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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 28 of 36
JustSayin2 3 months ago
ASmith2 3 months ago
Eyes feel better just burning as if tired
Teeth still pain - deep ache around eye tooth which is odd because the root is dead and mummified.
Nausea improved
Shoulder and arm pain is mild
Most significant change is my big toe, the purple skin on the knuckle suddenly became very itchy and dry looking and I just feel generally unwell, nothing specific just unmotivated and sickly.
Ill update on waking.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Left eye slightly gritty
Teeth feel okay except some irritation of the gums around eye tooth
Mild poking pain in my lower left side with some flatulance
Shoulder and arm feel okay
Big toe okay with some visible discolored dry skin
Feeling generally well and hungry.
Oh maybe I should mention Im a few days late on menstruation (Im usually very regular) and only having some light spotting.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-02 10:25:40]
ASmith2 3 months ago
Any change in the condition of broken capillaries on the cheeks?
Menses delayed by how many days?
JustSayin2 3 months ago
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-02 12:47:57]
ASmith2 3 months ago
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ASmith2 2 months ago
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ASmith2 2 months ago
For the rest of your symptoms you can try Carb-v 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-02 14:17:58]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
ASmith2 2 months ago
Right ear feels clogged
Throat and tongue not as bad as last night but still feels sore
Stuffy nose
Gland under right jaw tender and swollen
Feels as if getting a flu but Ive felt like this many times and it usually dont amount to much
Pain in the left thumb joint, sharp stitching pain if I pull with it (like pulling up pants)
Capillaries still visible in face and neck
arm feels very mildly tender
Big toe feels fine still a bit darker than other toes.
stomach is grumbly with mild gas feeling hungry.
Mensuration has just been a few random light spots aside from one heavy spot after shower yesterday morning.
ASmith2 2 months ago
JustSayin2 2 months ago
ASmith2 2 months ago
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Had a bad cramp in right side last night but has now passed.
On waking:
Mild productive cough - coughing up a few small round balls of phlegm.
Sinus pressure
Right ear feels congested
Teeth feel sensitive
Throat is okay but have a mild taste of infection from the right side when dry swallowing.
Arm has mild pain
Thumb joint is okay
Flatulence but not foul
Big toe has no physical symptoms but has a patch of dry discolored skin
Eyes are a bit sticky but nothing too bad
Capillaries on face and neck still same
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-04 10:16:39]
ASmith2 2 months ago
For the rest of the symptoms, continue to monitor for now.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
On waking:
Still having mild fluttering sensations in middle/right chest and feeling as if I cant get deep enough breath (not as bad as when brisk walking)
Constipated, gassy with some pressure/gurgling in lower left side.
Menstruation is normal flow now - a week late
Feeling very cold in nose fingers & toes
Right ear is mildly clogged (maybe slightly better after Kali-mur)
Right side of throat is sore again but not as bad as 2 days ago.
Capillaries are same.
ASmith2 2 months ago
What is your pulse?
Do you still have feeling of that indigestion high in your chest?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-05 13:19:54]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Havent gone for a brisk walk today. Fluttering sensations have stopped and the feeling of not getting enough breath has passed.
Left eye driving me crazy again feels as if something is scratching in the outer corner, thick clear gel along outer lower water line.
Upper joint in index finger on right hand stated paining for no apparent reason, nothing visible to see be feels bruised and swollen.
Still have flatulence - lots but not foul, feeling abnormally hungry even after eating.
ASmith2 2 months ago
yes feeling of indigestion is still high in chest after eating
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-06 00:55:46]
ASmith2 2 months ago
Ever had pain in the same area of your index finger before?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-06 06:52:52]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Theres gas trapped in my upper chest, feels like Im having heart issues but when I massage the area or gently roll my body back & forth and stretch up Im able to pass some (belch).
ASmith2 2 months ago
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-06 18:09:26]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Today wasnt too bad, tired with little appetite but was up at 4am outside recovering what was left to our greenhouse after huge wind/rain storm.
Lower back aches
Swelling along outer edge of nail on big toe is bag - makes toe feel as if stubbed
Random finger joints on both hands have mild ache
Upper arm had mild pain
Teeth are very sensitive to cold and theres an odd deep ache at the roots of upper right teeth
throat mildly sore on right side
both ears mildly clogged
Lots of flatulence
Eyes are a bit gritty but nothing too bad
Capillaries on face and neck still same
ASmith2 2 months ago
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