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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 13 of 36
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For skin condition after multiple x-rays, try Calc-f Tissue Salts 6x, 2 tabs X 2 times a day.
For broken capillaries and dental nerve pain, try Hypericum 30c. Hypericum should help with hypersensitive nerves so the pain should be manageable during the actual procedure. Try ½ teaspoon dose before the procedure.
Try the two-cup dilution method to see if this helps with minimal aggravation.
For broken capillaries and dental nerve pain, try Hypericum 30c. Hypericum should help with hypersensitive nerves so the pain should be manageable during the actual procedure. Try ½ teaspoon dose before the procedure.
Try the two-cup dilution method to see if this helps with minimal aggravation.
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you, Ive been taking the Cal-f tissue salts.
Should I wait until the procedure to take Hypericum? If I take it now for the capillaries, would I take it again for the procedure?
Also, I am having some bad hip pain - outer hip right side for the past few weeks and today my lower (lumbar) middle back is paining - this generally comes on in winter it causes me difficulty to walk in snow and on lumpy icy ground. Ive also been getting a dry throat randomly - the middle of my throat feel dry with the need to swallow several time to clear it.
Should I wait until the procedure to take Hypericum? If I take it now for the capillaries, would I take it again for the procedure?
Also, I am having some bad hip pain - outer hip right side for the past few weeks and today my lower (lumbar) middle back is paining - this generally comes on in winter it causes me difficulty to walk in snow and on lumpy icy ground. Ive also been getting a dry throat randomly - the middle of my throat feel dry with the need to swallow several time to clear it.
ASmith2 last year
Yes, if you want you can try Hyper. after the procedure, if you take it now for the capillaries the chances of it being needed after the procedure should be less. It is better to take it after the procedure.
For your above symptoms, try Rhus-tox 30c, ½ teaspoon dose. Try the two cup dilution method.
Any update on the tiny sore after the multiple x-ray?
For your above symptoms, try Rhus-tox 30c, ½ teaspoon dose. Try the two cup dilution method.
Any update on the tiny sore after the multiple x-ray?
JustSayin2 last year
ASmith2 last year
If you have Calendula cream, you can apply it directly to the dry scabs. These may be burns caused by multiple X-rays.
After 2 days, you can stop taking Calc-f.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-01-28 20:53:02]
After 2 days, you can stop taking Calc-f.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-01-28 20:53:02]
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you, I have calendula petals, Ill make some salve tomorrow.
ASmith2 last year
Hip pain improved, not 100% better but pain has lessened. Back pain also improved but only slightly.
The sore on my face is still scabby and I also have an outbreak of a small patch of rosacea-looking rash on my left cheek just under my eye (on cheekbone - this is where I have a lot of broken capillaries).
Every winter I get swellings on my toes (Chilblains) this year they are very bad. My feet are always damp and cold, I dry them and change socks multiple times a day with no luck in keeping them warm and dry.
The swellings are on the undersides of both big toes as well as along the nailbed on the right big toe. They are hard and red, swollen and are painful to walk on and they tingle.
The sore on my face is still scabby and I also have an outbreak of a small patch of rosacea-looking rash on my left cheek just under my eye (on cheekbone - this is where I have a lot of broken capillaries).
Every winter I get swellings on my toes (Chilblains) this year they are very bad. My feet are always damp and cold, I dry them and change socks multiple times a day with no luck in keeping them warm and dry.
The swellings are on the undersides of both big toes as well as along the nailbed on the right big toe. They are hard and red, swollen and are painful to walk on and they tingle.
ASmith2 last year
Try Pulsatilla 30c, two-cup method, ½ tsp dosage.
JustSayin2 last year
Im not sure what to do anymore but homeopathics just dont seem to agree with me. The two-cup method dont make much of an improvement if any. Toes are still bad, have more swellings on other toes. Started coughing after taking Pulsatilla, I started getting a tickle in my throat then began coughing from the right side of throat and bronchial tube.
Coughing at night and on waking.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-02-04 06:53:55]
Coughing at night and on waking.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-02-04 06:53:55]
ASmith2 last year
Try Nux-V 30c.
JustSayin2 last year
I didnt take the nux-v because my toes started to improve 3 days after taking pulsatilla. toes are almost better but not 100%. but feeling shallow breath comes and goes still and Im again having the feeling of something stuck in my throat right side, base of tongue/tonsil. comes with some anxiety as well.
ASmith2 last year
Thank you - Is there a remedy to fix the hypersensitivity? Something to treat the aggravations/reactions to remedies?
ASmith2 last year
There are remedies indicated for hypersensitive constitutions, but their use requires a clear set of symptoms. If your future symptoms match any of these, we will let you know.
JustSayin2 last year
Throat & anxiety have improved after taking Calc-p & Fer-phos 6X - have a tonsil stone thats still bothersome. Right estuation tube is tight, feeling to need to use my jaw to crack my ear but its not clearing.
ASmith2 last year
I am still taking the calc flour for skin spot - which has improved but still a small scar there. The estuation tube is still tight, worse in morning, tickling sensation in the ear canal. Ive also been very constipated for the past 3 days, stomach feels full and gassy, even gas has trouble passing, having the urge to empty but cant push much out.
ASmith2 last year
Stop taking Calc-f it was not recommended for continuous use and try a single dose of Lachesis 30c, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you, do I continue with the fer-phos?
ASmith2 last year
Continue ferrum-p for another week.
JustSayin2 last year
Not much change since Lachesis - constipation improved slightly. Still having blocked right estuation tube also having the feeling of something stuck in the back of throat as if a dry stick extending from right nostril down back of throat, some visible veins/irritation in very back of throat. Throat feels very dry on any exercise. At the same time having feeling of something stuck at base of tongue on right side extending to the ear causing itching/tickling sensation - Also a tonsil stone is visible on same side but behind skin like it has no way out. Right sinus is blocked and tight.
I have dental work booked on Tuesday and will be expecting some exposures that will cause sinus irritation as well as pain from procedure on upper left.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-02-23 13:08:22]
I have dental work booked on Tuesday and will be expecting some exposures that will cause sinus irritation as well as pain from procedure on upper left.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-02-23 13:08:22]
ASmith2 last year
Try a single dose of Merc 30c.
What about hip and back pain?
You can try Hypericum for any nerve pain after a dental procedure. For pain related to surgery, try arnica. For pain related to wear and tear of the skin, try calendula. For sinus irritation, you can describe your symptoms at the time as it is difficult to predict which remedy will work for you.
Stop taking Ferrum-p.
What about hip and back pain?
You can try Hypericum for any nerve pain after a dental procedure. For pain related to surgery, try arnica. For pain related to wear and tear of the skin, try calendula. For sinus irritation, you can describe your symptoms at the time as it is difficult to predict which remedy will work for you.
Stop taking Ferrum-p.
JustSayin2 last year
Hip and back pain improved. Hip pain comes and goes with exercise - exercise aside from walking and light yoga irritates it.
Will I take the hypericum ½ teaspoon dose before the procedure as previously suggested?
Oh and while I had a comfortable bowl movement yesterday, constipation is back today.
Will I take the hypericum ½ teaspoon dose before the procedure as previously suggested?
Oh and while I had a comfortable bowl movement yesterday, constipation is back today.
ASmith2 last year
Initially Hypericum was recommended because of the problem of broken capillaries, hypersensitive nerves and also because of your history of back injuries from falls.
If your current problem improves before Sunday and you still have broken capillaries then you can try Hypericum on Sunday, otherwise leave it after the procedure.
Merc should help with the constipation.
If your current problem improves before Sunday and you still have broken capillaries then you can try Hypericum on Sunday, otherwise leave it after the procedure.
Merc should help with the constipation.
JustSayin2 last year
Within 15 minutes of taking merc I was able to move bowels, have gone 3x in a few hours but am also having lower left side cramping and slight nausea with loss of appetite but feeling hungry.
ASmith2 last year
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