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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 15 of 63

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I would like you to take Alumina 30C, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
WS Dr.

Thanks for your prayers.
FYI, the brown discharge stopped last evening after taking Alumen for 5 days. And from today I have started Alumina as per your instructions. But if you dont mind can i ask u one question. In fact i dont know why but i remember it was for constipation and i dont have constipation issue..so m sure u have suggested it for some other property of it..please confirm.

Thanks and Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade

Good question. This remedy is suggested to deal with your vaginal issues.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Well thanks for replying and clarifying my doubts.
but today I dont have a good news for you...yes since morning i m getting too much reddish brown discharge. I took Alumina for 2 days till last night. should i continue with it?
Please reply asap as i have to take my morning dose then.

Jazak Allah Khair for helping me.
endopatient last decade
OK, let's stop the remedy and see what happens?
nawazkhan last decade
What did you have for dinner last night including drinks?
nawazkhan last decade
yesterday it was our off day so we had a brunch (paratha with lentil-channa daal) and then in evening had 2 to 3 sips of tea with biscuits and then in dinner took quite little rice just for change, and mainly one chappati with a kabab. Didn't took any special drink..just water the whole day. My meal is never too much rather i eat quite normal(my family ppl says i eat like a bird...) also m already under weight.just FYI.

Thanks for so prompt reply. M also online to get ur further instructions.
Many many thanks for help!
endopatient last decade
Oh i just saw ur first reply now. in which u told to stop remedy. I dont know how i missed it and was waiting for ur reply.
Ok so no remedy to be taken now? and till how long we have to hold?
endopatient last decade
Was it beef?
nawazkhan last decade
A couple of days, no remedy.
nawazkhan last decade
thanks lot for replying. Yes it was of beef but still I wish to tell u that i literally eat very less quantity of kabab in fact i take very less meat. but dont know if meat is the reason for all issues...whatever is the reason u can judge better.

Ok I will keep u updated with my condition on daily basis and praying hard to Allah to help me inshaAllah.

Best Regards,
endopatient last decade
Yes, the beef Kabob could bring this condition that you reported earlier.

Please be patient and brave as usual.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Aoa Dr.

Ok vill try to avoid it in future. For now the discharge is still there. no improvement so far. M worried coz since 6 months we are trying to get rid of it but every month i get this discharge though sometimes lesser in quantity and other times more. although as u says to be patient, m trying best to keep my feelings calm but still sometimes situations bother me lot.
Well but I believe one day with your help and blessings of Allah we will succeed. InshaAllah!

Will wait for your further instructions.

endopatient last decade

I see the frustration. Then, we must do more and turn to Allah SWT for speedy recovery.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

How r u? may Allah bless u! Ameen

Well u r very correct that i was frustrated. and thats what i was telling u that sometimes feelings gets uncontrolled and i loose tolerance. However, having believe and full trust in Allah it settles quite soon.
Ok today's update is that since yesterday morning i m getting very little discharge. May be 5 drops in two hours or so. but its not finished totally.
I m not taking any remedy just waiting for your further instructions. having quite bad dry cough since 4 days now and taking honey,pepper and hot water for it. also applying vicks on throat.

No other issues AlhamdolilAllah.

Please do let me know where to go further.

jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade
' very little discharge.'

Please describe in detail.
nawazkhan last decade

well as I mean the quantity is very less of the discharge now. like just 3 to 4 drops in more than 2 hrs. Also today i noticed the discharge color is changed and its not dark brown rather light hazel color. I hope u understand what i mean as i dont know how to define more.

No other issues. AlhamdolilAllah.

Thanks and regards,
endopatient last decade
Thanks, let's wait one more day to see the symptom changes.
nawazkhan last decade

Hope u will be doing good inshaAllah!

well i just logged in to update u with my current symptoms.
I am again having brown discharge since yesterday. May be 20 drops in 2 or 3 hrs.
No other issues AlhamdolilAllah!
I am expecting periods in next few days (my last date wsa 8th dec).

Please advise!

endopatient last decade

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, daily dose for 3 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for so prompt reply. but unfortunately i dont have this medicine at the moment.
Following remedies are there with me now which u advise before.

Cinnamon 1X
Berberis Vulgaris Q and
Magnesia Phosphorica 200C (Mag. Phos.)
Colocynthis 200C
Sulphur 200C
Nux Vomica 200C
Alumen 30C , 200 C
Alumina 30 c
Berberis Vulgaris 1X
Pulsatilla 30C
Belladona 200C
Staphysagria 200C
Pulsatilla Q
Sepia 30C
Calc. Phos 6X
Arnica 30c
Bellis Prennis 30 C

Please help!
endopatient last decade
Please help!
endopatient last decade
Hi, Please take Alumen 200C, daily one dose for 2 days only.
nawazkhan last decade
You will have to stop the remedy in case period starts.
nawazkhan last decade

I am back after taking two day dose (1 dose a day). First day when i took it, the discharge color was changed to very lite yellow in i guess 3 hrs and then to transparent till night. then next day it was again brown in color. though the quantity was not much. I mean may be 10 drops max in 3 to 4 hrs.
then today also its same. brown in color 10 drops in 3 hrs aprox. I took last dose yesterday. almost 23 hrs ago.

Periods have not started yet..i m expecting it on sunday.

Please let me know what to do further.

Many thanks and Jazak Allah Khair for your selfless help!

[message edited by endopatient on Thu, 05 Jan 2012 07:35:24 GMT]
endopatient last decade
You must get hold of Arsenicum Album 200C asap.
nawazkhan last decade

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