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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 6 of 36

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Try Apis 30c, ½ teaspoon dose.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-19 07:30:27]
JustSayin2 last year
Never took anything yet, all other symptoms are gone except mild constipation and throat which is worse than usual, throat is sore as well as feeling stuck, I was out in the garden yesterday harvesting when it got worse, Im thinking perhaps a mold and/or pollen allergy.
ASmith2 last year
Try Thuja 30c.
JustSayin2 last year
Throat improved greatly after taking the Thuja - Thank you.
Im still constipated and developing a small hemorrhoid. The pain under my rib and just above my belly button on the right side has returned, it feels like a muscle strain.
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
Pain subsided without Aesculus. Throat is bad again, glad under right jaw is also swollen and theres a tender pain in the ligament directly under the jaw bone in front of the ear lobe. Throat feels as if something is stuck, more lower in the throat at the base of tongue, feels dry yet thick, I can see some white on the very back of throat behind the fold.

I have a dental appointment in the early morning to address the upper left molars although they are not paining at the moment.
ASmith2 last year
Try this after your visit.
Try Belladonna 30c for swollen and tender gland under the right jaw, followed by a dose of Arsenicum album 30c for throat symptoms, after a gap of 2 hours or more.
JustSayin2 last year
Just got back from dentist, couldnt stay for appointment as I got pressure in my head and sinuses with a floating sensation, burning eyes and a gravel feeling in the throat due to the strong smell of bleach.
ASmith2 last year
What about old symptoms are they any better?
JustSayin2 last year
Most have improved after shower and fresh air except for my left eye - feels like hairs in the bottom lid, watery and thicken eye gel.
ASmith2 last year
Its like everything is going wrong again. Stomach pains center above belly button like I was punched. Nauseated. Belching with heartburn. Face is flushed but feet are cold. Upper left teeth sensitive to hot and eye tooth irritated. Nose is stuffy, jaw joint below right ear is tender and Ive been slightly dizzy - more like a floating or lifting sensation. Left eye feels stinging and watering.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-25 22:13:37]
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
All these symptoms came on suddenly or gradually?
JustSayin2 last year
Everything has improved somewhat on its own, came on suddenly after being exposed to something at dentists office. I still have heartburn slightly and upper left teeth sensitive to hot. Right sided swollen gland and sore throat/back of tongue.
ASmith2 last year
Try single dose of Nat-mur 30c, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Took nat-mur before bed, on waking throat, ear and gland are the same, sinuses are blocked and Ive developed a cough - In the past I would cough on waking but havent had this issue in more than a year.

Stomaching is squeaking, not much of an appetite
ASmith2 last year
Try Merc 30c.
Is Upper left teeth any better to heat sensitivity after Nat-m?
What were your ear symptoms?
JustSayin2 last year
Things have changed again - as usual. Ill update in the morning as our times are quite different and by morning things may have changed again. Right now the left side of my throat is sore and red (Unusual for me), right side is not as bad, gland is slightly tender but improved. Ive been sneezing a lot this week and today. Left eye is bad again, teary and stinging. Stomach improved but still some pain, random sharp pains in center and under ribs that dont last but are intense for a few seconds. Teeth are improved, molars slightly sensitive to hot, canine tooth is okay.
ASmith2 last year
Most things have improved this morning except my left eye is teary and feels like theres a foreign object in it.
ASmith2 last year
Is there a particular part of the left eye where this foreign body sensation is more?
JustSayin2 last year
the gritty feeling like hairs in under the lower lid, the acid feeling under the upper lid. Im wondering now if its hormonal as the last time in was this intense was during menstruation as well.
ASmith2 last year
Try single dose of Pulsatilla 30c, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Eye improved on its own. On waking I have a very sore throat, right sided, swollen gland, extends to ear, tickle in right bronchial tube, mild headache, stuffy nose feels a bit fluish took a homeocoksinum just in case.
ASmith2 last year
If homeocoksinum fails to help and your symptoms do not change, try Belladonna 30c, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Throat is getting worse, down deep in right side - feeling it just above collar bone and up to back of tongue, neck is stiff to the right side of windpipe. Have a frontal forehead headache and feels generally tired. - Ill try the Belladonna.
ASmith2 last year
Oh the Caladium has arrived
ASmith2 last year

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