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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 32 of 63

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Drink some spring water right after taking the tablets when these are fully dissolved in the mouth.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
AOA dr.

I have completed the 3 days course of Testa Ovorum on Saturday but due to busy schedule could not inform you yesterday (Sunday). AlhamdolilAllah Allah is very Merciful upon me. I am doing better.
Till yesterday there was very occasional white discharge but in morning today I observe semi liquid white discharge which was much in quantity. No other issues.
My due date is 27th July.

Please prescribe further.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
WAA, Thanks to Allah SWT.

Please continue this remedy for another 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Hope you will be doing well inshaAllah,
My update is quite different this time. I mean my due date was 27th July and still periods have not started. I am having mild pains in lower back and lower abdomen since a week which has increased today. Also I am having a lot clear white discharge. Sometimes a very very thin small thread of red blood is there in it but it is very less.
Please let me know what to do now? I took Testa Ovorum till 5 days back as I was having cramps and PMS so i was thinking periods are gonna start so i stopped it as well.

I shall wait for your earliest reply. Please do and oblige.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Dr i m in much pain compared before. I cant even offer namaz i feel.
Please help. what medicine can i use? should take ponstan? or any other thing...periods are not there. just clear discharge.

endopatient last decade
'should take ponstan?'
Yes, as needed. Also, Mag. Phos 200C, 1 daily dose, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Periods started today with a lot of pain. But this time there was no brown discharge. rather it was bright red spotting in the start. Pelvic pain is too much.
Sir, I am sorry, i am short of MP 200 and 30 c. only have 1M now.

thanks for your help.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
WAA, May Allah Bless You.

'i am short of MP 200 and 30 c. only have 1M now.
Ok, please take MP 1M, only one dose asap.

Also, take Staph 200C, 1 daily dose, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Firstly many many thanks for your sincere prayers. May Allah accept your duas in my favor in this Holy Month of Ramazan. Ameen. And keep you blessed!

Yep I took MP 1 M which did the trick and i had only mild pains and discomfort in lower sides. Started Staph the same day.
However, today morning (my 2nd day) I woke around 7:15 am with severe pain in my left ovarian region. It was too much and I felt it suddenly while sleeping. I wakeup and took Half ponstan only and apply hot water bottle. it took 2.5 hours to subside. Then whole day was normal. I took good rest today as well. But around 6:45 pm again i felt a sharp sudden pain in same side (left ovarian region) at first i thought its gastric and took some black salt with ajawain but then after oe hour i realize its like i had in morning so I had to take 500mg ponstan tablet. it worked in an hour.
this cycle I am again having lot of clots.
Please note I am sharing the situation just to keep you updated with my symptoms which i guess will help u in further prescriptions.
One thing more. I want to ask you if I can take tumeric powder in high quantity like one tea spoon daily? I read somewhere that it is good to control blood clotting in general. But i dont want to harm/self prescribe myself. So how much and in what way should i use it (if i can).
I am really thankful for your sincere help!

Many many Jazak Allah khair!
endopatient last decade

Thanks for the update as I am really worried about you. I wish and pray that this pain goes away soon....

Please do more Sadaqa and Khairat. Believe me there are a lot of poor, hungry, needy and sick around you. Please please do not count only on the remedies and prayers.

Let's take Belladonna 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days. Stop all other remedies.

More prayers for your pain free and happy life.
nawazkhan last decade
The left side pain went off after 3 days. i took Belladonna as u said but in addition had to take ponstan as well as pain was not going off. However, now since two days I am having very sharp pain in right ovarian side. First day it was at 1:00 am that I felt some pain in my thighs and after 10 min i guess I had sudden sharp pain in right ovary. it was so severe that I doubt it as something else. i was very much tensed and start praying with tears. Later I took a ponstan and pain went off in hour. Last night I had same pain but of less intensity.
It is my 7th day today. Initial two days was normal periods and from third day I am having very scanty periods which is still there but very scanty. No other issues.

Also fyi, with start of this cycle I was very depressed for getting periods as last cycle went well with 2 days of brown discharge only so my hopes went high for some good news. So upon having periods I went quite down and many worries surrounded me.
Please guide further and oblige.
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:39:41 BST]
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:40:20 BST]
endopatient last decade

Please take Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade

How are you?
I am taking Pulsatilla as u prescribed. And today is my 4th day of remedy inshaAllah will continue today as well. But I thought to update u in between. Since yesterday i am having lot of yellow discharge. At night i got pain in legs again and soon after few minutes the pain started in pelvic area and lower back. still having it.
Radiating pain in legs (especially in thighs) is a new symptom for me.
Also I must mention that my mental symptoms are also not good this time. I am having lots of fear about my health condition and often getting dis-heart. I am trying best to keep this stuff away from my thoughts but not succeeding. I am praying and doing other good deeds to please Allah. I know He is very Merciful and InshaAllah will listen to us soon. But unconsciously I become hopeless.

Please help to alleviate my mental symptoms also.

May Allah bless you with best rewards. Ameen!
endopatient last decade
WAA, Eid Mubarik!

Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Stop Pulsatilla Q.
Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
AOA And A Very Happy Eid Mubarak Dr.
May You have a long happy life Ameen!

I had completed 3 days course of Nux Vomica 200C, last night.
AlhamdolilAllah things are good. I am having very little off white discharge in minimal quantity only. Having mild pain sensation in right ovary but occasional.
This month breast tenderness (A PMS Symptom for me) went quite late. Usually i wore off upon the onset of cycle but this time it lasted for around a week more. (Just FYI).
It is my 15th day today.

Please guide further and oblige.

Jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade
WAA, Thanks.

Let's wait for a couple of days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok, I will wait for your next instructions.

Have a happy day!
endopatient last decade
Ok, Many Thanks.
nawazkhan last decade
Salam Dr.

How are you?
It's my 5th day without any remedy. AlhamdolilAllah, everything is looking good till now. Having white discharge since a week now but in less quantity but increases after coitus. As I informed before, I am having very mild occasional pain in right ovary. But its not continuous nor much but daily. Just sometimes I get it and it went away very soon on its own. Not bothering me in my work but I note its there.

It is my 19th cycle day fyi.

Please let me know if I need to wait further or have to take any remedy.

Many thanks. Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Wa Alikum Assalam,

Please start taking Cinnamon 1X, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok Sir!
I am really happy and thankful for your sooooo sincere help and prayers!

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
May Allah SWT bless you more and more.
nawazkhan last decade

AlhamdolilAllah I have completed 5 days course of the remedy last night.
Physical: No other noticeable issue except white/creamy discharge. It is more noticeable in mornings only.
Mentally: Well, I must inform that nowadays I am a bit more worried for not getting my dream and what will happen in future.
No other issues. AlhamdolilAllah, remedies are working as my symptoms are improving now.

Please guide further.

Many heartfelt thanks to your way!

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Wa Alikum Assalam WRTWB,

Please keep taking Cinnamon 1X, 1st dose around 11:30am, 3 times a day, until your next period.

Also, take one daily dose of Borax 30C, when you get up in the morning, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan last decade
Oh..I have gone short of Borax. Actually I bought it from here only. And it was in pelletes. Which are very less in quantity. May be 10 day dose at max it have. I also tried to acquire from Pakistan but could not get it from there too. Anyways...I will try t o see if I can have it again from here tomorrow.
However, I am taking the other remedy and have it in stock as well. fortunately :)

Jazak Allah Khair!
endopatient last decade
Good luck and more prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

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