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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 34 of 36

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For cramps and foul gas, try Coloc (Colocynthis) 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-22 12:48:02]
JustSayin2 last month
Cramps and gas have subsided in the past few hours, still good after lunch - proceed with Coloc or wait until symptoms return?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-22 17:04:02]
ASmith2 last month
No need now, if it returns give your fresh symptoms. Looks good for now.
JustSayin2 last month
The foul flatulence came back after supper - checked mu remedies and I dont have Colocynthis I thought I did but its Cocculus. It wasnt one on the way in the order I placed either.
ASmith2 last month
Colocynthis. may not be needed for just the symptom of foul flatulence, it is also necessary to have the presence of
- persistent cramping due to the trapped gas in the abdominal area.
- for the following modalities of cramping after eating & before bowel movement.
If you dont have it, its better to have it for the above symptoms,also its one of the top remedies for problem of abdominal cramps more so in the central pelvic region, save its name somewhere for now and get it with other remedies when you decide to order in the future.
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you, I have it added to my list.

On waking I had my usual ent symptoms that mostly passed except for mild feeling of something stuck in throat at right side base of tongue. Also sucked my cheeks during the night (similar to grinding) and caused sore blood blister along the length of my right cheek.

Digestive symptoms were mild mainly flatulence. I tried a slice of sprouted whole grain bread for breakfast, things seem okay, some mild cramps had fairly normal but gassy bowel movement. Main symptom after breakfast is burning sensation in center of chest feeling as if its moving upward in the base of throat.
ASmith2 last month
If things remains the same, try Carb-v 30c.
JustSayin2 last month
Burning has improved since lunch, now mild.

Left eye is burning, watery and feels like hairs in the inner corner, visible red veins.

Also right arm is paining in the ligament again.
ASmith2 last month
Share more symptoms about the nature of right arm pain & what makes it better and what makes it worse.
JustSayin2 last month
Arm was good for a while, I was moving snow using a push shovel which aggravated it again. Its worse on repetitive movements, over using the computer mouse, pushing a shovel... Its worse on reaching above my head or behind my back.

Woke again in the middle of the night coughing, was awake an hour or so then got back to sleep. On waking this morning, ears are congested, eye is a bit irritated (not as bad as yesterday evening) have a mild headache and most of my body aches, especially around my neck and shoulders. Arm has mild pain.

Stomach seems okay, still have moderate flatulence, feeling hungry and I have an appetite.

On getting up and moving around I got a moderate low left side cramp and just had a bout of diarrhea.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-24 10:55:23]
ASmith2 last month
After eating I started getting moderate stomach cramps again and much more flatulence.
ASmith2 last month
Try Carb-v 30c for the cramps.
Has the first batch of ordered remedies arrived yet?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-24 13:02:50]
JustSayin2 last month
If you have not yet taken Carb-v then skip the above recommendation and try Puls 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-24 13:13:05]
JustSayin2 last month
Yes they arrived yesterday but the Coccus Cacti - 30CH I ordered came as a 200CH - they are re-sending this remedy.
ASmith2 last month
Okay thank you - will try Puls 30
ASmith2 last month
After taking Puls 30 most symptoms subsided until supper time.

After eating (I did have some tomato sauce on beef and zucchini) Burning in center chest returned with some gas.
Tongue and throat issues are a bit intense, feeling of something stuck in throat at base of tongue right side and mild right side of tongue aching. The throat issue always comes with some anxiety.

Body aches improved, arm pain is mild.
ASmith2 last month
By burning in center chest you mean burning under the entire length of the breastbone? Did you had any belching that led to it?

When you have throat issues is there any particular sensation or thought that makes you anxious?
Does swallowing anything help with that feeling of something stuck?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-25 05:29:58]
JustSayin2 last month
Burning in the center chest feels like a small ball in the center of the breastbone, on belching the burning moves upward. Belching came after burning. Think it may be worsened by acidic food like tomato. Its passed on waking and now just feels as if theres air in my center chest.

The throat issue makes me feel like Im choking on dry swallowing, the choking sensation makes my thoughts go to that it must be something worse, I have to remind myself repetitively that Ive had it before and its probably nothing serious. Eating and drinking makes it feel better but soon as I stop the sensation worsens. The feeling is still there on waking.

Most digestive symptoms have passed on walking.

Lower back aches - I tried some new exercises/stretches yesterday evening then on drying my hair when bending forward my lower back started aching quite intense, pain is mild this morning, arm pain is there also but mild.
ASmith2 last month
Try Nat-s 6x and Nat-m 6x for now to see if it helps.
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you, 2 tabs of each together?
ASmith2 last month
yes, for cell salts always consider 2 tabs as a single dose, can be taken together.
JustSayin2 last month
After taking Nat-s & Nat-m 6x yesterday afternoon most symptoms improved until supper time. After eating supper the burning sensation in chest with belching and flatulence returned but is now gone again on waking.

The burning in center chest and belching seems to come about from eating anything at all.

Before bed there was quite a bit of gas trapped in lower pelvic region - I also started menstruation so some of the cramps may have been from this.

On waking theres gas trapped under lower left ribs, flatulence and mild nausea.

Right arm pain returned moderately.

Will update after breakfast.
ASmith2 last month
After breakfast lower left stomach cramps returned moderately, center chest burning with belching returned.

Gas no linger trapped, arm is same.
ASmith2 last month
You can try Nat-p 6x and Nat-s 6x to see if it helps.
If it doesnt, try a dose of Phos 30c.
Can you pinpoint the exact area where you have cramps and is it always the same area?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-26 13:11:40]
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you

The pains/cramps are generally in the same 3 areas today its mainly in the lower region with mild pains in the left region (see diagram)
There I times I have a sensation of something stuck in the right side as well.

The burning in center chest is now mild again - more like air trapped with belching.

Ill try the tissue salts.

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ASmith2 last month
Maybe it has to do with trapped gas. Nat-s 6x might help in this case.
In the case of trapped gas elsewhere in the body always try Nat-s 6x first to see if it helps.
I looked at your initial shared symptoms a year ago, there were indications for Nat-s, was of the opinion to better try 30c but as there were no other symptoms to go with it, so avoided it. As this problem of trapped gas is a common problem for you, use 6x whenever this happens, no need to wait for anything else.
Do you have problems with eating seafood or other foods with a high water content?
JustSayin2 last month

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