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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 30 of 36

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I cooked and ate some pastured beef and my stomach has seemed to have settled - odd thing is that for many years I had trouble digesting beef it would constipate me and make me feel logy. Now beef seems to settle my stomach.

However, shortly after my left eye became irritated again, thick gel on outer corner extending to upper eyeball. feels as if theres grit in my eye.

Not as irritated feeling now
all other symptoms are mild.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Right side of throat is acting up again
throat is sore, estuation tube pressure, ear clogged and pain under right jaw joint (right side)

Left ear also congested.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Try Merc. 30c.
How are your other symptoms?
Beside beef, hows been the digestion for other non-tolerable foods?
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Digestion is not great, had a craving for dill weed so have been sprinkling it on food for flavor - it seems to help my appetite, seems no matter what I eat Im still very gassy, gas is foul smelling. Brisk walking also causes me to be short of breath it feels as if theres air trapped in my chest rising up.

Other symptoms are mild but still there.

Left eye is irritated, thick gel on outer corner extending to upper eyeball. feels as if theres hair in my eye.
Coughing up small amounts of phlegm on waking.
Lower Right molars pain a little - may be related to ear/throat/jaw.
Itchy armpits
Right toe is not as bad but still bothersome
Fingers & toes are cold- Right big toe still has purple skin.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Woke up from a nap and right side of tongue is paining with no visible marks but feels as if theres an ulcer.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Try Nat-s 6x 2 tabs for short of breath as if theres air trapped in chest rising up.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Took Merc before bed

Was extremely irritated and unable to get to sleep - dog baking and husband snoring woke me several times, nose was so cold it woke me, took a long time to get back to sleep. woke up 4 hours later with pain in right arm and aching lower back. The weather is freezing rain and high winds which usually affects my body.

Took some elderberry extract as throat and tongue was so sore.

Throat, ear, jaw & tongue feel improved but still bothersome.
Molars seem okay on waking.
Eye is fine on waking
Fingers are still cold, toes are okay.
Stomach feels okay but havent eaten yet.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Just ate breakfast, felt hungry but no real appetite, had steamed chicken, iceberg and an oat pancake, food was coming back up in throat while eating - had to chew carefully and eat slowly. Have a pain in right side under ribs, some cramps in lower middle stomach, feels slightly nauseated, belching quite a bit.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Symptoms seems to be of Merc, it has night time aggravation, avoid taking it in the future during those hours.
You can wait for the symptoms to subside on their own or try Belladonna 30c to antidote the aggravating part if the situation calls for it.

Belladonna Has an afternoon aggravation from 3 pm until night or till early morning 3 am. Avoid taking it during these hours if you decide to take it.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-21 13:31:25]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Gut symptoms eased off - I didnt take the Belladonna.

All other symptoms are mild again except my left eye feels as if hairs are in outer corner running along lower lash line. visible veins in eye, thick gel on eye. Upper left molars are sensitive to temperature & both ears are still congested.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Try Kali-m 30c for ear congestion.
The rest of the symptoms still look like Merc, so either wait for them to subside or try Belladonna.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-22 08:00:08]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Having heartburn and feeling like I cant get enough air again, feeling of something stuck in right side throat is back - visible white film on back of right side of throat. Took Kali-m and ears have improved a little but still feel congested.
ASmith2 2 months ago
If you didnt take Nat-s 6x 2 days ago, take it now, otherwise take Nat-m 6x 2 tabs.
Above symptoms developed after taking Kali-m?
JustSayin2 2 months ago
The symptoms came on before taking Kali-m

On waking all other symptoms are mild except throat and right ear. Have foul gas again on waking upper right arm pain on waking as well. Continue with NatS?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-23 10:00:11]
ASmith2 2 months ago
By right ear symptom you mean ear congestion?
Is the left ear no longer blocked?
You could try Nat-m 6x 2 tabs.
You dont need to cross-check for tissue salts as they always work whether there is a perfect match with the symptom profile or not. And many can be mixed and taken together.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Left ear is mildly irrigated - clicking and some congestion, right ear feels tight and aches.

Thank you, Ill take the tissue salt NatM
ASmith2 2 months ago
Took natM
After waking from an afternoon nap left eye is worse - very irritated in upper lid area, feels as if hairs in eye. watery red veins. Heartburn returned.
ASmith2 2 months ago
The pain in all my left side upper teeth from my eye tooth to the last molar is incredibly bad this evening - cold air got in my mouth when walking and it feels like I was punched in the face. all along the gumline feels like nerves are irritated. It hurt less getting an extraction without anesthesia.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Feeling of hairs under the eyelids?
For pain in upper left teeth, if something similar happens in the future, try Caust 30c.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
On waking teeth are okay.

Eyeball has visible raised area along lower lash line from center to outer corner with some red veining. feels as if an eyelash is scratching (from bottom now) but I cant see any ingrown eyelashes. very irritating, scratching when I blink. stinging when closed. Inner corner also has visible veins but not as irritated. cool water rinse not helping much.
ASmith2 2 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Apis 30c.
Any idea when the problem with your left eye really began?
I suspect that the frequent insect bites may have made it worse.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
I always had issues with my left eye, as a child I had re-occurrent infections, my GP said I have ingrown eyelashes but I cant see them and the eye doctor couldnt either. The eye doctor said I have eye allergies and very sensitive eyes that are lacking pigment. This specific issue though seemed to come on about a year ago, I think it was in winter as I remember the mist of road salt burning my eyes when walking. It did get worse in summer as well so I cant figure it out.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Left eye improved in its own without Apis.

My ear, throat and tongue has been very sore - Right side, pressure in ear canal and estuation tube, pain under jaw, hard gland, right side of tongue feels as if theres an ulcer but theres nothing visible other than enlarged taste buds at back, feels as if something stuck in right side of throat. Coughing & sneezing on waking. Feels as if I have a flu, but I can never tell because of my regular symptoms.

Digestion has been pretty good still gassy.

Right upper arm still paining
Chilblain on right big toe quite swollen around the outer edge of toenail.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Try single dose of Kali-c 30c.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
After taking the Kalie-C it seemed my throat and tongue was improving, so I waited, it was improving but is now getting worse again - Not as bad as it was originally but same symptoms slightly milder - Right side, pressure in ear canal and estuation tube, pain under jaw, hard gland, right side of tongue feels as if theres an ulcer but theres nothing visible other than enlarged taste buds at back - this symptom is bothering me most, feels as if something stuck in right side of throat.

Digestion has been pretty good
Toe improved with massage using ginger balm
Joints paining on and off - sometimes knees, sometimes ankle, jaws - very random and sporadic.

I forgot to add some stones came out of my right tonsil and my left upper eye tooth started having a bad taste of infection again - this both came on before taking Kali-c
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-28 22:58:55]
ASmith2 2 months ago
For eye tooth infection, if there is no change in symptoms try Sulph 30c.
Just wait & observe the rest of your symptoms.
JustSayin2 2 months ago

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