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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 26 of 36

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Headache has eased off , not sure whats causing the cramps, but Im trying not to strain, right now the only two bad symptoms are my right arm (it gets worse when Im using it - even typing on the computer) and my left eye - feels very sticky and irritated and like theres air bubbles in my eye in the outer corner mainly thick clear gel on the white.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-11-18 23:13:28]
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Ferrum M 6x, 2 tabs* 2 times/day for right upper arm pain, if the pain still in the same location when you type.
Try Euphr. 30c for your eyes.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-19 07:30:15]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Eye improved on its own after waking, arm has also improved a bit but still pains. I dont have Ferrum M 6x. All other symptoms are there but tolerable, A new pain occurred today at the base of my skull to the right side where it joins my neck a constant bruise-like pain that hurts more when turning my head the the left.
ASmith2 3 months ago
You can try Chel 30c if there is no change in your neck pain.
You can also list symptoms that are tolerable but still there and not getting better.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Neck pain eased off and was mild on waking after some stretches it is almost better.

Todays symptoms:

Gas - flatulance
Low pelvic pressure
Ears - both feel a bit sticky
Left knee - only if touched
Right arm - only if reaching

Current most irritating symptoms are the left eye, all symptoms from two days ago are back again very sticky and irritated and like theres air bubbles in my eye in the outer corner mainly thick clear gel on the white. And coughing after eating an aggressive cough that almost takes my breath away, having to breathe through my nose to get air - worse when switching between hot and cold foods/drinks.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Coc-c 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I made a mistake and took Chelidonium - Im not sure why I read it wrong. I dont have Coc-c There were no change in symptoms except my right big toe is acting up but I think that started before taking the remedy.

Todays symptoms:

Gas - flatulance
Gurgling sounds in stomach/squeaking - no pain
Low pelvic pressure
Ears - both feel a bit sticky
Left knee - only if touched
Right arm - only if reaching
Right big toe has small swelling on outer edge of nail and knuckle is dry hot and red - mildly irritating

Current most irritating symptoms are the left eye still very sticky and irritated no feeling of air bubbles today more like a foreign object scratching in the upper outer lid mainly thick clear gel on the white. Coughing after eating is not as aggressive but coughing in the morning has started again. Teeth are sensitive especially upper molars, gums also feel irritated.
ASmith2 3 months ago
It is ok if you have taken Chel. Has there been any change in arm pain after taking it?
Try Lyc 30c for your current symptoms.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
All the above symptoms are milder today so I didnt take Lyc yet, The only major irritation right now is my left eye. still very sticky and irritated like a foreign object (feels like threads)scratching in the entire eye with a thick clear gel on the white and visible red veining. Rinsing with cold water provides relief for a few minutes. Will I take the Lyc?
ASmith2 3 months ago
Dont delay any longer, try Euphr 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Took the Euphrasia 6 hours ago, eye seemed to improve the first hour but is back to the same again. (scratching in the entire eye - more under the bottom lid and outer corner with a thick clear gel on the white and visible red veining. Rinsing with cold water provides relief for a few minutes.)
ASmith2 3 months ago
Repeat the dose.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Feeling even worse after repeated dose but seems to have moved to upper lid closer to inner corner, feels like sand and acid in my eye.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Wait to see if the symptoms get better after waking up, if not then try Phyt 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-24 03:57:46]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Eye improved quite a bit today on its own, still feels a bit irritated and sticky, so does my right eye now as well. Feeling of something stuck in right side of throat is back, have heartburn as well.

Todays milder symptoms:

Gas - flatulance
Ears - both feel a bit sticky
Left knee - only if touched
Right arm - only if reaching
Mild infection (bad taste) in eye tooth
Few acne spots around chin
Skin on face and around eyes feels dry wrinkled and tight
General body aching
Feeling irritated
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Sulph 30c if there is no change in symptoms after waking.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
On waking the irritation is now back to just my left eye and is just a bit scratchy and sticky. Throat stuck feeling is gone and so is heartburn.

milder symptoms:

Gas - flatulance - really bad odor
Ears - both feel a bit sticky
Few spots around chin are drying up already
Skin on face and around eyes feels dry wrinkled and tight
General body stiffness
Feeling mildly irritated
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Puls. 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Im just getting your message now and symptoms have changed again:

Left eye watering and feels like acid in the inner corner and upper lid area.

Stomach feels uncomfortable, bubbling and gas in lower left side.

Gums in mouth are sore around where lower molars were removed many years ago, this tends to happen if I eat hard foods the gums get ulcerated.

Milder symptoms:

Gas - flatulance - really bad odor
Skin on face and around eyes feels dry wrinkled and tight
General body stiffness
Feeling mildly irritated
Left hip pain as if bruised
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Clem.(Clematis Erecta) 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-26 05:59:06]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I dont have this one either, there are no stores here with homeopathics so it can take several weeks to get here if I order online. I have probably 80 different ones and Im not quite sure what to add to my remedy chest.

On waking Left eye watering but no acid feeling.
Right ear very congested, Coughing and it takes a lot of effort to be productive. Mild sinus headache between brows, very stuffy nose.

Stomach feels okay but still some gas

Gums are still sore.

Oh and sometime yesterday evening The joint in one of my fingers turned black - I had this in the past theres no real pain or any other symptoms associated with it other than a hot feeling initially then the finger joint turns dark purple/black like a blood vessel broke. Not sure if this should be added in as a symptom as it doesnt cause me any pain.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-11-26 09:28:15]
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Hepar Sulph 30c for symptoms other than finger joint discolouration.

Was the discolouration of the finger joints caused by cold weather?

Anything in the body that feels or looks strange or unusual is a symptom, even if it doesnt hurt or feel uncomfortable.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-26 11:50:05]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I dont think its caused by cold, Im not sure what causes it - it happens at random, usually I touch something like doing dishes or grabbing a door knob then I feel a hot sizzling sensation for a few minutes and the joint turns black. This time the underside of the bottom joint of my middle finger on the left hand.

I just finished breakfast and am again having digestive upset, I ate boiled chicken breast with some iceberg lettuce and wild blueberries on a gluten-free natures path waffle and a cup of warm water.

Stomach is making all sorts of loud gurgling sounds, uncomfortable and crampy from center of stomach to lower left side, passing a lot of gas.

Foamy gassy stool.

Still proceed with Hepar Sulph?
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Coloc.(Colocynthis) 30c, single drop of the remedy sol.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I dont have this remedy.
ASmith2 3 months ago
If you still have the same symptoms then try Sulphur 30c if you feel the need, it covers most symptoms but not all.

Its better to take the names of all the remedies that was recommended that you dont have and get them.
Better to have, and not need them, than to need, and not have them.
JustSayin2 3 months ago

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