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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 19 of 36
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You can try Calc-f 6x tissue salts to see if it helps in your case.
Otherwise Apis is indicated based on its location.
Otherwise Apis is indicated based on its location.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Thank you tongue better after 3rd dose of calc-f
ASmith2 5 months ago
feeling of something stuck at base of tongue/tonsil area on right side again, gland is also swollen under jaw joint on that side. Eye is still bad, remedy hasnt arrived yet.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Merc 30c.
Do you have Merc 200c? As Merc 30c has been repeated many times for your symptoms, it may be better to try a higher potency in the future.
Do you have Merc 200c? As Merc 30c has been repeated many times for your symptoms, it may be better to try a higher potency in the future.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
I dont have Merc 200. I had to take an arnica this morning because A large rock landed on my finger - how long should I wait before taking merc?
ASmith2 5 months ago
You can take Merc now.
Arnica can be used with other remedies, a minimum of 15 minutes gap is sufficient between doses.
Arnica can be used with other remedies, a minimum of 15 minutes gap is sufficient between doses.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Thank you. My eye feels as if the tears are acid today with a gritty sticky feeling and mild swelling with mild bloodshot - will the merc help with this? throat seemed to improve after arnica.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Were the eye symptoms the same before taking Arnica? or has there been any change?
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Eye gets worse as the day goes on so it did get worse after arnica but it does that regularly so I dont think the arnica had any impact.
ASmith2 5 months ago
ASmith2 5 months ago
ASmith2 5 months ago
JustSayin2 5 months ago
I was just about to take the euphrasia and I suddenly started coughing and almost choking on my own phlegm, right side like massive amounts of phlegm going into my bronchial tubes - I was exposed to dust, moss and fragrances today. Feel the need to keep clearing deep in throat aspirating small amounts of phlegm.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Im back to having the constant changing/cycling symptoms. The phlegm came back in the night - right sinus completely blocked, coughed up phlegm for an hour, ears blocked - right ear worse, gland swollen and body aches, throat feels sore like when you get a cold (not like something stuck), I have a lot of gas, eye just feels tired and sticky on waking. But I know that the symptoms will change within a few hours.
ASmith2 5 months ago
I was away for 2 days and the symptoms subsided. I havent taken the merc again yet but will do so today. - I believe my symptoms have to be allergy related. Im unable to find any inverted eyelashes and my eye cleared up while I was away in a clean area with no pollution from houses and came back the moment I got back as did all the other symptoms, gas, body aches, blocked sinus and ear, feeling of something stuck in throat, swollen gland and coughing in the morning.
ASmith2 5 months ago
JustSayin2 5 months ago
For hypersensitive constitutions and chronic effects of pollution and exposure to chemicals, Ars Alb, Phosphorus, Merc etc are highly indicated; if I ask you to take these remedies in the future based on symptoms similarity then do so, as they will slowly help to overcome this underlying weakness.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Okay thank you - will do. Should I order merc 200? and any of the others in a different dose?
ASmith2 5 months ago
Better to have Arsenic Alb, Phos. in 6c, try 6c first before moving up the potency scale based on your responses. As Merc 30c has been used many times with positive responses, it is a good idea to go up to 200c.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
After taking merc many symptoms improved a bit - gas passed, eye is still bad but feels more irritated in the inner corner.
ASmith2 5 months ago
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