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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 2 of 36

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Just woke up - havent taken merc yet. On waking choking sensation is gone, throat feels sore as if I have a mild flu but with no other flu symptoms. Spent the night waking up from clenching and grinding teeth, jaw aches, ears are full.

The calc f cell salts is it 2 tabs 2x a day?
ASmith2 last year
You can take Merc 30c for sore throat, feeling like mild flu, night grinding of teeth, ear fullness.
Calc-f : Yes, 2 tabs, 2 times a day, for now continue for 2 weeks.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-09-16 09:26:34]
JustSayin2 last year
Im wondering if I have a mild case of thrush, I can see some white residue on the very back of my throat on the right side. Where I can only eat carb rich foods and no garlic, onions, spices, vinegar....Perhaps carb rich diet is causing it? The choking feeling is back again as is the stress.

The feeling is primarily in the area I circled and going down deeper and feeling as if it comes from back of nose.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-09-16 15:40:27]

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ASmith2 last year
Will let you know if I find anything helpful, sensation is back after taking Merc. ?
JustSayin2 last year
Sensation was there before and after. No change.

Another thought...I always had molar pain in the top molars on the right side in spring and fall, dentist could never find any infection, but I had the ear fullness and throbbing molar pain, the molar pain was so bad I clenched on my tooth one night and popped it out of the socket - those upper right molars had to be extracted. Since the extraction I get the ear pain and now throat issues...could it be related?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-09-16 17:02:04]
ASmith2 last year
Any improvement with sore throat after Merc?

In your morning update you mentioned that the choking sensation was gone and you just had a sore throat, which is why I recommended Merc, it was recommended not for choking sensation.

There is a whole network of nerves in this area, so everything is related and may be one of the causes of ear fullness or other problems in that area, not sure if its the only cause. Was choking also on the list of problems that started afterwards?
JustSayin2 last year
The choking sensation came back before taking merc.
Its sort of like the feeling like theres a lump of cotton or something of that nature stuck on the back of my throat. sometimes it feels difficult to swallow as if theres something getting stuck from the nostrils during dry swallowing. when eating or drinking it dosent feel as bad.
ASmith2 last year
Based on the information in your last post, was able to narrow the search down to 2 remedies.
Graphite is the only one that has the problem of choking on empty swallowing. It also has the sticky feeling in the ears that you had yesterday morning.
Graphites has this symptom for choking on empty swallowing - (On swallowing sensation of lump in throat, and especially on empty swallowing a constrictive retching from oesophagus up to larynx.) Does this ever happen in your case?

Phosphorus is the only remedy that has the sensation of cotton stuck in the back of the throat. It is also indicated for thin white skin with visible veins.
JustSayin2 last year
constrictive retching from oesophagus up to larynx - not like this. down from nose to upper throat. But yes worse on empty swallowing, no retching.
ASmith2 last year
Throat thing is still there.
I just tried a pear and within minutes have belching, flatulence and a terrible pain in the center of my stomach just above the belly button like I was punched.
ASmith2 last year
Try single dose of Carb-v 30c. Take half a teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Been a few hours since taking the carbo-veg, a little less gas but Im nauseated, I feel oddly hungry but nauseated at the same time, some burning in the stomach as well.
ASmith2 last year
If you are still experiencing the above symptoms and still have that cotton feeling on the back of your throat, try a dose of Phosphorus 30c, half a teaspoon dose.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-09-20 05:43:15]
JustSayin2 last year
I took the phosphorus 30 and it seemed to help a little bit but the throat issue return every evening. Today it felt like my throat had a mild sprain-like feeling in the morning, was mildly irritating with a feeling of something stuck throughout the day but got worse as evening came with it feeling like a larger dry cotton stuck. My teeth are paining again as well. Upper left molars and well as the mild infection in my upper left canine.
ASmith2 last year
Phos may have overreacted a bit, update again when you wake up if there is any change.
Any improvement in right pointer finger joint?
JustSayin2 last year
Finger joint has improved, throat is improved as it usually is in morning.
ASmith2 last year
What about toothache and upper-left canine infection?
JustSayin2 last year
Toothache seems improved a little but comes and goes, canine is the same.
ASmith2 last year
Try a single dose of Hepa Sulph 30c. Double the cup size, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Havent taken the sulph yet,
On waking sinuses are very blocked right nostril and right ear.
ASmith2 last year
Try a single dose of Merc 30c. Double the cup size, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Sinuses improved after merc now right eye is burning and irritated again, I cant remember what you prescribed for that.
ASmith2 last year
Try Apis 30c.
Always check your symptoms with me first and never take anything from memory because it worked last time.
JustSayin2 last year
I didnt take the apis because my eye seemed to improve. But its bad again, slightly blurry feels like hairs in my eye and there a clear gel on the white of my eyeball but not bloodshot. Ive been spending more time on the computer and theres wood smoke on the air. Teeth feel sensitive. I was able to eat beets without issue so Im happy about that.
ASmith2 last year
Try Euphrasia 30c, single pellet dissolved in cup of water and ½ teaspoon dose.
If you have to spend excess screen time, try wearing Blue-Light filter glasses if not already doing so, remedies will only provide temporary relief as its not a disease to get rid of.
Sensitive to hot/cold/pressure/anything else, which tooth, which side?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-09-29 06:55:39]
JustSayin2 last year
On waking eye is still irritated but not as bad
Upper left molars and canine are sensitive.
Right ear is clogged each morning.
ASmith2 last year

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