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Endometriosis Treatment Page 39 of 63

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Thanks for the reply.
I have 200c in drops form. Please let me know how many drops to take per dose?
endopatient last decade
Sorry for the typo. Take 2 drops or 5 pills.
Zady101 last decade
Ok thanks I am taking now only and report back soon.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

I had taken first dose today afternoon. Will update about its effects after 2 days.
Meanwhile I wana tell you that since yesterday I am having very new symptom. Definitely first time. I am having very frequent urination problem. I am not drinking more water rather due to this since yesterday I am avoiding to drink. Almost every hour I have to use washroom. And the urge is so much that it become very hard to hold even for a minute. Its very difficult to manage specially if we have to go out. Also it is painful at the end.
And today after evening tea around 9 pm I had bad bloating in my stomach. It was like a wave of gas comes and goes after every 2 to 4 minutes. It stayed there for almost an hour. I took black salt during this hour several times and it went off. No problem now.
Having some mild pain in left ovary. Not continuous but just some time today i felt so.

Please let me know if i can do anything to lessen this urination problem.
I will be much thankful if you can kindly reply soon.
Also that I have recieved those remedies today.

Jazak Allah.
P.S. Just thought to inform that i am also having flue since Sunday (took thuja dose on friday). I dont know if it matters or not but its just FYI
[message edited by endopatient on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 21:24:28 GMT]
endopatient last decade
You should have given details before taking Pulsatilla, especially about frequent Urination and FLU.

What are the symptoms of the flu? Do you have fever, etc?

Do you have any burning in urination?
Zady101 last decade
Oh sorry actually I did not expect it to extend. Intially i thought it is because a day before I went for abdomen scan and had drink lot of water (7 glasses) so thats why having it next day also but then another day I noticed it that no it cant be that water. And some problem has started. Please forgive.
I am having just runny nose.
No burning in urination. Its that I feel quite frequently that i have to urinate and soon as i feel it I have to go without thinking for a while due to severe urge and I cant hold it. After urination i feel quite lot pressure again as if bladder is not empty.
(Please note that this also happens during periods but than I dont have to go frequently rather only pressure feeling comes )

No fever and no other issue AlhamdolilAllah.
endopatient last decade
So if I summarize:
1) Frequent urging to urinate, every hour.
2) Pain at the end of urination
3) Pain in left ovary
3) Brown discharge
4) If I have left anything, kindly mention
Other than this, any change in your mood and energy levels.
Zady101 last decade
1) Frequent urging to urinate, every hour.

2) Pain at the end of urination
3) Pain in left ovary
Yes but only some time not continuous mostly after urination

3) Brown discharge
Yes continuous

4) If I have left anything, kindly mention
-Runny nose
-Cold hands and feet. feel more chill

AlhamdolilAllah my energy and mood has become quite better since I am using homeo remedies.I avoid quarrels now and feel more calm inside. try to settle down things with

Also I had a Followup with gynae. My HVS report came back as follows:
Gram positive bacilli (few)
pus cells (few)
epithelial cells (few)
yeast cells (few)
Dr said it means I have mild candida infection and prescribe some vaginal suppository and capsule for 3 days. I will take if you permit. Please guide me.

Still result of Pap test is pending. Will share when i will get.

I did not took Pulsatilla today. Please let me know if I should take now?

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Do u have cantharis or sarsparilla?
Zady101 last decade
Cantharis 30

Dissolve 4 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 3 hours for a total of 4 times in a day (4 doses).

If this doesn't work, go to sarsaparilla 30.
Zady101 last decade
Oh i dont have these remedies...
I have just got that new list yesterday...
Can we use any of them? Else I have to search here else order then..will take few more days to come...
endopatient last decade

I took Cantharis yesterday as I could not get it before. Now the urge to urinate every hour has already reduced but when it feels i cant hold it and have to go asap.
I will notice changes today also and will inform you.
Meanwhile do I have to take any remedy for my cysts? I am too much worried. Also mentally I am very upset since yesterday. Very depressed due to my health. My mood is very bad and so i am not feeling to talk anyone around. Not to my hubby also. I cant pray regularly due to this discharge which is sometimes too much and it makes me more upset.
Please help.
endopatient last decade
Please be patient. These cysts will go in couple of months. As long as the discharge is coming, you will stay healthy. If you curb it using antibiotics, your health will deteriorate. We are going to address the problem using homeopathy, and that will take a bit of time. So at this point, you should not worry, things will get better.
Zady101 last decade
Yes I am trying best to calm down. but sometimes I could not control my feelings of depression..I am taking homeo treatment since 2.5 yrs so sometimes i get upset that cyst are still there...:(
But as u say in few months things will improve so m again counselling myself to pray more and improve my will power.
Today about the remedy i took yesterday..i feel the continuous urge has decreased but again when it comes its too much.
Do i have to take anything at the moment or have to wait and see.
Please instruct.

Jazak Allah for your time.
endopatient last decade
Please let me know if I need to taken any remedy now or have to wait further.
Many thanks and Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Please repeat Cantharis for 1 more day. Has the pain/urge lessesned to some extent?

Still the pain happens at the end of utination?
Zady101 last decade
Ok I have started it again today.
The urge to go again and again has lessen down but that when it comes it is still hard to control. Not much improvement in that. but i can drink water now. Pain at end has reduced to 50%.
Moreover, today i am having clear red discharge but definitely not period blood. No pain anywhere. my due date is 13th of Feb. previously i use to get brown discharge and not red blood.
Also FYI, i m sure that its not due to this new remedy Cath..because it came before i took the dose today.

endopatient last decade
You will be taking catharis 30 for 1 day more. If the infection doesn't come under control, you will take Sarsaparilla 200, one single dose. FYI, this remedy is not available in UAE. You can get from Pakistan in the meatime, if possible, otherwise we will look for other options.

One specific question: did you ever get UTI which you treated with antibiotics (allopathy), some months or years back?

And regarding your cysts, don't worry, they will be gone in 7-9 months. InshAllah!
[message edited by Zady101 on Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:44:14 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Yes I am taking it today. But by one more day u mean i have to take tomorrow as well? Please confirm.
Oh not possible to get it too soon from Pakistan. I just have got my previous list of remedies from pakistan.
But i feel inshaAllah things will set as there is much better situation compared to before. Only this control thing is bothering now.I will see tomorrow as well. Now the duration of using washroom has gone to normal.
No, i never had any UTI or any other kidney etc issue ever before. Its just that since few months last year i notice that during periods I am getting more painful urination during 4th to 11th day. I informed this to homeo dr Nawaz as i was in under his treatment.
InshaAllah. May Allah bless you. I will be so very thankful for your help in reducing the cyst and also if you can help me with your remedies to conceive naturally. Please note that i am having ovulation issues as follicle do not form nicely.

Dr., please be informed that i am also having severe breast soreness since 2 weeks now. its a PMS but this time started quite soon.
[message edited by endopatient on Tue, 04 Feb 2014 19:41:42 GMT]
[message edited by endopatient on Tue, 04 Feb 2014 19:42:02 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Yes, you may take it tomo and also day after but 3 times a day.

So, 3 times a day for next 2 days.
Zady101 last decade
Yes I am taking it and trying to figure if any further changes are there. I will complete its course today and inform you tomorrow inshaALlah.

Meanwhile, I need to inform you that i am having clear red discharge now.its bleeding but not of period as no sign of period in it that i usually have. Not as heavy as i have in period first day.
I am worried as my date is 13 and i m getting it today. Only that in morning i had slight cramp in abdomen.

Plz guide.
endopatient last decade
Pain in back or pelvis?
Burning during discharge?
Frequent urination urge status?
Ovary pain?
During your periods, does lying down gives relief instead of movement?
Does discharge comes only when you are moving around and ceases when u r lying down?
[message edited by Zady101 on Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:24:46 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Dr. periods have not started yet. Its premenstrual spotting. which is some time bright red blood and sometimes dark brown blood.
So as of now my answers are following:

-Clots? No
-Pain in back or pelvis? No
-Breast soreness is too much since my last periods finished.
-Burning during discharge? No
-cramps? Yes in whole abdomen with mild gases
-Frequent urination urge status? not going frequently but still not normal i.e. when i have urge i cant hold for a second. More urge to urinate in morning
-Ovary pain? No
-During your periods, does lying down gives relief instead of movement? Yes surely
-Does discharge comes only when you are moving around and ceases when u r lying down? Yes, very true also during periods, blood almost cease while i lye down. and soon as i leave bed bleeding starts like a flood and had to rush for washroom.

I have finished the dose of Cantharis last night. Please suggest further.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Sepia 1M

Dissolve 2 drops in 8 oz disposable cup. Stir multiple times using a disposable spoon.

Take 2 teaspoons (NOT tablespoon) from this cup ONCE ONLY. Throw away the cup and the spoon after use.

Update me after 5 days or before if needed.

Ps: Take Sepia on Saturday.
[message edited by Zady101 on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 13:19:03 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I took Sepia 1M as instructed. After almost 6 hrs periods started. It is 5 days earlier this month though my periods are always on exact date. but this month things were going very different like i had red spotting too and discharge did not stopped even for a day. I knew periods will start soon as i was having red spotting too. This month breast tenderness was at its worse. had it for 3 weeks.
Overall I feel every symptom was at its peek (discharge, tenderness and then pelvic and back pain before a day of period and on 1st day)

FYI, its my 2nd day today. Having clots also and pain also.had to take ponston to control the pain

Please let me know further medication.
endopatient last decade
Sabina 30
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 2 hours for a total of 5 times in a day (5 doses).

Please update me tomorrow.

PS: There is nothing to worry about. I am working to resolve your main problem. It will take a bit of time.
[message edited by Zady101 on Sun, 09 Feb 2014 08:53:08 GMT]
Zady101 last decade

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