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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 35 of 36

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Maybe it has to do with trapped gas. Nat-s 6x might help in this case.
In the case of trapped gas elsewhere in the body always try Nat-s 6x first to see if it helps.
I looked at your initial shared symptoms a year ago, there were indications for Nat-s, was of the opinion to better try 30c but as there were no other symptoms to go with it, so avoided it. As this problem of trapped gas is a common problem for you, use 6x whenever this happens, no need to wait for anything else.
Do you have problems with eating seafood or other foods with a high water content?
JustSayin2 last month
I havent eaten seafood in years but yes, if I eat soup or watery foods I tend to have worse symptoms. I cant eat any raw vegetables either. But it dont seem to bother me to drink Blueberries blended in water as a smoothie, this tends to relive any burning sensations.

The only foods Im eating right now because if I try new things I tend to get worse are:

Pears (no peel)
Apple sauce
Celery (cooked only)
Carrots (cooked only)
Iceberg Lettuce
Corn Pasta
Chicken Liver
ASmith2 last month
Stomach has remained fairly good, still a bit of flatulence.
Tongue and throat started paining again this evening.
Right side of tongue feels tender- theres almost a feeling of dryness although theres enough saliva in my mouth, right side of throat feels sore extending to ear on swallowing, gland under right jaw is firm.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-26 23:00:44]
ASmith2 last month
Try Belladonna 30c if symptoms remain the same.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-27 06:49:19]
JustSayin2 last month
Feeling pretty good overall this morning. Had a bout of soft stool, mildly burning on using bathroom, some flatulence but not too bad.

Tried some sprouted bread again for breakfast, seems okay.

Throat has a mild feeling of something stuck at base of tongue (this tends to get worse later in the day)

Still take Belladonna or wait for it to get worse?

ASmith2 last month
Arm pain has improved?
Have your sore throat and tongue symptoms improved?
Does the swallowing of food or drink help with the feeling of something stuck, as it did last time? Is it worst after eating or drinking is done?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-27 13:55:09]
JustSayin2 last month
Arm pain is back because I was shoveling snow this morning.
Throat & tongue are improved but not 100% better - symptoms are fairly mild. Swallowing food & drink always helps with the feeling but as soon as I stop eating or drinking it comes back, not worse, just the same. If I eat something dry like oats it tends to fell worse after.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-27 14:25:06]
ASmith2 last month
Try Nat-m 6x for your symptoms. If it helps, then whenever you have these symptoms again, try Nat-m 6x first to see if it helps.
JustSayin2 last month
Did your symptoms improve today after taking Nat-s & Nat-p yday?
JustSayin2 last month
Okay thank you,

Thank you

Yes it seems that all symptoms improved to some degree after taking Nat-s & Nat-m for a short while, then improved again after taking Nat=s & nat-p. Especially digestive issues.
ASmith2 last month
Seems like my body gave me a half a day peace.

Ate lunch and took a nap, on waking got cramps in left side
Took Nat-m & Nat-s started passing flatulence and gassy soft stool. Feeling nauseated.

Woke up with left eye irritated, feeling of hairs in eye and visible veining.

Still feeling nauseated but hungry.
ASmith2 last month
Symptoms may be due to Nat-m 6x. There was no need to take Nat-m 6x with Nat-s 6x when the central problem was cramping pain.

Wait to see if there is any improvement. If not then use the following info. to decide on the remedies.
Nat-s 6x for trapped gas and cramping pain.
Nat-m 6x for feeling of something stuck in the throat, better with food and comes back after eating & arm pain.
Nat-phos 6x for acidity in the middle chest.

If there is no improvement in eye symptoms then try Calc-phos 6x, Calc-f 6x based on the below info.
Calc-p 6x for prominent red veins.
Calc-f 6x for hair sensation in eye.

Keep this information handy for future use.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-27 21:25:10]
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you, Ive pinned this to my desktop.
Tried Calc-f yesterday and eye symptoms improved.
Took Nat-p after supper and relieved the heartburn.

Woke this morning with all over body aches (worse in neck & shoulder area) a headache across forehead, stuffy nose and non-productive hacking cough. Feels as if Im getting a cold but many times Ive felt like this and nothing comes of it. It may be from shoveling yesterday and exposure to some sort of chemical smell coming from neighbors house.
ASmith2 last month
If there is no change in symptoms, try a single dose of Bry 30c.
Hows your R arm?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-28 15:48:40]
JustSayin2 last month
Right arm is mild, not as bad as yesterday.
ASmith2 last month
Tried Bry30 and cough and body aches seemed to improve yesterday.

The cold-like symptoms are back today but not as bad, the dry cough is the worse symptom, body aches are mild headache is gone. The feeling of something stuck in my throat is intense. Nat-M does not seem to be helping.
ASmith2 last month
Give some symptoms about dry cough, timing, what makes it better and worse, is there a tickle in the larynx before the cough, does a draft of air make the cough worse etc. Any expectoration, if so, what colour?

Feeling of something stuck, is it better by swallowing like last time & worst afterwards? Is it felt under the right side of the base of the tongue? Any choking?
JustSayin2 last month
Hacking dry cough nothing coming up, tickle at base of throat, worse after eating or breathing cold air.

Feeling of something stuck yes at right side base of tongue, better while eating and drinking warm water, returns as soon as I stop eating. The choking feeling is more phycological in nature, it feels as if I may choke on something because of the sensation of something stuck.
ASmith2 last month
Try Kali-c 30c.
Do you have Rumex 30c?
JustSayin2 last month
Thank you, Ill try Kali-C
I dont have Rumex - should I add it to my list?
ASmith2 last month
You can add Rumex as it is an important remedy esp. indicated for both the coughs aggravated by draft of any kind of air and the stuck sensation that comes back after eating.
JustSayin2 last month
The coughing passed on its own before taking the Kali-C
Later in the evening after supper I got bad cramps and trapped gas so took a nat-s shortly after I was passing large amounts of very foul gas (like rotting garbage) along with belching and the feeling of food and air rising up in throat - this continued all evening with nausea.

On waking the gas has subsided but nausea remained, ate breakfast and half way through had to urgently pass a bowel movement which was soft and gassy.

Current other symptoms:
Pain in right arm worse on waking
Slight nausea
Tender low pelvic region of stomach
Feeling of something stuck in actual tonsil
Cold feet and fingers
ASmith2 last month
Continue to observe for the moment. Looks like Kali-c.
Do not take any cell salts for the time being, let me know if you develop any symptoms.
JustSayin2 last month
Sorry for not being clear - I hadnt taken the Kali-C because I was waiting for time after eating and the cough subsided on its own.

I tried to go for a walk but am feeling very tired and breathless as well - Didnt eat much for breakfast, this could be the issue.
ASmith2 last month
Feeling very tired and breathless after walking or before as well?
Still nausea and other symptoms esp Cold feet and fingers, that were there before?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-30 16:06:04]
JustSayin2 last month
Breathless only while walking, tired all morning.
Tenderness in low pelvis gone but all other symptoms remain.
ears became gluey on lying down left one stuck together have to pull earlobe to open canal.

Stomach making a lot of gurgling sounds as well.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-30 18:38:53]
ASmith2 last month

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