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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 16 of 36

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Try single dose of Ledum 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Thank you, the Ledum worked very interestingly. Just before I took the ledum I got another bite on my hand and it was starting to swell, almost immediately after taking ledum it retracted. The swollen bite on my face from the day before didnt change much - they didnt get worse though (which often happens with me - bites continue to swell over many days).
ASmith2 8 months ago
Good to know Ledum has helped, the swelling should go down in time. Any improvement in the eye symptoms?
Ledum is indicated for most insect bites and stings, and its usefulness can be extended to any type of puncture wound, so feel free to use it for such cases in the future.
I assumed that you were no longer suffering from these bites as in the last update on this subject you said that the flies were sitting on your skin but not biting, which was also interesting.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
They started biting again, perhaps the effect wore off.
I was just out in the sun for a bit and the bites became inflamed again - this can happens often as well, including the one on my hand that I thought was completely gone. The sun aggravates them and causes intense itching as does hot water. Ive been bathing them in cold saline with some relief. The eye symptoms are not as intense but still feel like there are foreign objects in my eyes, gritty and they sting - warm water rinses help my eyes a bit.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Try single dose of Caladium 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
The above symptoms seem to indicate Caladium with itching, agg. from heat and amel. from cold water. It is also indicated for black fly bites which itch and burn, and also eliminates the craving for tobacco.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
About an hour after taking the Caladium an itchy red rash broke out on the base of my fingers on the palm side of my had. Very tiny scratchy bump is on the underside of my lash line right eye scratching and burning sensation in eye fly bites seem about the same - feeling tired and irritated today. Mouth issue is more irritating (white webs) and many jaw teeth pain.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Looks more like a Caladium overeaction, wait and see if the symptoms subside, if not then try Carb-v 30c 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose, it will antidote these effects especially the skin, eye & mind symptoms.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Also if I smoke it takes my breath away makes me dizzy and cough. (Ive already been having a bad asthma cough when eating and waking) Yet I have an even stronger urge to smoke.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Carb-V covers suffocating cough, asthmatic cough, cough eating agg, so if the aggravation is still there you can try Carb-V it will help ease those aggravating symptoms as well as take care of the above symptoms as well.
Caladium still covers most of the smoking related symptoms, coughing smoking agg, tobacco smoking general agg, tobacco cravings.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Decided to wait things out with the Caladium.
Existing fly bites improved but not better
Still getting more bites but swelling and intensity of itching is reduced.
Cough has improved but not better, coughing on waking only brief and productive.
Eyes have improved but not better - foreign sensation still there but not as intensely burning/scraping.
Mouth webbing is same.
Teeth have improved but still ache.
Digestion causing issues again, hungry but with little appetite, flatulence and pain in both right side under rib and lower left side after eating - large loose stool alternating with constipation. Not as bad as in the past but I had improved beyond this point.

Im thinking I should perhaps avoid any homeopathic with toxic attributes, maybe stick with cell salts and remedies from non-toxic ingredients?
ASmith2 8 months ago
I just want to say that it is your choice to continue or not, but to blame the remedies for your aggravation because of their toxic origins is not correct. Remedies do not have toxic ingredients (if it has toxic origins) at 30c (that might be the reason if you are talking about some tinctures) because at this scale they are diluted to such an extent that there is not even a molecule of the original remedy substance left, its only the energy signature of the original remedy substance that you are taking at 30c. So the assumption that toxic ingredients in some remedies are making you worse is unfounded.
Going by the same logic, you have reacted to certain food items in the past, so does that mean you are going to skip eating altogether, or that eating food is somehow toxic to your health?
Lachesis has toxic origins (bushmaster snake venom), but in 30c it was a great help for many of your throat ailments from time to time.
Remedies can sometimes over-react in the early stages, but later act curatively, so if you are waiting for the aggravation to subside, then wait another 2 weeks before deciding whether or not to continue with homeopathic remedies.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
I just assumed the aggravations were due to the toxicity - I have never heard of anyone else suffering the aggravations from homeopathy before and was told in the past that its impossible to have a reaction to homeopathic, but yet Im having aggravations. So you feel that they negative effects should wear off in about 2 weeks with a possible positive outcome? Im just trying to figure out how to get past these many years of feeling unwell.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Just got bit by something and am having a reaction, instantly started to swell intense itch and burning. Im very nervous as Ive had bites turn to cellulitis in the past. What would be the best remedy?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-07-29 12:55:01]

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ASmith2 7 months ago
left forearm
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-07-29 12:56:31]

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ASmith2 7 months ago
Try Ledum 30c.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Thank you, swelling subsided
ASmith2 7 months ago
Left eye is extremely irritated - theres a visible swelling on the conjunctiva on the middle white of eye to the outer corner, bloodshot, watery feels like burning hairs in eye, eye feels larger than other eye.
ASmith2 7 months ago
JustSayin2 7 months ago
How long should I expect to see an improvement - eye is still the same.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Try Apis 30c.
Have I asked you to wait a few days before posting your next update, even if the remedy doesnt help, or have you had an aggravation along the way and want to wait another 2 weeks for it to subside??
Try to increase the frequency of your replies if you want the remedy suggestions to be useful & stay on the topic of sharing your symptoms.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-05 07:37:46]
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Sorry Im misunderstanding - I thought I was to wait a while to see if things will improve and Im not trying to be a bother.

I didnt try the apis yet because after my menstruation ended the eye has changed. Not so much a feeling of acid but still a feeling of swelling and like a thick mucous under upper lid. feel the need to pull eyelashes to relieve the stickiness. only clear, no discharge, feels slight improvement for about 10 minutes after cool water rinse then same again, eye looks/feels slightly larger and higher than right eye - vision slightly blurry but comes and goes as I blink. Also getting acne on chin.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Try Puls 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
No change in eye, acne is drying up.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Update in the morning with other symptoms as well.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
eye is same, right ear is blocked, coughing up phlegm from right bronchial tubes again and was slightly nauseated last night.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-08 08:36:13]
ASmith2 6 months ago
symptoms of blocked right ear , coughing up phlegm from right bronchial tubes after taking Puls?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-08 10:32:08]
JustSayin2 6 months ago

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