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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

BXO treatment... Page 15 of 20

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Hi, Colloidal silver worked wonders for my BXO. I get a gel from good vitality. If you need anymore help feel free to contact me.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
dragonreborn, Colloidal silver should not affect your skin pigment unless its being mixed with something else. The man that turned blue was using it with many other drugs and was drinking a huge amount of it. Also the condition that he had can turn your skin blue. check out good vitality its a very good website also while your there look at the becks protocol.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
Zonatedsumo, can you elaborate on what you mean by it did wonders for your BXO? How bad was your BXO (as in, how thick, and where were you affected)? How long had you been treating yourself before you tried Colloidal Silver? What were the differences you observed?

I'm not doubting you. I just think it would be useful on threads like this about such a slow-healing disease for people to try and quantify how something was beneficial.
greaneyr 9 years ago
greaneyr Yes I will elaborate. I was diagnosed with BXO about 10 years ago. At first I thought I had Penile Thrush and I wished it was lol. I was given Canesten cream to apply topically. After a week or so I was refereed to my GUM clinic. It was there that I was diagnosed. My BXO started with splits on the foreskin then the scarring started. I got the white ring then it started spreading onto my frenulum and gland. The scarring was thick enough for me scrape away the skin but it always returned. The Dermovate that was prescribed by my Dr worked at first but then I only started to use it when scarring got really bad. Over the last ten years I never had a flair up as such until 2014, though the scarring always returned and I would just remove what I could (sometimes it would bleed removing the skin) It wasn't until mid 2014 I started flaring up, swollen Penis deep splits around foreskin. I had tried Manukka Honey in the past but that didn't seem to do anything apart from make my clothes sticky lol. Anyway my Scaring was raised and sometimes would collect urine thus sometimes making my penis smell. I was starting to pluck up the courage to visit a surgeon for a circumcision and then I stumbled across the Becks Protocol. This was by complete accident as I was looking for natural ways to fight tumor as my father had bowl tumor. When I started doing my research I started reading people responses to Dr Robert Becks Protocol. Now some of his finding I think have to be taken with a pinch of salt but a lot of his work is really good. I see BXO as a persistent onslaught of thrush. After reading a lot on Colloidal Silver I took the plunge but I also Zap (see becks zapping) So In March of this year I had a flair up and I decided to use the colloidal silver 2 -3 times a day, to my amazement the scaring seemed to rub of like dead skin though it is struggling a little bit on my Frenulum. I would do your research first on colloidal silver as its not prohibited by the FDA I believe. I can say that scarring is now flat and my skin has returned back to its normal colour apart from a tiny bit on my frenulum. Anymore info just ask.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
I have a 500ppmn solution of colloidal silver..can i apply that directly or is it too much concentrated...or do i need a gel instead..pr perhaps add the colloidal silver to something like creme complete and mix it in and add it on the penis
thanks man
Vic75 9 years ago
So with the gel, your bxo is still there but manageable?
does it come back?
Vic75 9 years ago
Vic75, 500PPM I am of the understanding that Colloidal silver should be no more tha 20ppm. Please don't take that as gospel as I am not a biologist but please visit good vitality as Chris Hyslops does a great job of explaining it. (http://www.goodvitality.com/colloidal-silver-10-c.asp)

The gel is good because its sticky. As for the BXO returning so far so good. But as I have said in a previous post BXO in my option is like Thrush its in your system so it may return. I hardly notice my BXO anymore visually but I am always checking
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
So I decided to order some Sovereign Silver Gel from Iherb as your gel company does not take visa lol Lets hope it works..
Vic75 9 years ago
Vic75, I hope it helps keep me posted. As for the Visa lol have no idea. They accept Visa Debit or Credit card. Are you from the States? If so Would be cheaper for you anyway to order from Iherb. I hope I have been able to help you anyway and fingers crossed it works :)
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
I have lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. They say its the same as BXO but i dont think so. THey call it autoimmune..Inflammation inside my gland somehow atrophy's the urethra inside my gland and at the entrance as well..Hole gets smaller..My gland skin was white and shiny..I had phismosis and got circumcised..

I did the tto-dmso for more than a week and was able to remove layers of white skin..I dont have the normal hard skin as bxo people do but im hoping in removing the white skin that the disease will go away and stop atrophying...I dont have alot of itchiness or pain like most LS people do thank god but i dont want meatal dilation in the future as it creates more problems
Vic75 9 years ago
Im in Canada and when i tried to order from your site they only gave me one choice in credit cards...weird..
ANyhow Iherb is cheap and so is their normal shipping...I really hope your theory will work.

How long did it take to get some skin peeling?? Do you think the gel goes in deep inside the skin? And do you think the gel can be used inside the urethra inside the gland, not just the entrance...as i have urethral shrinkage there.

[message edited by Vic75 on Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:37:52 BST]
Vic75 9 years ago
Vic75, Sorry for the late response my dog was in the vet being spay, so been occupied with her. Let me look at Lichen Sclerosus et atrophicus for a bit and get an understanding. If its a autoimmune issue you may want to get colloidal silver into your blood to help best way to do this is via the rectum. Please check out all the videos at good vitality on colliodal silver before applying it or putting it into your body. As for the applying in the urethra I am not sure. Email chris hyslop am sure he would more than happy to help. I will get back soon.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
I have been drinking collidal silver for a whikle internally..a 20ppm drink. Didnt help with my lichen sclerosus. I have been applying what people have been doing on this forum a topical solution of DMSO and tea tree oil which would kill off diseased skin on the gland..its every few days i would get some peeling..like you got with your colloidal silver gel...SO Im wondering if adding that onto my glands will be as efficient..

BXO is considered autoimmune as well..its just that the symptoms are different..i don't get the hard white skin,,,my glands where a shiny white..but the problem is that there is always some for of inflammation inside in sort helps in atrophying the entrance of the penis..MY theory was that whatever white you guys had on the penis was causing your trouble..my white inside the glands was causing an immune reaction..thus getting rid of the white might help in the inflammation...

Im just wondering if your CS gel goes deep into the skin glands to reach the diseased skin..

Interesting idea with the CS inserted into rectum.
I wll have a look into your videos. thanks
Vic75 9 years ago
Ok so its seems that BXO refers to men and Lichen to women some what. What I have read so far is all very confusing as both Lichen and BXO are poorly studied. I don't know much about DMSO. Drinking colloidal silver is pointless as the stomach acid will neutralize the silver turning it a blue/black colour thus the best way is via the rectum according to Chris Hyslop. I am not how deep the CS will penetrate, but I was thinking that if your inflammation is affecting the urethra maybe drawing some gel up in a syringe and pumping into the opening. Do that at your own risk my friend its just an idea.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
well i wrote to chris and he only replied to try the CS gel as i told him i was going to try it. guess all i can do is what till i get it and try it out!! but will order some 20ppm solution and syringe and tubing..if the gel doesnt help
Vic75 9 years ago
Good luck keep me posted. Also check out the Becks Protocol and see if you can find anything in there can help with the Lichen.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
Have you guys tried any kind of diets? i have read about that leaving out dairy and sugar could be helpful against this disease.

But i have problems leaving the milk out of my morning coffee...
jomppa 9 years ago

I unfortunately took a bit of a 'shotgun' approach to treating my bxo in that regard. I cut out dairy (as much as I could) at the exact same time as I began using treatments and keeping the area dry. At least one of those treatments worked, but I will never know for certain which it was.

I get rosacea on my face, but I noticed that in cutting out dairy, it goes away. If I eat some food with a lot of dairy in it, by the next day my face will have the red patches again. So clearly, dairy is something that isn't great for me. Whether cutting out dairy has had an affect on my BXO or not, I'm just not sure.

I also tried cutting out sugar. The trouble is, which 'sugar' do they mean when they say 'cut out sugar'? Sucrose? Maltose? Glucose? Fructose? They are all sugars, and it's extremely difficult to avoid them all. I personally tried cutting out excessive amounts of sucrose (table sugar, the one that the warning labels imply is as bad as cigarettes these days) but didn't notice any difference anyway.
greaneyr 9 years ago
True, avoiding all of the sugars is really difficult, but trying to keeping it at minimal is the best i could do.

Also there's this "Low Oxalate Diet" which people have tried and had good results against bxo, but i'm just too lazy make a entire change on my eating habits.

So far my foreskin looks like "BXO free" but im still not completely sure if im cured, though i think the tto+dmso mixture makes your skin whiter than normal.

I still keep taking red clover + fish oil capsules daily and applying tto+dmso mixture two times a day.

What comes to the diet i drink like 2 litres of water daily and don't eat/drink anything with lots of sugars in them.

Thinking if should just now start applying tto+dmso mixture as often i could daily or keep going twice daily.
jomppa 9 years ago

I should be getting my colloidal silver gel soon.

Can you please tell me how long before you noticed that your BXO skin started to peel off?

My problem is more internal than external like yours..Hoping it will help me like it helped you..At night sometimes it stings to urinate as the urethra inside the gland has gotten way small.
Vic75 9 years ago
I just received this afternoon my Sovereign Silver Gel...though i was able to order some CS Gel from good vitality plus the parafilm sheets the guy was talking about in one of the vids to cover the affected area so the CS Gel can go deeper...

Anyhow I sure hope i did the right thing in buying from Sovereign Silver..it doesnt tell you how much ppm is in there and they call it homeopathic ...."contains both homeopathic levels of silver (10x, 20x, 30x), as well as agentum metallicum, meaning metallic silver (the amount of argentum metallicum is unspecified). "...anyhow..gotta try everything..cant live with his disease
Vic75 9 years ago
Hi Vic75, Sorry for late reply been planning a 60th birthday. Ok in regards to skin peeling off was about 2 days and about a week till the scaring was almost flat. As for sovereign silver I cant help you as I have not used it or done any research into it. I really hope it helps anyway. Update on my BXO. So a couple of days ago I noticed that the scaring was starting to get thicker nothing out the ordinary, now I am trying to work out if this was a food and drink related scar thickening or old medication based. So for the last week I have had more sweet food than I would usually and alcohol,but if you remember I was still having some scaring on my frenulum so I tried using the dermovate which is steroid based to soften the ski. Unfortunately no such luck but shortly after that the scaring started to get thicker. I am using the CS again and hoping that my body hasn't got use to it. Have you started using your silver and if so how is it going?
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
omppa, very interesting. I am also starting to think that it is definitely related somehow to diet. This is why I believe it is thrush based as thrush can be brought on my bad diet and sugar.
Zonatedsumo 9 years ago
I've been on a low car diet and never saw a difference..i dont eat bread...nothing gluten..mostly rice pasta and boiled veggies and thats it..no milk..almost no meat..no difference..its almost a low oxalate diet but didnt see a difference..its not completely low oxalate but close.

I had an std 10 years back which got killed by using liquid nitrogen to burn it..damaged skin probably brought on the LSA due to the urine being in contact with the skin...I think..DOctors might say its an autoimmune problem because I have rheumatoid arthritis but Im hoping its not as they can label autoimmune on anything.

The sovereign silver after 1 day didnt do anything..its kind of too liquidy.. I have ordered some CS gel from good vitality and some parafilm sheets to cover my gland with so that the gel can go in deeper...the sovereign silver gel seems to dry up quick or its absorbing and i dont see it..anyhow...I will stop the DMSO and tto and continue with the sovereign silver until i get my shipment from good vitality..Chris on good vitlaity shows promise with CS gel when it comes to things that doctors cant treat but BXO/LS seems to counteract all logic..and that is not possible..so hoping this new gel will get into that skin and atleast do something.
Vic75 9 years ago

Have you tried to use para film with the CS gel to make it go deeper into the skin? I believe you are not getting to the root of the BXO in your case.

Have you ever thought of trying out for a few weeks dmso and Tea tree oil? you area is localized and easy to treat...

Sovereign silver after 2 days is doing nothing visually..not even sure its getting into the skin..will see after getting the cs gel from good vitality...if that doesnt work i might try CS liquid injected rectally for better absorption
Vic75 9 years ago

Thank you for all the information in this thread. Had the same issue for several years and just wanna leave my thoughts about it here. I used the teatree/dmso/emu combo for several months, it improved my situation well, but not completely. I found that keeping it dry, is the most essential part in curing it. I stopped using the dmso and only focused on keeping it as dry as possible. I used a foreskin retractor for 4 weeks and all my symptoms were gone after it. I recommend anyone who suffers from this to give it a try, worked for me, can't say it will work for everyone though.
I used this myself: (never mind, can't post url, new account) but any kind of retractor should work fine. Best of luck to everyone
habanos 9 years ago

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