The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 5 of 36
ASmith2 last year
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
Oh my eye had improved but is now getting worse again, not sure if its lachesis or something else.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-14 18:53:42]
ASmith2 last year
Eye is feeling irritated (stiff feeling) and watery.
ASmith2 last year
Eye has improved but still watery.
Canine tooth mildly infected again and tobacco seeming harsh again making me cough.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-15 22:17:56]
ASmith2 last year
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
Teeth are hurting bad, upper left molars feel ultra sensitive to hot, cold and chewing, feels rotten, upper left canine smells bad and is mildly infected.
Odd sensation in upper stomach like heartburn but a cool sensation as if minty but didnt eat mint, burping up some particles of food, also have flatulence.
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
Throat improved but still slightly dry feeling and annoying.
Im feeling tired of never feeling at ease, theres always some symptoms that are bothering me and I have trouble to not focus on them.
ASmith2 last year
Same remedy came up which was also indicated for tobacco addiction, desire for smoking and for black fly bites: Caladium.
Its about time you arrange for Caladium.
Smoking either interferes with or negates the positive effects of remedies. For most of your stomach symptoms (which was your initial problem), remedies work well, but for your sinus and throat symptoms, they always fall short of a cure. Smoking also has an effect on the health of your teeth. If you cant quit smoking, then arrange this remedy.
JustSayin2 last year
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ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
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