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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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Dear Fauzia
I am here only and reading your posts regularly.My son is doing great .I hope your dos too.I am sure she will benefit from Nat Sulph.My son will be completing a month on nat sulph and touch wood he is feeling good as well as looking better.
Joe has been a saviour for my son.I am confident that our children will be free of asthma within a period of 6 months.
Let us all know how your daughter slept.

shiny last decade
Thank you Shiny for your report.

I have often been thinking and praying for your boy and there is no doubt in my mind today that he is now well on the road to a complete recovery.

I presume that you are now using the Split Dose every other day and he can safely use it for as long as he feels that it is doing him some good.

I am counting on you to spread the word to all other asthmatic children in his school as you would be doing them a great service to overcome Asthma which can stifle the development of a child and affect his future life.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
I have been using the split dose since the last 13 days now.I am going Kathmandu for 3 days, will be carrying the remedy along and as you had mentioned that we can start reducing the frequency after he complete's 14 days.However i would like to start reducing the frequency after we come back from our small trip.

shiny last decade
Dear Shiny

There is no strict rule that one must reduce the dosage on the 14th day. This can be done when you feel confident enough to warrant this change over.

One word of warning that I would like to give you is that you must not give the pellets direct to your son if say for instance, the water leaks out of the bottle when you are travelling. You MUST dissolve the pellets in another bottle of water which is then the remedy.

I mentioned this to you as a patient did not have the water remedy with her and she use the pellets which she thought was OK instead of the wet dose. She had an attack within a few hours and had to use the Ars Alb to stop the spasm.

Quite frankly I cannot rationalize this mystery how just a few pellets of Nat Sulph in water can make such a big difference in the life of an asthmatic as it seems so very illogical in its concept.

This is the mystery of Homeopathy !
Joe De Livera last decade
last night she had coughing attack at 2:30am and i didnot wait and gave her 2 globules of arsenic and that was it
i didnot have to give her twice...lets see how she is tonight????

i have read that homeopathic medicines should not be kept in the kitchen or anyplace where thier r strong fragrances or smells, will natrum silph wet dose in the refrigerator with all the food items having different smell not spoil the medicine????
fauzia last decade
Your remedy will not be contaminated in the fridge as long as you keep it tightly capped.

I am looking forward to your news that she did not cough at night without the Ars Alb. Please do not give it to her twice.
Joe De Livera last decade
yes she didnot cough tonight....
fauzia last decade
I believe that we are winning and that the Nat Sulph is now taking over.

Steam will also help in a big way to soften the phlegm and the last exercise can be done shortly before she sleeps.
Joe De Livera last decade
ok ...i will do that too...thanks
fauzia last decade
its 4:46am in the morning
and my daught er started coughing at 4:15am , she is couhing with a gap of 3 or 4 minutes,very deep loud and rough sounding cough as usual......i have not given her arsenic yet, i am waiting in the hope of it subsiding by itself....why is she not getting cured?????
fauzia last decade
To shiny
did ur son never coughed since u have started on nat sulph??? if yes, how many times u had to give him arsenic uptil now????
fauzia last decade
i went on one of the websites and found the side effects of arsenic album mentioned as hereunder:

Side Effects:
Signs and symptoms : What to do
Chronic symptoms include headaches, convulsion, confusion, drowsiness and change in color of fingernails. : Discontinue use of mineral. Consult with your physician immediately.
Acute symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, blood in urine, muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, hair loss and dermatitis. : Discontinue use of mineral. Consult with your physician immediately.
Coma and death are possible when toxic arsenic levels accumulate. : Discontinue use of mineral. Consult with your physician immediately.
Lungs, skin, kidneys and liver are most affected by toxicity : Discontinue use of mineral. Consult with your physician immediately.
Many types of cancer have been linked to arsenic exposure. : Discontinue use of mineral. Consult with your physician immediately.
fauzia last decade
You cannot use Ars Alb as the remedy for a cough. You will observe that I have only recommended it to be used on a SOS basis if the child cannot breathe during an attack of Asthma.

The remedy to be used for a barking cough which is perhaps what your daughter is now having is Aconite 200. Give her 3 pellets under the tongue twice daily and report.

The information that you have copied of Arsenic Album which is a highly toxic poison must not be confused with the Homeopathic potentized version of the chemical.

Here is Boericke's Materia Medica on this remedy:

Arsenious Acid-Arsenic Trioxide

A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. Its clear-cut characteristic symptoms and correspondence to many severe types of disease make its homeopathic employment constant and certain. Its general symptoms often alone lead to its successful application. Among these the all-prevailing debility, exhaustion, and restlessness, with nightly aggravation, are most important. Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion. This, with the peculiar irritability of fiber, gives the characteristic irritable weakness. Burning pains. Unquenchable thirst. Burning relieved by heat. Seaside complaints (Nat mur; Aqua Marina). Injurious effects of fruits, especially more watery ones. Gives quiet and ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency. Fear fright and worry. Green discharges. Infantile Kala-azar (Dr. Neatby).

Ars should be thought of in ailments from alcoholism, ptomaine poisoning, stings, dissecting wounds, chewing tobacco; ill effects from decayed food or animal matter; odor of discharges is putrid; in complaints that return annually. An¾mia and chlorosis. Degenerative changes. Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition. Reduces the refractive index of blood serum (also China and Ferr phos). Maintains the system under the stress of malignancy regardless of location. Malarial cachexia. Septic infections and low vitality.

I would request you to please consult me in future before you give any remedy to your daughter as we are all dedicated to helping her to get over her asthma. It just will not do to give her Ars whenever she coughs. I hope that you are continuing with the Nat Sulph 6c.

It is interesting that you only speak of her cough but not how her Asthma is faring. I believe that her cough is the residue of a deep seated infection which she has had for some time and cannot be confused with her Asthma. This is a problem that we all have in trying to diagnose over the web without actually seeing the patient.

Please report will full details as requested above.
Joe De Livera last decade
if its an infection , then why the results of the swap test done only recently done came clean???
please advice me if anyother test should be done to rule out this notion....
i am giving natrum sulph to her first thing in the morning and she remains alright all day ....only in the night or early morning or midnight this coughing attack occurs.....but today her cough stopped at 5.00 am, and i didnot givr her arsenic or any other remedy...
its 7:56 am now and she is playing in her room and is ok as any other day.......
i was thinkking of taping her cough on the video cassette and send it to u.....so that u would know exactly what kind of cough u r dealing with!!!!!!!!
fauzia last decade
forgot to mention that she never gets breathless not even when she has a coughing ow wheezing attack
its my son who takes deep breaths when he is under the symptom!!!!!!!
fauzia last decade
I note that she is getting her cough at night and not during the day. I am wondering if you can help her better by changing the timing of her taking the remedy to evening. Try this and report. You can start by giving her the Nat Sulph in the split dose when you put a teaspoonful in a half cup tonight. Do not give her any tomorrow morning and give her a teaspoonful direct from the cup tomorrow evening and report.

How is your son responding to the therapy ?

Remember the Arsenic is only to be used in the event that she cannot breathe during an attack. The Nat Sulph will help her not to get the wheeze and I believe that it is already helping her.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Fazia
I gave my son ars alb 200c daily at night for a week but that was before taking nat sulp.But as soon as i put him on nat sulph fortunately his nocturnal attacks subsided.He coughs at 5-6 times after he wakes up in the morning but becomes alright after that.But i am not getting bothered by it.I am confident that in a week's time your daughter will be alright.But i guess till nat sulph takes over you can give her ars once at night when she starts to cough and that would def. subside the attack there and then and not make her stressed.

shiny last decade
to joe:
my son is wheezing since afternoon....although he is on ur natrum sulph therapy for the last 5 days.....he is taking deep breaths and he has little cold also...please help
fauzia last decade
To Fauzia

It is obviously the cold that is responsible for his condition. If you feel that he is having trouble breathing, this is the time to give him Ars Alb. This will clear his airway and may also help his cold.

Both your children are very difficult cases and I hope that we will be able to get them back to normal soon.

It would be of interest to me to have details of their history with Asthma with approximate dates.

I have asked Shiny also to provide this data and am awaiting it. I am so glad that her son is now free of Asthma.

Shiny lives in New Delhi. Where do you live ?
Joe De Livera last decade
i livein Abu Dhabi-UAE
fauzia last decade
it is 8:30 in the morning here..and i gave him arsenic album 200 c according to ur instructions...he is not coughing though!!!!!! i hope this would help him...in his case it always strts with violent sneezing , folloed by cold and then he starts breathing from his mouth and then wheezing and couhing.....i am so helpless
fauzia last decade
Could this coughing in the night be due to blocked nostrils, breathing from the mouth sleeping right below the fan, which causes dryness in the throat leading to irritation and cough.
solvin last decade
Dear Joe,

I & my son have been Nat Sulp split dose for the last 5 days and has been working quite well except for some dry coughing sometimes in the day. Please advise to continue this split dose for 2-3 months or start with the teaspoon from 'teaspoon of the split dose in 100 ml cup' therapy and within how many days.

Secondly I also wish to inform you that though I got 70% relief from the accumulation of phlegm in the throat & 100% from wheezing & asthma attacks, when will this 30% phlegm accumulation stop from happenning. Or do I have to take some different dose alongwith Nat Sulp therapy. Please advise.
solvin last decade
To Solvin

You have a point there Solvin about the fan.

If Fauzia lives in Abu Dhabi it is very likely that her house is air conditioned. It is possible that the extra dryness and the cold of the air may be the real reason for this child's problem which seems to be really chronic. I am glad that I inquired where she lives and I will have to make this inquiry from cases such as this which seem to be really complicated.

To Fauzia

If you have an airconditioner in your son's room you are advised to increase the temperature to 24C. You must also get a humidifier which you can keep in his room to keep the humidity at about 85%. This may help your children. They must not be in the direct draught of the cold air.
Joe De Livera last decade
but natrum sulph is to get rid of humid asthma as far as i have read.....and making his room humid with the help of humidifier !!!! i just simply donot understand.......secondly i keep the kids room warm.....yes we live in centrally airconditioned apartmentwhich is normal for UAE...
to solvin..can u please tell me how exactly u made the wet dose and do u shake it 10 times before each dose ???
fauzia last decade
To Solvin

I did not see your post which I believe you posted at the same time as me.

I am glad to note that both you and your son have noticed improvement in 5 days. You may have read that Shiny's son responded within 12 hours of his first dose after about 5 years of treatment by many doctors and later homeopaths for his asthma. I am confident that you and your son too will benefit from this therapy and will eventually be cured by it as many others have.

I have treated coughs with steam from an open kettle you keep on the ground which will bathe you in the steam for a few minutes and thereby soften the mucus which is the reason for the cough. Deep breathing is recommended.

You will please not deviate from the current therapy and we will see how your respond in a few weeks. In the meanwhile please keep reporting your progress as often as you wish to do as I get the email alert and am happy to follow the progress of my patients especially Asthmatics who respond to this simple and safe therapy in comparison to the drugs and steroidal inhalers that they have been using throughout their lives.

Where do you live and is your environment also airconditioned ?
Joe De Livera last decade

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