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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 18 of 36
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Its morning, eye seems to continue to slowly improve.
One odd thing - I had several old insect bites on my arms that were almost better that started itching again - Im okay with that if my eye continues to improve.
One odd thing - I had several old insect bites on my arms that were almost better that started itching again - Im okay with that if my eye continues to improve.
ASmith2 6 months ago
That seems to be a good sign. If the eye symptoms continue to improve slowly, then the skin symptoms will improve too.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Eye seemed to be slowly improving until this afternoon, its not as painful but theres a visible swelling on the white of eye that feels like something in my eye, mildly bloodshot on the swelling. I hiked a mountain and berry picked for 2 1/2 hours this morning with not much issue, then things got worse in afternoon. EDIT: The inner corner of the left eye is also becoming bloodshot and is stinging/burning. Teeth are hurting again - upper left molars and some pain around eye tooth. Body pains and aches all over fingers on right hand feel sprained. Right side throat has swollen glad and throat feels a bit sore radiating to right ear, tired, headache, feels unwell mentally & physically.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-23 22:45:05]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-23 22:45:05]
ASmith2 6 months ago
If there are no change in the symptoms try Apis 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
JustSayin2 6 months ago
On waking the eye has improved slightly again, no burning - just sensation of stickiness, throat and ear have improved, teeth improved and body aches are more tolerable, stomach is acting up again, gas in lower left side, hungry but not much appetite, gurgling and cramps in low left side, soft stools, I did try my own organically grown beets with the tops (steamed) last night so maybe its because of eating something I havent eaten in a long while. Im frustrated with my symptoms constantly changing but I never seem to have relief from health issues.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Try Kali-n 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
All symptoms have improved. Eye is worse again, visible swelling, bloodshot to outer corner, appears similar to Episcleritis/Scleritis. I dont have Kali-n available.
ASmith2 6 months ago
ASmith2 6 months ago
If there are no change in the symptoms try Thuja 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Woke up with tense shoulders and shoulder blades sticking. Eye was same - took Thuja - in 15 minutes shoulder pain is gone, eye is same but developed a tightness in the inner tendon on back of right knee. Hoping thuja will work for eye - perhaps help some of the lipomas I have too.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Eye seemed to improve a bit but worsened in the afternoon. It always seems to be worse in the afternoon and evening or if I take a nap during the day, but sleeping at night dont seem to affect it.
ASmith2 6 months ago
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Not really sensitive to light but hot bright sunshine today did make it feel a bit worse. I feel the need to rinse with cold water frequently. Yes tendon improved.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-25 19:48:16]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-25 19:48:16]
ASmith2 6 months ago
If your eye is still worse in the afternoon and evening hours, try Arsenicum album 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Eye improved quite a bit yesterday without Ars alb. I spent the day in a different town and I also finished menstruation - not sure if these are potential triggers. Woke up with mild eye irritation (a little sticky), sore throat right side radiating to ear, and aching tongue along right side toward back, sneezing and coughing on waking.
ASmith2 6 months ago
If same symptoms persist, try Belladonna 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Eye is back to bad again, swollen area feels gritty and irritated, tongue still aches a little but other symptoms subsided.
ASmith2 6 months ago
If you havent taken Bella and have the above symptoms, try Arsenicum album 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
I have an appointment to see the doctor in the morning - hopefully for a diagnosis of the eye - Ill wait until I see him and hopefully it will help figure out the best treatment.
ASmith2 6 months ago
I have allergy eyes and inverted eyelashes scratching the conjunctiva, doc gave tobramycin/dexamethasone drops for the irritation and said if it dont clear they may have to be removed - is there anything natural to fix this?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-28 11:16:11]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-28 11:16:11]
ASmith2 6 months ago
Try a single dose of Borax 6c per week for inverted lashes and subsequent eye inflammation.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-28 16:19:05]
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-28 16:19:05]
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Could you tell me what would be the best cell salt for left sided tongue ulcer that cam on after exposure to strong fragrance and great amount of stress.
ASmith2 6 months ago
You can try Calc-f 6x tissue salts to see if it helps in your case.
Otherwise Apis is indicated based on its location.
Otherwise Apis is indicated based on its location.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
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