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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 4 of 36
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Dont take Bella, wait a while, this symptom may pass like the others.
Do you have Tabacum?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 00:05:12]
Do you have Tabacum?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 00:05:12]
JustSayin2 last year
Ill check if I have it today.
Once again on waking eustachian tube is blocked, sinuses are also stuffy and throat is sore.
Once again on waking eustachian tube is blocked, sinuses are also stuffy and throat is sore.
ASmith2 last year
Try Calc-carb 30c, double the cup size and ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
I dont have Tabacum - only in an ant-smoking blend.
Sinuses and estuation tube cleared after taking Kali Mur cell salt.
Right now the thing bothering most is my throat, stuck feeling in intense with also some feeling of soreness (rawness) nothing much to see only some white film on the back of throat on right side. Feeling quite anxious with the choking sensation again.
Should I try the calc-carb still?
Oh just another thing - cold weather is moving in here and I suffer badly from cold clamy hands and feet, my skin looks dry but they feels cold and damp to the point I shiver all over and my fingers and toes pain, in winter I often get chilblains. I always wear warm socks and gloves but nothing helps, its almost as if I feel cold from the inside.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 16:35:36]
Sinuses and estuation tube cleared after taking Kali Mur cell salt.
Right now the thing bothering most is my throat, stuck feeling in intense with also some feeling of soreness (rawness) nothing much to see only some white film on the back of throat on right side. Feeling quite anxious with the choking sensation again.
Should I try the calc-carb still?
Oh just another thing - cold weather is moving in here and I suffer badly from cold clamy hands and feet, my skin looks dry but they feels cold and damp to the point I shiver all over and my fingers and toes pain, in winter I often get chilblains. I always wear warm socks and gloves but nothing helps, its almost as if I feel cold from the inside.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 16:35:36]
ASmith2 last year
Try Lyc 30c for throat. When your other symptoms improved, did the feeling of choking come back?
JustSayin2 last year
For chilblains - Is there a particular colour? (blue/purple/..)
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 18:14:26]
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 18:14:26]
JustSayin2 last year
Yes the feeling of something stuck in throat didnt go away but worsened when the other symptoms improved.
Chilblains are usually red to purple. They are not present now but hands and feet are terribly cold - the weather is not extremely cold yet by any means, its 9C and raining.
Oh and the pain under my right rib returned today.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 18:20:21]
Chilblains are usually red to purple. They are not present now but hands and feet are terribly cold - the weather is not extremely cold yet by any means, its 9C and raining.
Oh and the pain under my right rib returned today.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 18:20:21]
ASmith2 last year
Returned after taking Lyc or before?
Is it the same sore pain located in the right lower ribs, which feels like something poking from within?
Is it the same sore pain located in the right lower ribs, which feels like something poking from within?
JustSayin2 last year
I havent taken the lyc yet I was waiting to hear from you.
Yes same pain in ribs now also have some lower heartburn.
And eye is watering again. Not stinging just watering.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 20:34:24]
Yes same pain in ribs now also have some lower heartburn.
And eye is watering again. Not stinging just watering.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 20:34:24]
ASmith2 last year
Lyc covers all the symptoms you are experiencing. You can try it.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 20:49:46]
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-10-06 20:49:46]
JustSayin2 last year
Okay Ill take lyc now.
Went for a short walk around the neighborhood and eye is stinging and burning again. Have a headache on top of skull and forehead too.
Im getting frustrated with the on-and-off symptoms that I cant figure out the triggers.
I just wanted to add now that my eye is really bad again my throat is not as bad....something seems to alternate???
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 21:50:55]
Went for a short walk around the neighborhood and eye is stinging and burning again. Have a headache on top of skull and forehead too.
Im getting frustrated with the on-and-off symptoms that I cant figure out the triggers.
I just wanted to add now that my eye is really bad again my throat is not as bad....something seems to alternate???
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-06 21:50:55]
ASmith2 last year
within 30 minutes of taking the lyc everything has improved, not better but tolerable. However my molar became sensitive again while drinking warm tea.
ASmith2 last year
Pain under rib has returned, eye is getting bad again as is mild headache. Molar is sensitive, the eye tooth has some mild discharge as well.
ASmith2 last year
Try Sulphur 30c. Double cup size, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Teeth improved after Sulphur but Eye is still bad and stuck feeling in throat is bad again.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-08 20:38:30]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-08 20:38:30]
ASmith2 last year
Irritated like a hair but more watery and sticky, theres a clear lumpy gel over the white of my eye.
ASmith2 last year
If there is no change in the above symptoms, try Euphrasia 30c, double cup size and ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Stomach has become nauseated as well, feeling hungry but fills up easily with bloating and nausea. Some heartburn and pain in stomach from center to lower left.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-09 00:16:18]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-09 00:16:18]
ASmith2 last year
JustSayin2 last year
I wake up most every morning with a stuffy nose and a tight estuation tube (right side) which improves on moving about.
Most every evening with a sore throat and the feeling of something stuck (right side) that causes anxiety which improves by morning and returns again by early evening.
This morning is the same - right side stuffy nose and estuation tube.
Stomach feels a little tender (low left of belly button) but I feel hungry (havent eaten yet) no nausea.
Last remedy taken was Sulfur.
Most every evening with a sore throat and the feeling of something stuck (right side) that causes anxiety which improves by morning and returns again by early evening.
This morning is the same - right side stuffy nose and estuation tube.
Stomach feels a little tender (low left of belly button) but I feel hungry (havent eaten yet) no nausea.
Last remedy taken was Sulfur.
ASmith2 last year
I’m still looking for a remedy for your alternating throat and R nose-ear symptoms. If I find something that matches your case, will let you know.
Has your left eye improved?
Meanwhile, you can keep me informed of any other symptoms or observations.
Has your left eye improved?
Meanwhile, you can keep me informed of any other symptoms or observations.
JustSayin2 last year
Im waiting to try again for bloodwork, I was told to drink 3 cups of water on an empty stomach, on drinking I got cramps, gas and very soft stool. Cramp like gas trapped in the center of stomach just above belly button. Belching and smelly flatulence.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-11 13:15:41]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2023-10-11 13:15:41]
ASmith2 last year
Try Carb-V 30c, single, wet, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you, symptoms of flatulence subsided after Carbo veg.
ASmith2 last year
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