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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 32 of 36
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I wasnt able to get messages until now. I took a dose of Kali Mur 6x - the ENT symptoms improved but not better. Estuation tube still feels tight, no sharp pains, ear canal fells congested not itchy, throat mildly sore, tongue okay, glad is still hard but not as tender. Eyes are okay, acne spots clearing.
Last night I had vicious gas pains under right ribs, couldnt sit with the pain, had to pace and massage the area, passing gas now and feels hungry but with little appetite.
Still take Belladonna?
Last night I had vicious gas pains under right ribs, couldnt sit with the pain, had to pace and massage the area, passing gas now and feels hungry but with little appetite.
Still take Belladonna?
ASmith2 last month
Try Lyc 30c to see if it makes a difference.
What was the nature of the pain under the right ribs?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-10 11:33:35]
What was the nature of the pain under the right ribs?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-10 11:33:35]
JustSayin2 last month
It was gas, sharp stabbing if I sat down, pacing and massaging made it move. Had foul flatulence all day and after supper got a cramp in lower left side and had diarrhea again. Feeling slightly nauseated with gas and cramps. Upper left molars are paining again too (nerve pain with temperature hot/cold and sweet.
Heartburn has started now again as well.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-10 22:21:10]
Heartburn has started now again as well.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-10 22:21:10]
ASmith2 last month
JustSayin2 last month
ASmith2 last month
I dont have Nat carb. Cramps have subsided but still feeling a bit nauseated - not real appetite even when hungry. Gas most of the day. Upper left molars are paining (nerve pain with temperature hot/cold and sweet) Right ear has random sharp pains. Both ears a bit sticky. Sneezing a lot.
ASmith2 last month
As Nat-c was the best remedy that matched your symptoms, it is still indicated for tooth pain due to sweets & other symptoms.
Lyc is the second best from what I can see, try it.
Try to understand that it becomes extremely difficult to find an indicated remedy if you dont take the remedies as recommended in time, hoping it will get better, while the symptoms keep changing to something else requiring another remedy, or dont have the remedy and have to recommend something as an alternative instead.
Lyc is the second best from what I can see, try it.
Try to understand that it becomes extremely difficult to find an indicated remedy if you dont take the remedies as recommended in time, hoping it will get better, while the symptoms keep changing to something else requiring another remedy, or dont have the remedy and have to recommend something as an alternative instead.
JustSayin2 last month
Yes I understand, Unfortunately we dont have any source for remedies here and I have to order from away, orders take weeks most times to get here. Also, when I post my symptoms, our time zones are quite different, often times the symptoms have already changed before the response, this is why Ill ask if I should still take the remedy.
On waking symptoms are much different than throughout the day. and are changing.
Would there be a constitutional remedy or a remedy/remedy set for:
Poor digestion
ENT sinus, ear & throat
Dental pain and infection
These symptoms seem to cycle throughout the day and can change at any moment.
On waking symptoms are much different than throughout the day. and are changing.
Would there be a constitutional remedy or a remedy/remedy set for:
Poor digestion
ENT sinus, ear & throat
Dental pain and infection
These symptoms seem to cycle throughout the day and can change at any moment.
ASmith2 last month
Your response assumes that Im unaware of the problems highlighted in your reply about the cyclical nature of your symptoms. Pulsatilla is a remedy that helps to correct this, and you can check your history to see how many times you have taken it as recommended. Or Arsenicum Album for your hypersensitive nature, or Carb-V for broken capillaries, Nat-s 30c for recurrent digestive problems after spinal injury, I have asked you before when I recommend these remedies do take them. But you simply ignored the recommendation and gave the same excuse as above.
If it takes time to get the remedies then you need to be proactive to get the set of 100 remedies or more based on your convenience. And if I recommend something second best when you dont have the remedy, you will still not take it, citing the above reason.
If this had happened a handful of times, I would have ignored it, but as it has happened far too often to ignore. But the fact that you have choose to respond and not share your fresh symptoms or take last recommended remedy just shows that you dont value my time, effort and recommendations.
If it takes time to get the remedies then you need to be proactive to get the set of 100 remedies or more based on your convenience. And if I recommend something second best when you dont have the remedy, you will still not take it, citing the above reason.
If this had happened a handful of times, I would have ignored it, but as it has happened far too often to ignore. But the fact that you have choose to respond and not share your fresh symptoms or take last recommended remedy just shows that you dont value my time, effort and recommendations.
JustSayin2 last month
As I have mentioned previously, I truly appreciate you assisting me with trying to make me better and I can understand your frustration. Living with these issues is also very frustrating as I am unable to have any sort of “normal” life.
Remedies: I currently have over 180 remedies in my possession including a set of 36 common. I have built these up over the last number of years and continue to add to them as recommended, however by the time the remedy gets to me its generally no longer needed. I checked several 100 sets online and even those sets dont have all of the recommended remedies including the most recent Nat Carb 30. some I have ordered are: Sanguinaria Canadensis 30CH (not in kit)Cocculus Indicus 30CH (Not in kit)
Ferrum Phosphoricum 30CH
Calcarea Carbonica 200CH
Kalium Muriaticum 30CH
Chelidonium Majus 30CH (not in kit)
I am being as pro-active as I possibly can given my location and lack of available remedies. Reporting symptoms: When I was initially reporting symptoms I was told I was not reporting symptoms often enough. I then started reporting symptoms as they occurred, which could happen several times a day and I would report no later than 20:00 hours. I generally go to bed no later than 23:00. I normally receive the remedy recommendation the following day when I wake up (06:00) at which time those symptoms previously reported have gone and I have new symptoms.
The challenge is that the remedy recommendation arrives when I am sleeping or at times when Im unable to check my computer, once the symptoms have changed I am unsure if I should take the remedy for the prior symptoms, this is why I often ask if I should still take the remedy. Corresponding multiple times a day in different time zones can be challenging at times, however I am grateful that we can normally correspond in a timely manner In the mornings (my time) but my symptoms are generally very different in the morning than when I get up, move around and start eating.
As I mentioned above, I really appreciate you taking the time to assist me for such a very long time with my medical challenges. I am doing my absolute best to follow your recommendation accurately and in a timely fashion and the challenges are not excuses. I trust that we can move forward and make more positive headway in restoring my health, but if that is something that you prefer not to do, I understand your frustration as they are my frustrations as well.
Remedies: I currently have over 180 remedies in my possession including a set of 36 common. I have built these up over the last number of years and continue to add to them as recommended, however by the time the remedy gets to me its generally no longer needed. I checked several 100 sets online and even those sets dont have all of the recommended remedies including the most recent Nat Carb 30. some I have ordered are: Sanguinaria Canadensis 30CH (not in kit)Cocculus Indicus 30CH (Not in kit)
Ferrum Phosphoricum 30CH
Calcarea Carbonica 200CH
Kalium Muriaticum 30CH
Chelidonium Majus 30CH (not in kit)
I am being as pro-active as I possibly can given my location and lack of available remedies. Reporting symptoms: When I was initially reporting symptoms I was told I was not reporting symptoms often enough. I then started reporting symptoms as they occurred, which could happen several times a day and I would report no later than 20:00 hours. I generally go to bed no later than 23:00. I normally receive the remedy recommendation the following day when I wake up (06:00) at which time those symptoms previously reported have gone and I have new symptoms.
The challenge is that the remedy recommendation arrives when I am sleeping or at times when Im unable to check my computer, once the symptoms have changed I am unsure if I should take the remedy for the prior symptoms, this is why I often ask if I should still take the remedy. Corresponding multiple times a day in different time zones can be challenging at times, however I am grateful that we can normally correspond in a timely manner In the mornings (my time) but my symptoms are generally very different in the morning than when I get up, move around and start eating.
As I mentioned above, I really appreciate you taking the time to assist me for such a very long time with my medical challenges. I am doing my absolute best to follow your recommendation accurately and in a timely fashion and the challenges are not excuses. I trust that we can move forward and make more positive headway in restoring my health, but if that is something that you prefer not to do, I understand your frustration as they are my frustrations as well.
ASmith2 last month
Im still happy to help, and there was never any question of not wanting to continue, but at the same time, as I said, recommendations that are not often followed (for whatever reason) can easily demotivate any prescriber to lose interest in the case. And I dont want to end up in that state of being complacent and doing lazy and careless prescribing (which is riskier if such a recommendation is followed more so in your case). So skipping recommendations is counterproductive, thats all Im saying. You have your reasons for the things Ive written before, and I have my reasons for writing them. The rest is settled, and its best not to discuss it any further.
You can continue sharing your symptoms during your morning hrs.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-15 19:03:22]
You can continue sharing your symptoms during your morning hrs.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-15 19:03:22]
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you.
On waking I had mild productive cough
Some sensation of something stuck in throat but it has passed.
Main symptoms:
All over muscle body pain
Headache over brows to top of scull (moderate)
Foul almost constant flatulence
Hungry with no appetite for bland foods
Heartburn/burning in upper center chest and when belching after breakfast.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-16 12:35:54]
On waking I had mild productive cough
Some sensation of something stuck in throat but it has passed.
Main symptoms:
All over muscle body pain
Headache over brows to top of scull (moderate)
Foul almost constant flatulence
Hungry with no appetite for bland foods
Heartburn/burning in upper center chest and when belching after breakfast.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-16 12:35:54]
ASmith2 last month
JustSayin2 last month
Muscle pains started yesterday and are easing off now.
Took calc-carb 30 between lunch and supper
After supper (basic plain meal, chicken celery, pineapple) having intense lower stomach cramps (very low in pelvis) with 3 bouts of gassy soft stool. Still crampy.
Took calc-carb 30 between lunch and supper
After supper (basic plain meal, chicken celery, pineapple) having intense lower stomach cramps (very low in pelvis) with 3 bouts of gassy soft stool. Still crampy.
ASmith2 last month
You can update after you wake up if there is any change in symptoms, looks like Chelidonium, will confirm afterwards.
JustSayin2 last month
I thought it may be best to update after eating as symptoms usually change then.
Yesterday evening I had 6 bouts of gassy diarrhea within 1 hour of eating - intense cramps in lower pelvic region.
Went to bed with moderate cramp in lower left side.
On waking not much symptoms only feeling hungry with no appetite, feeling a bit fearful of what to eat.
On eating some grilled chicken breast with sea salt & pepper on iceberg lettuce, a few pieces of organic oat cereal (dry) and a tablespoon of applesauce, stomach started to make loud squeaking digestion sounds, within 10 minutes of eating got mild cramps flatulence and belching, had somewhat normal but gassy bowl movement.
Other symptoms:
Ears mildly itchy and sticky
Capillaries on left cheek worse (starting yesterday afternoon)
Toes very cold
Feeling extremely tired
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-17 12:58:14]
Yesterday evening I had 6 bouts of gassy diarrhea within 1 hour of eating - intense cramps in lower pelvic region.
Went to bed with moderate cramp in lower left side.
On waking not much symptoms only feeling hungry with no appetite, feeling a bit fearful of what to eat.
On eating some grilled chicken breast with sea salt & pepper on iceberg lettuce, a few pieces of organic oat cereal (dry) and a tablespoon of applesauce, stomach started to make loud squeaking digestion sounds, within 10 minutes of eating got mild cramps flatulence and belching, had somewhat normal but gassy bowl movement.
Other symptoms:
Ears mildly itchy and sticky
Capillaries on left cheek worse (starting yesterday afternoon)
Toes very cold
Feeling extremely tired
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-17 12:58:14]
ASmith2 last month
If toes remain very cold and other symptoms remain more or less the same, try Ferr. 30c.
JustSayin2 last month
Took Fer phos 30 about an hour before lunch. 15 minutes after lunch intense cramps started again - one bout of loose gassy stool and I can feel another on the way.
All other symptoms same.
All other symptoms same.
ASmith2 last month
This is not the remedy, it was Ferr. (Ferrum Metallicum) not Ferrum Phos. Keep observing for now.
If the remedy name is shared in the response, you can click on the highlighted remedy name to see the full name of the remedy.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-17 16:40:06]
If the remedy name is shared in the response, you can click on the highlighted remedy name to see the full name of the remedy.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-17 16:40:06]
JustSayin2 last month
JustSayin2 last month
Okay thank you - I normally check the link but it slipped my mind.
Ill put Ferrum Metallicum on the list to purchase.
I have just Ferrum Phos 6 & 30 and FE Oligophytum-H5
Im placing an order on Monday I have:
Ferrum Metallicum
Nat Carb
Any others you suggest?
Thank you, will observe.
Ill put Ferrum Metallicum on the list to purchase.
I have just Ferrum Phos 6 & 30 and FE Oligophytum-H5
Im placing an order on Monday I have:
Ferrum Metallicum
Nat Carb
Any others you suggest?
Thank you, will observe.
ASmith2 last month
These are the last 3 remedies that were recommended some time ago & were not in your stock at the time. If you happen to have them now, just ignore them.
Colchicum Autumnale 30c
Clematis Erecta 30c
Coccus Cacti 30c
Colchicum Autumnale 30c
Clematis Erecta 30c
Coccus Cacti 30c
JustSayin2 last month
Remedies are ordered.
After supper (Chicken liver, rice & roast carrots) Things seemed pretty good in my stomach.
Tiredness and cold toes passed.
On waking I had sinus headache, stuffy nose and mild productive cough - passed on getting up.
After breakfast, mild cramp and some sounds in lower left side, gassy but havent use bathroom yet.
Other symptoms:
Ears mildly itchy and sticky
Capillaries on left cheek worse
After supper (Chicken liver, rice & roast carrots) Things seemed pretty good in my stomach.
Tiredness and cold toes passed.
On waking I had sinus headache, stuffy nose and mild productive cough - passed on getting up.
After breakfast, mild cramp and some sounds in lower left side, gassy but havent use bathroom yet.
Other symptoms:
Ears mildly itchy and sticky
Capillaries on left cheek worse
ASmith2 last month
JustSayin2 last month
Cramps can occur after any meal. Im not sure if it any specific food that triggers it so I keep meals really plain and simple.
ASmith2 last month
Symptoms improved throughout the day until supper time - I ate leftovers from last night. Did not have a bowl movement today. After eating supper stomach became gassy and cramps started again. Took Lyc 30 things eased off with gas and cramps.
Earlier today eye tooth started mildly throbbing around gums, bad taste from gums again.
Earlier today eye tooth started mildly throbbing around gums, bad taste from gums again.
ASmith2 last month
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