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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 24 of 36
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Throat improved (not completely) after Hepar sulph but molars are so incredibly sensitive that Im chewing with my front teeth. I have a lot of recession due to bone loss. I also have a nerve pain in my left knee, like a pinching/bruise just below the kneecap.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Hypericum 30c, a single drop of prepared remedy soln.
Calc-p 6x cell salt, 2 tabs * 2 times a day for a week.
Calc-p 6x cell salt, 2 tabs * 2 times a day for a week.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
On waking this morning the teeth pain was subsided so I havent taken the hypericum yet, the knee pain is still there when theres any pressure on the knee (I cant kneel down). It was very difficult harvesting cranberries today, had to stop after about 45 minutes. My entire body aches badly, we have heavy rains and cold weather, my body feels as if I have a flu. My left shoulder and neck is paining like a bruise and its very stiff to turn my head, especially to the left. Should I still proceed with the Hypericum & calc-p?
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Rhus-t 30c, a single drop of prepared remedy soln.
Calc-phos 6x cell salt, 2 tabs * 2 times a day for a week for recession due to bone loss.
Calc-phos 6x cell salt, 2 tabs * 2 times a day for a week for recession due to bone loss.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Just woke, had broken rest due to sore throat returning, feels as if swallowing glass, all other symptoms of last night are still there.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Do not delay further, try Rhus-t 30c.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Sharpness in throat and body aches improved greatly after rhus-tox - throat now feels as if its sprained, down deep at the base of neck when I swallow. I had a bad episode of stomach cramps and diarrhea- first in a long while. I did eat a little more than usual tonight and tried a variety of different fresh picked cooked vegetables which I havent had since my bad stomach issues - I usually keep things very simple.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Sprained sensation in the throat may be due to rhus-t, observe for now.
Do you have cramps and diarrhoea every time you eat vegetables or fruits? Did this problem start after recent lower back injury?
Do you have cramps and diarrhoea every time you eat vegetables or fruits? Did this problem start after recent lower back injury?
JustSayin2 4 months ago
I dont know what causes the cramps and diarrhea, I can eat most well cooked vegetables and fruits but if I over-eat or eat too many different things at once it seems to happen - I have to keep my meals small and simple. My back injury is almost 30 years old but if memory serves me, I did start having digestive issues around that time, then improved for a while but continue to have both back issues and digestive problems on and off. My digestion has been weak my whole life but has been much worse in recent years. It seemed to improve quite a bit when I gave up eggs last year (when I had 9 months of extreme diarrhea).
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-10-14 09:29:11]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-10-14 09:29:11]
ASmith2 4 months ago
If there is a link between a lower back injury and digestive problems, Nat-s 30c may be able to help. If you have been symptom-free for a while then you can try it.
Do you still eat eggs occasionally, just to see if you still get the same reaction?
Did you land on your back while lifting or was it heavy lifting that caused the initial injury?
Do you still eat eggs occasionally, just to see if you still get the same reaction?
Did you land on your back while lifting or was it heavy lifting that caused the initial injury?
JustSayin2 4 months ago
I havent eaten eggs since.
I dont ever seem to be symptom-free.
My initial injury I was lifting a twisting with a very heavy object. More recently (around two years ago) I did fall down a full set of icy stairs and badly bruised my lower back and tailbone.
Currently the diarrhea has subsided but Im still getting tearing cramps and gas.
My molars (especially the upper left which recently had fillings replaced) are hurting so bad that I cant tolerate any temperature changes and it feels as if the teeth are being pulled at all times. My husband tells me Im grinding my teeth at night again.
I dont ever seem to be symptom-free.
My initial injury I was lifting a twisting with a very heavy object. More recently (around two years ago) I did fall down a full set of icy stairs and badly bruised my lower back and tailbone.
Currently the diarrhea has subsided but Im still getting tearing cramps and gas.
My molars (especially the upper left which recently had fillings replaced) are hurting so bad that I cant tolerate any temperature changes and it feels as if the teeth are being pulled at all times. My husband tells me Im grinding my teeth at night again.
ASmith2 4 months ago
4 days back after Nat-m you said that most of the complaints were better, so I assumed that this temperature sensitivity had also improved. Has this sensitivity returned?
Cramping pain & gas specific to a particular area?
Cramping pain & gas specific to a particular area?
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Yes the teeth improved for a day then returned again.
Cramping and gas after eating (even basic foods like chicken breast) belching, flatulence and cramping in the middle/lower left side.
Cramping and gas after eating (even basic foods like chicken breast) belching, flatulence and cramping in the middle/lower left side.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Puls 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
as of this morning the digestion issue and teeth have calmed down but I now have a cramp in my right side feels as if something is stuck - perhaps trapped gas. Still take Puls?
ASmith2 4 months ago
If there is no change, try 2 tabs of Nat-s 6x cell salt.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Took Nat-s and right side pain improved but am now having lower left side pain, gas, belching up food particles and heartburn.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Bryonia 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Stomach improved on its own after Nat-s - still some mild flatulance. Im still taking the Calc-p but teeth are killing me, Headache, jaw pain, molars feel as if theyre being pulled, hot and cold sensitivity. Right ear is also extremely itch in canal, right upper arm pain and left knee pain is back. Teeth are most painful.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Stop taking Calc-phos.
If there is no change in symptoms, try Nat-m 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
If there is no change in symptoms, try Nat-m 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
My symptoms have been fairly mild and tolerable the past couple of weeks but cycling as they usually do. Yesterday morning I tried a slice of organic sprouted ezekiel bread for the first time in many years and my stomach went crazy again. Within 15 minutes of eating I had intense tearing cramps across my stomach from right to left, had 5 bouts of diarrhea within an hour. The diarrhea has stopped but I have a lot of painful gas, the gas is up around my heart, in my chest causing some chest fluttering, in my center stomach and Im passing gas and belching but its not easing the gas cramps.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Nat-m 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
You took Nat-m 2 weeks ago?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-02 03:44:58]
You took Nat-m 2 weeks ago?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-02 03:44:58]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Digestion and gas improved greatly after taking Nat-m. Today eye is extremely bothersome the worst its been in a few week, feels sticky and almost stiff as if theres bubbles of mucous and air in the eye, veins are raised along the lower mid to outer lash line and outer corner is clear but sticky.
ASmith2 3 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms try Euphrasia 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
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