This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Started sneezing quite a bit, nose is running - sinuses feel less pressure.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Same pain in the roof of your mouth as before?
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Yes like a burn but it seems to be coming and going at random.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Feeling of something stuck in throat is worse again, throat is also sore as is back of right side of tongue.
ASmith2 5 months ago
If you feel the need then you can try Calc-Carb 30c if the pain in the roof of the mouth symptom is also there, otherwise its best to wait.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
I can wait if its best.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Stomach is slightly off again, ate a few blackberries (new food since the digestion issues). Im feeling hungry but nauseated. Kept last meal simple to some steamed rice, roast chicken breast and zucchini only sea salt for seasoning. Bloated with gas, gurgling in lower left side passing a lot of gas both belching and flatulence.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Heartburn has developed pretty bad now
ASmith2 5 months ago
You can try Carb-v 30c for the above symptoms.
Still feel like something is stuck in the right side of your throat?
Tongue and tooth symptoms? [Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-15 02:00:10]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
On waking, sinuses blocked, ears clicking, right ear blocked, jaw and gland under right jaw tender (likely grinding my teeth at night because when my sinuses are blocked I usually do. Coughing up some phlem, stomach not as bad, mild gas a small bit nauseated but more hungry. Eye seems fine. Body aches all over.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Merc 30c.
If you continue to have body aches, you can try a wet dose of Gels 30c, 2 or more hours after taking Merc.
Are you still taking 1/2 teaspoon as a single wet dose? If so, try reducing the dosage further by taking only 2 drops from the liquid solution you have made.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Yes Im still taking wet dose. Body aches not so bad but fingers on right hand ache and are weak (especially middle finger at base) and lower back aches. Sneezing a lot cleared sinuses but ear is still clicking, throat still feels something stuck but milder. stomach has improved. Having a strange headache at the top of my head down to my eyebrows and between eyes making me feel lightheaded had a few episodes of fast heartbeat without much exertion and feeling slightly like Im not getting enough oxygen. Gums are paler than normal, small amount of pus coming from the front of eye tooth.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Nat-m is indicated for weak fingers with pain esp in the middle finger at base .
Calc-carb mostly covers the rest of symptoms.
You can try Calc-c 30c first and then proceed with a dose of Nat-m 30c after a gap of 2 hrs or more.
Reduce the dose to a few drops rather than the usual 1/2 teaspoon. [Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-15 18:06:42]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Thank you.
ASmith2 5 months ago
After taking calc carb the strange headache at the top of my head down to my eyebrows and between eyes making me feel lightheaded got worse, feeling like I can breathe okay yet not getting enough air/oxygen came back, but is also came back after eating - so Im not sure the trigger. feeling of something stuck in throat still there but mild. Nothing else changed yet.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Now getting flutters in my chest upper and slightly to the right that make me gasp, feel the need to tap my chest - very unnerving.
ASmith2 5 months ago
How frequent are these flutter-gasp episodes?
Any other symptoms or changes in your other symptoms?
Have you taken Nat-m too? [Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-16 03:14:18]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Did not take the Nat-m yet was going to take it on waking, there were 3 flutter-gasp episodes lasting a minute or two each time. Coughed up phlegm on waking but was more productive and only lasted about 15 minutes. most symptoms have improved, have mild gas, ear feels tight, throat symptoms are mild but eye is bothersome feeling a bit scratchy and sticky, slightly itchy and mildly bloodshot. Oh I have bloodwork tomorrow to test hormones, b12, iron & immune functions, they always have trouble getting blood, Im thin-skinned with rolly veins so they say, veins have collapsed and bad bruising often occurs, any way to help with this?
ASmith2 5 months ago
If there is improvement in painful and weak fingers, Nat-m is not needed.
For bruising due to collapsed veins, try Ledum.
Any changes in varicose veins?
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Fingers feel okay for now. Veins are the same, still bulged, ache sometimes but not too bad. Do I take ledum before to help prevent collapsing or wait until after to see what happens?
ASmith2 5 months ago
Right leg [Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-16 12:27:56]
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ASmith2 5 months ago
Left leg - not as bad more spider veins
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ASmith2 5 months ago
Went for a walk - air smells like sewage/sulfur eye started stinging - still cant see any inverted eyelashes - left eye became more bloodshot in inner corner - not as bad as times before but still quite irritated. [Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-16 13:01:50]
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ASmith2 5 months ago
Ledum afterwards until that happens.
For dilated, bluish veins, try Calc-f 6xtissue salts (4 tablets a day) for 2 weeks.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Thank you. Middle & lower back is aching again after doing some garden work, makes me feel exhausted. Eye still bothersome. most everything else improved. Ill start taking the cell salts now. all 4 at ones or 1 4x a day?
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