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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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It is best not to prevent the mucus from draining out with cough syrup. They only stop the cough reflex which is the body's natural reaction to the build up of mucus which must be coughed up or else as you state in your son's case it is followed by an attack of Asthma.

You can use Hepar Sulph 30c in the wet dose 4 times daily to enable him to cough the phlegm out.

The Nat Sulph 6c Asthma therapy will then be used to cure his Asthma.
Joe De Livera last decade
for how long should i give hepar sulph????
secondly and should i continue with the natrum suplh remedy simultaneously??????
thirdly, i would very much appreciate if u could tell as to what other remedies can be given simultaneously with natrum sulph which would not antidote its effect????
fauzia last decade
To Fauzia

I did not suggest Hepar Sulph for your daughter. However if you feel that she could benefit from it as she has a lot of phlegm in her lungs you will have to watch out for Asthma as the Hepar Sulph may antidote the Nat Sulph for the Asthma.

Use the steam technique or the nebulizer without the steroids as this is the easy way out to dislodge the mucus.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Fauzia
Please give your daughter the nebuliser and let her stablise ,nat sulph can wait.One should not take any chances with asthmatic children .Please her the immidiate medical attention which she requires.Only once she recovers from her present asthma free symptoms start with nat sulph.I am sure you will also get positive results.My son was taking seroflo twice daily before he started this therapy.Let her feel normal.

shiny last decade
I agree with Shiny.
Joe De Livera last decade
oday shewok up coughing nd wheezing too...but this ime th cough wold just notjut..so i had to nebulize her ....althouhg i gave her steaamm and nt sulh just after her wakingup...whatto do???
she is wheezing and has mucus iin chest..
fauzia last decade
i am waiting for ur resonse doc joe.......
fauzia last decade
You have done the best for your daughter and you will have to ensure that she is fully well and without her cough and cold before you start the Nat Sulph therapy as it can only help when the child is fully well.

I would recommend that you consult a doctor to check for any URT infection that she may be having and if so he will prescribe an antibiotic.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr.Joe

Yesterday night was the first split dose of 1 teaspoon Nat Sulph therapy given to my 2.3 year old son.

He was advised to be on Montelukast Sodium for 3 months due to his continuation accumulation of phlegm, so he was on Montelukast Granules which was discontinued day b4 yesterday (No symptoms of Asthma though) which is a requirement of your therapy.

Since this was the first night, it would be to early to say anything....but it was same like his 'Montelukast Sodium' night. He slept well.

Our doc has also advised us to avoid giving him milk, which she thought was a trigger for developing phlegm. So he is on a no milk diet and now no medicines except the Bat Sulph therapy.

I will keep you posted on this daily.
solvin last decade
dont wat to give her antiiotics again..last 3 months same thinghappened and the doctor has been givin her antibiotis..she has turned ark and has deeloped dark circles under hr eyes...ca i give her kali bichoromic for phelgm
fauzia last decade
or hepar sulphas u sggested earlier fr my son..i am fedup of trying so many remedies by different doctors.nothing seem to help....want to kill myself!!!
fauzia last decade
Dear Fauzia,

I had same problems with my son and would suggest you to give your child Allopathic Medicines - LO-TUSS syrup for phlegm clearance 1.5ml/2.5 kgs 3-4 times a day for 2 days and Mentolukast Sodium 4mg Granules (Montair Granules from CIPLA) one sachet dissolved in water once in the night before going to sleep.

And like my son, once under control, we can start with Mr.Joe's Nat Sulp Therapy as a permanent cure.

Hope this helps you.
solvin last decade
to solvin....singulir cotains 10mg of Mentolukast Sodium and i have given them so many times to no avail...
fauzia last decade
To Fauzia

I too agree that antibiotics is not the way to go especially since you have given them a short time ago. Your doctor would not have prescribed them unless there was no infection which he would be able to identify and which I cannot do from here.

I would opt for the Hepar Sulph to see if this remedy can help her as you seem to have used the others that were recommended by others.

Remember that the Nat Sulph therapy will only work when the child is completely free of other ailments.
Joe De Livera last decade
Montelukast (Singulair) helps further to block the formation of additional phlegm....The phlegm that is already existing has to b cleared thru steam or strong expectorants...so LO-TUSS Syrup for expectoration of phlegm.

So give Singulair in the night again atleast for 2 days alongwith LO-TUSS to bring your child out of wheezing and sleeplessness. Once normal can proceed with Joe's therapy
solvin last decade
i have to check whether lotus is available here or no...i live in UAE
fauzia last decade
Dear Fauzia
You might have to nebulise her with salbutamol to immidiately reduce wheezing.Check with your doc. for the dose salbutamol will definately help and after about 10 min nebulise her with the steroid respule i don't know which one you use .You might have to nebulise her twice a day for a 2-3 days if the attack is severe and then bring her down to the inhaler and when she is completely alright start with nat sulph.I my son's case also antibiotics were the main culprit but gradually with experiance what i learnt was that URT is rarely the case and antibiotics are rarely needed.One must start with inhalers immidiately or else situation becomes worse.

shiny last decade
If not Lotuss...u can check composition of any other brand with Salbutamol 2mg + Bromhexine Hydrocholoride + Guaiphenesin 100 mg...

Asthalin Expectorant is also good with Salbutamol & Guaiphenesin
solvin last decade
Antibiotics must if fever crosses 101.....Secondly if you have to give antibiotics then also give Lactobacillus Acidophilus powder available in sachets - 1 sachet per antibiotic dose......

Try to avoid Antibiotics. Try Salbutamol inhalers if breathing becomes heavy...
solvin last decade
i neblized her with flexotide and ventoine only once in the morning and she is ok since then...she has phelghm but not coughing after taking the nebulzer...its been 6 hours now.....i hate to give my children these steroids etc ...as they r only the the temp. cure and the side effects r horible...poor kids!!!!!i am giving her steam off n on too....
fauzia last decade
i am gving her ginger and honey in hot water to drink ....also have started giving her black seeds with honey....
fauzia last decade
It breaks my heart to learn from you at first hand what trauma you the mothers suffer with your children who have chronic Asthma.

I am indeed glad that I have been able to spread the word about this Nat Sulph therapy which seems to me to be a Miracle Cure of this ailment which as you perhaps are aware is not easy to overcome especially in the case of children.

As you perhaps are aware I have been criticized by the so called classical homeopaths who treated Shiny's son unsuccessfully and it is very unlikely that they would have prescribed Nat Sulph 6c in the manner that I have done which you have seen in his case has worked in a manner that even I did not expect.

If as I hope, your children are also cured of their Asthma you can spread the word about this cure which unlike the other remedies and of course the many drugs that you have been recommended and have used are only temporaty palliatives.

I hope that when your children are without any other ailments like their present coughs, the Nat Sulph therapy will help them to overcome their ailment permanently.

If for some reason it does not, I shall indicate another remedy which I have used in difficult cases which hopefully should help your children with their Asthma.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Fauzia
I think to need to think rationally.It's very important to give the child the neccessary treatment or the cough will prolong and make the child feel worse.Nobody likes to give their children steroids but if need arises one needs to give the most convienient form of treatment.In allopathy this is the only line of treatment for asthma.But be patient phelgm takes time to dry up.
Where are you from.I am from India.

I think four of us have made our own forum.But i am glad that more and more mothers are trying nat sulp as i did after a lot of inner turmoil.
But really i am glad i did.
Thanks Joe once again.

shiny last decade
What do I take for severe asthma attacks. I have just started nat sulp6c in the wet dose. I noticed that you told someone only to use ars alb 200 only once a day. I sometimes like now get attacks several times a day. I dont want to use the nebulizer every time I get an attack, because the more you use it the more you need it..Also you told someone to use the nat sulph from the bottle and not to take a teaspoon of it out and stir it into a half cup of water so... which way do I do it?
jasminem last decade
To Jasminem

I note that you have been following my advice to a few patients who have been chronic asthmatics.

I am glad that you have finally decided to use the Homeopathic approach to a cure and you may be interested to learn that I have been able to CURE many chronic cases some of whom were using a Ventolin inhaler which I understand is good for 250 puffs in just 1 month.

If you would like me to study your case I shall be glad to do so if you can give me details of your history with Asthma:

When you first noticed it.
What your symptoms are with details of how asthma affects you and how often you get attacks.
What treatment you have taken for it.
Any other information that can be of assistance to enable me to help you.
Joe De Livera last decade
to Joe De Livera, thank you for taking interest in my case. I am 54 and my asthma and my problems started about in 1994. I woke up in the middle of the nite and was not breathing very well. Went to the doctor they could not find anything wrong with me. This went on for about a year. They finally said it was an allergy. But by this time I was more than just congested. I started wheezing really bad. went to an allergist, he tested me and I had severe allergies to alot of things, plants, molds, cats and dogs etc. The treatment was albuterol in haler, nebulizer treatments and when nothing else worked I was hospitalized and given cortisone. Now in the present year this is what I take on a daily basis: albuterol inhaler,advair,zyrtec,and nebulizer treatments. I have not used cortisone recently only because I have refused to do so because it is affecting me as in muscle loss,muscle tenderness, cramps, and not to mention weight gain. Apart from affecting my physical body asthma has also affected my life as I knew it. I am unable to work. I fear sometimes when I am out that I will have a severe attack and not make it to my nebulizer which does not undo the wheezing totally only helps me to breath.I am worse when I get up, if cold wind hits me, in extreme heat, and in the early morn.like after 12am. I have weeks that I just use my albuterol pump . But then there are days like now that I dont leave the house much because the attacks come on quickly and severe. I have not told my doctor because he does not believe in anything natural and he will insist on cortisone treatments. My symtoms consist of coughing and then chest gets tight and then I have a coarse wheeze, as I walk to my nebulizer I pant very fast. Also if I put my weight on my arms I feel better. I do this by resting behind a sofa I lean over the sofa with my arms. When I am this sick I will have about 3 attacks a day that are scary. This has affected my faith sometimes it affects my hope of having any kind of life. I would to work again. I forgot to mention that my very first symtoms were nasal related, I was congested. Then I got polyps for years, I finally had them removed last year. It is great to breath thru my nose again. I had not been able to breath thru my nose for about 5 years. My surgeon thought that my asthma would improve with the surgery but it has not. Also I have sensitivities to certain foods too many to mention but some are eggs, milk, cheese, bananas,wheat,flour, sugar,etc. I hope this information will help you to help me. And Let me say that I think you are awesome. I have not had the pleasure I knowing many people who do good things for nothing. But God is watching and He will bless you all the more. thank you.
jasminem last decade

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