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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 22 of 36
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You can take 4 tabs of Calc-f 6x at one time.
I see more prominent veins in the eyes than redness.
Any particular location of the headache and any particular sensations?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-16 15:15:32]
I see more prominent veins in the eyes than redness.
Any particular location of the headache and any particular sensations?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-16 15:15:32]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Same as before on top of skull radiating down forehead between eyebrows, pressure and making eyes feel very tired. No lightheadedness like before. The veins in eyes only appear bright when they feel gritty (sometimes much more widespread and redder than today), theres also a pale yellow gel on the eye in the area.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-16 15:52:38]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-16 15:52:38]
ASmith2 5 months ago
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Bloodwork went well without the need for ledum. Most symptoms have improved, the most bothersome symptom is the feeling of something stuck in throat, pain in right side of tongue, clogged right ear and coughing on waking.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Phos 30c. Take only 2 drops of the remedy solution.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Took 2 drops of phos 30 4.5 hours ago, throat has not improved any, it feels a little worse. Been having waves of headaches on and off, similar to the feeling when you stand up too fast. There are a few visible tiny blisters in my throat they are clear/flesh colored around my tonsil, firm and only about 1.5mm in size, Ive seen them there before and wondering if they are causing the sensation but It also feels as if theres something stuck between my nostril and tonsil extending down the side of throat and into my ear.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-18 19:08:04]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-18 19:08:04]
ASmith2 5 months ago
I just took a better look and the cyst on the upper part of my tonsil looks like its bigger than it was before (before as in when I was diagnosed last year).
ASmith2 5 months ago
Any change in your other symptoms R sore tongue, cough on waking and blocked ear?
Phos does work for swelling of the tonsils & for cysts as well, just keep observing for any changes there.
For the feeling of something stuck b/w nostril and tonsil extending down the side of throat and into ear, try Phytolacca Decandra 30c.
Phos does work for swelling of the tonsils & for cysts as well, just keep observing for any changes there.
For the feeling of something stuck b/w nostril and tonsil extending down the side of throat and into ear, try Phytolacca Decandra 30c.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
On waking I had a mild cough only lasting a few minutes and productive. The feeling of something stuck in my throat has worsened feels lower in the throat now as if below the tonsil and feels sharp on swallowing- even just swallowing saliva, as if a small bristle was caught in throat, perhaps an ulcer down lower than I can see, gland is swollen on that side under jaw and neck feels hot, right ear feels a bit congested. Also Ive been having a banding headache and a bit lightheaded as if theres a blood pressure issue, Ive had a few glittering flashes in the upper outer corners of both eyes and I had one episode of the chest flutter while walking. Body aches a bit, right upper arm has a feeling as if something is pinched a few inches below the shoulder. The throat sensation is one that causes me stress and anxiety.
ASmith2 5 months ago
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Sulph 30c. Take only 1 drop of the remedy solution.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Headache has improved greatly after a nap, as did the body aches. The throat issue is the same and I feel winded, heart rate seems to go up on little exertion. Still take sulph?
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Iodum Purum 30c only for
-shortness of breath and
-rapid heartbeat on least exertion.
Or if you dont have Iodum try Cactus grandiflorus Q (2 drops in a cup of water and only take single sip as a dose) or in 30c ( only 1 drop of the remedy solution.)
-shortness of breath and
-rapid heartbeat on least exertion.
Or if you dont have Iodum try Cactus grandiflorus Q (2 drops in a cup of water and only take single sip as a dose) or in 30c ( only 1 drop of the remedy solution.)
JustSayin2 5 months ago
I dont have either of these remedies. Most things except throat have improved again, I guess Ill wait until morning.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Throat was improved on waking, got worse after brushing teeth - peppermint maybe? Still feeling rapid heartbeat on least exertion but not as bad, having some lightheadedness and having trapped gas under right ribs with pain and stitching, eye is a bit irritated but overall most things seem improved a bit today.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try 2 doses (2 tabs) of Nat-m 6x tissue salt for a day. If there is no improvement after two doses, stop taking it.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Took first dose of Natm6x before bed, had a slight issue of over-salivation before going to sleep. On waking had a mild cough, was able to move bowels normally, throat has improved, eye still feels gritty/sticky (it was much worse yesterday evening before remedy), headache gone, heartrate/winded situations seems to have gone but I havent exerted myself yet, otherwise most symptoms are improved/mild. Was having pain in fingers in right hand again yesterday and is still there but mild, only pains on use like wringing out a cloth or grasping something. will I take the second dose this morning?
ASmith2 5 months ago
You can try a dose of Nat-m 6x (2 tabs) again. For your present condition, Nat-m is only indicated only for weak grasping fingers & gritty eyes.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Not much change today - having body aches and pains had an episode of a sharp pulling pain behind my right knee while harvesting apples, fingers on right hand are paining on use, right side of lower back aching. The feeling of something stuck in throat has been intense today - always causes me anxiety and stress. Gland is swollen/hard under right jaw, ears are congested, teeth feel sensitive, left upper canine is mildly infected and eye still feels gritty & sticky. It was cold and rainy today I always feel worse in this weather.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-21 19:41:33]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-21 19:41:33]
ASmith2 5 months ago
I think I may be getting a cold or my allergies are acting up a lot. My throat is sore along with having a stuck feeling, my ear is clogged and making a lot of noises when I yawn or chew, the glands in my neck are swollen and my neck feels hot (all right side), I feel overall very tired and had trouble waking after sleeping, I was awake but couldnt get my eyes open for about 30 minutes drifting back into sleep, slept for almost 2 hours in the afternoon yet still feels tired, mild headache.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Arsenicum album 30c, a single drop from the remedy solution.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Took some elderberry syrup and cell salt kai mur and fer phos before bed, woke up much better -ear is still clogged a bit but eye was much worse again, scratching bloodshot and thick gel on the white outer lower area of eyeball.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Merc 30c, a single drop from the remedy solution.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
took merc before bed, on waking no improvement in eye, feels as if theres a sharp eyelash along the lower outer lash line but unable to see any inverted lashes, area on eyeball is raised and bloodshot. Also quite constipated.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try a dose of Ferrum Phos 6x (2 tabs).
JustSayin2 5 months ago
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