quit certain foods that were likely to cause constipation and cause it to reoccur.Funny how it takes years sometimes to find a simple cure .
John Paul last decade
To John Paul

Thank you for sharing your discovery with us and I feel that many who now suffer from a Fistula and especially an Abscess may owe its origin to the abrasion that results from the toilet paper wipe which cleans the fecal matter only superficially from the anus but leaves the bacteria around to infect the tissue and thereby start the lesion which eventually leads to an abscess and later a fistula.

We in the East have always used water to wash after a BM and in modern homes we use a bidet which sprays a jet of water which washes the feces away completely. This is perhaps a reason for the low incidence of ailments connected to the anus in Sri Lanka.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Fistula

Your observation that Nat Phos 6x caused hardening of your stools is interesting and is the first time that this has been reported to me.

As long as the Arnica and the Silicea with the Antibiotic ointment is helping you and your fistula is drying up, that is all that is needed now for a complete and permanent cure.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Fistula,

My BM's seemed to be harder the first couple of days of taking Nat Phos, they also seem to smell worse as well. That however has seemed to pass and now they are back to normal.

also, I think i was pushing my finger too deep into the anus with the finger cot, and ointment, as i would have discomfort for several hours after. I now only insert about half an inch in otherwise it's itchy and irritated all day. Maybe as the Silicia & Arnica start to heal things i can get it in there with the antibiotic ointment further but right now when the body says no, you listen!
buck99se last decade
hi all,i just had a 2nd surgery to relieve my fistula issue.the first surgery was basically an exploritory event where the surgeon searched and opened up the blockage to relieve the pressure.prior to this surgery i had experienced a swelling around the anal area and went to my family doc.i had complained of the pain and inability to sit or do pretty much anything normal.although the pain and swelling was not noticible to the eye,it was there.my doc prescribed antibiotics which helped briefly.within a couple weeks the swelling was back,right around the time the antibiotics were done.i then went to local hospital.the attending doc suggested that i may have an absess and proceeded to cut open the area affected.he was unable to pierce the actual absess.i went home and that evening the absess made its own exit.this drained it and swelling went down.i went to my family doc who sent me to a specialist who did the first surgery.i was off work for about 1month.part of the healing process requiired me to do a 'sitz bath',which is as it sounds,you sit in the tub with hot water-as hot as u can handle.i would add some epson salts to help draw out the infection.1week after i returned to work,the wound healed over and the swelling/inflammation returned.i went back to the specialist who reopened the wound and had informed me of a new procedure which he wanted to do.the hospital had only allowed him so many of these procedures per year(3)?i was ticked but this is typical of canadian medical system.time passed and i got the surgery.what they did was install a'plug',which the best way i can describe is a tube that will not heal over and allows good drainage.this also allows air in to heal heal the inside.unlike old procedures,where the docs would open the infected area by trenching the tract causing the area to be open and require lots of cleaning and lots of pain,this procedure is done on a day patient basis.the procedure is basically an installation of a tube with a minimal amount of after care.it has been 3weeks since and i have been back to work for a week.so far so good.this surgeon has many american and canadian diplomas.he is a rectal surgeon and specializes in colon cancers,etc.he is a good surgeon but too busy to give good detail on what is going on.i will be going for follow up on 28aug06 and will update u all.if u have any questions u would like me to ask pls let me know.this has gone on for me for about 3yrs and really sucks.i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels this way.hopefully,this procedure is the way to go.thanx for ur input and i'll be happy to let u know if this works.anthony
anthonyp last decade
I have a similar story...started 2 months back with an abscess in the but which was very painful, went to doc he operated immidiately and put a suton, which I got removed last week. The pus has been leeking from the hole and it seems that fistula has developed. I will be seeing the doc again next week, who has already mentioned that in case of fistula will do surgery.

As the pus has been leeking since 2 months, I thought something is wrong and searched the internet for a Fistula Forum to gain some insight and found this one....I read all the 14 pages of this forum just now(took me 4 about hours) and have tried to summarize the information for the new joiners. Most of this information has been picked up directly/compiled from Joe's recomendation for the treatement and responses that I have seen.

Rest in next post...
summary last decade
Antibiotic Ointment is essential for the healing of the lesion in the anus. As you will realize the purpose of this messy insertion into the anus by the patient after every bowel movement is to ensure that the bacterial count in the lesion is kept as low as possible which in turn will help in the healing. This to be applied after every bowen motion (BM).

How to take the Medicines?
I have always recommended that any homeopathic remedy be used in the liquid dose. This is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you shake hard or bang against your palm to ensure bubbling every time before a teaspoonful which is then the dose is sipped twice daily.

This rule is only good for the c potencies and can therefore only apply to the Arnica. The Silicea 6x must be swallowed whole. 2 tablets is a dose.

You are welcome to do your regular exercise daily. Sitting in one place for long can exacerbate your problem and you are advised to use a hollow air pillow which will ease your discomfort.

Foods to be avoided are red meats, acidic fruits and veg like tomatoes, pineapples and of course alcohol which will cause distress almost immediately. Avoid Coffee. Avoid too much chilley.

Dose Details and Specifics:
1)Silicea 6x 2 tablets taken 3 times daily as DRY DOSE.. (While ordering be specific that BIOCHEMIC version is needed and not HOMEOPATHIC version. For example The silicea 6x I bought says on the label it is BIOCHEMIC ('according to the biochemic theory of Dr. W. H. Schuessler) and is made by Hyland's Homeopathic out of P&S Laboratories, LA, California. or label mighthave CELL SALT which is a biochemic form.)

2)Arnica 30c 2 pellets taken 3 times daily or Arnica 30c 3 pellets taken 2 times daily AS WET DOSE..

3) Nat Phos 6x 2 tablets taken after 2 meals.

4) Antibiotic ointment like Polyfax to the therapy.

From Where To Buy?
Washington Home Products manufactures the Biochemic version of Silicea 6x.
ABC (They might not have Biochemic version...chek to make sure.)

How is Fistula caused?

I believe that the etiology of a Fistula, Fissure or Abscess in the rectum usually starts with the abrasion of the inner lining of the anus which is caused by the passage of a hard constipated mass of fecal matter which causes a tear in the lining. This is infected by the passage of the stool and is further abraided by the passage of the next stool which is usually again hard and so on till the stage is set very quickly and within perhaps a week when an abscess forms. This leads to further damage which can end up in a fistula if the lesion caused by the stool is located further up deep in the sphincter muscle when the bacteria are locked in situ and the body responds by creating a duct or fistula to expel the mess.

(Just for clarification....In Above passages 'I' refers to Joe De Livera)

Regarding me....After reading the posts, I was kind of shocked to learn that I have something which doesn't seem to be 100% curable either through Surgery or Homeopathy....although I will get immidiately started with Homeopathy and see if I can avoid surgery.

summary last decade
I have a similar story...started 2 months back with an abscess in the but which was very painful, went to doc he operated immidiately and put a suton, which I got removed last week. The pus has been leeking from the hole and it seems that fistula has developed. I will be seeing the doc again next week, who has already mentioned that in case of fistula will do surgery.

As the pus has been leeking since 2 months, I thought something is wrong and searched the internet for a Fistula Forum to gain some insight and found this one....I read all the 14 pages of this forum just now(took me 4 about hours) and have tried to summarize the information for the new joiners. Most of this information has been picked up directly/compiled from Joe's recomendation for the treatement and responses that I have seen.

Joe and other contributers...Pls,correct and information that you think is wrong or need modification:

Disease: Fistula
Medicines: a) Silicea 6x
b) Arnica 30c (When getting cured, stop Silicea and use low dose Arnica (6))
c) Nat Phos 6x
d) Antibiotic ointment like Polyfax.

How Long to take?/What they do?:
The Silicea is only to be used till the fistula stops discharging while the Arnica can be continued nightly for life but in the lower potency 6c as it will help to keep up the blood supply in the affected area thereby preventing another fistula from developing. This is usually the problem with a fistula as it seems to be never ending and the only solution is surgery which again is never ending.
Nat Phos will help to soften hard stools which will irritate the delicate surface lining further.

Antibiotic Ointment is essential for the healing of the lesion in the anus. As you will realize the purpose of this messy insertion into the anus by the patient after every bowel movement is to ensure that the bacterial count in the lesion is kept as low as possible which in turn will help in the healing. This to be applied after every bowen motion (BM).

How to take the Medicines?
I have always recommended that any homeopathic remedy be used in the liquid dose. This is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you shake hard or bang against your palm to ensure bubbling every time before a teaspoonful which is then the dose is sipped twice daily.

This rule is only good for the c potencies and can therefore only apply to the Arnica. The Silicea 6x must be swallowed whole. 2 tablets is a dose.

You are welcome to do your regular exercise daily. Sitting in one place for long can exacerbate your problem and you are advised to use a hollow air pillow which will ease your discomfort.

Foods to be avoided are red meats, acidic fruits and veg like tomatoes, pineapples and of course alcohol which will cause distress almost immediately. Avoid Coffee. Avoid too much chilley.

Dose Details and Specifics:
1)Silicea 6x 2 tablets taken 3 times daily as DRY DOSE.. (While ordering be specific that BIOCHEMIC version is needed and not HOMEOPATHIC version. For example The silicea 6x I bought says on the label it is BIOCHEMIC ('according to the biochemic theory of Dr. W. H. Schuessler) and is made by Hyland's Homeopathic out of P&S Laboratories, LA, California. or label mighthave CELL SALT which is a biochemic form.)

2)Arnica 30c 2 pellets taken 3 times daily or Arnica 30c 3 pellets taken 2 times daily AS WET DOSE..

3) Nat Phos 6x 2 tablets taken after 2 meals.

4) Antibiotic ointment like Polyfax to the therapy.

From Where To Buy?
Washington Home Products manufactures the Biochemic version of Silicea 6x.
ABC (They might not have Biochemic version...chek to make sure.)

How is Fistula caused?

I believe that the etiology of a Fistula, Fissure or Abscess in the rectum usually starts with the abrasion of the inner lining of the anus which is caused by the passage of a hard constipated mass of fecal matter which causes a tear in the lining. This is infected by the passage of the stool and is further abraided by the passage of the next stool which is usually again hard and so on till the stage is set very quickly and within perhaps a week when an abscess forms. This leads to further damage which can end up in a fistula if the lesion caused by the stool is located further up deep in the sphincter muscle when the bacteria are locked in situ and the body responds by creating a duct or fistula to expel the mess.


(Just for clarification....In Above passages 'I' refers to Joe De Livera)

Regarding me....After reading the posts, I was kind of shocked to learn that I have something which doesn't seem to be 100% curable either through Surgery or Homeopathy....although I will get immidiately started with Homeopathy and see if I can avoid surgery.

summary last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.