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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 21 of 63

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, please go for it. Just dissolve 4 pills in 2 sips of mineral water for each dose.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Yes I have already started the remedy Borax 30C from today morning. InshaAllah will report back after 4 days.

Jazak Allah Khair.
endopatient last decade
WAA, very nice!
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Although my remedy course has not finished yet but since the symptoms have changed I thought to update you.
I have taken 2 days doses i.e. 6 doses in all till now.
Since morning today, discharge has changed to light brown color. the quantity has reduced but white color has changed to light brown.

Plz guide me what to do.
Plz note there is no change in diet etc..

Thanks and Regards,
endopatient last decade
Good! let's stop the remedy and wait for a couple of days.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
Jazak Allah Khair for guiding me. InshaAllah will keep you updated.

I feel quite comfort from your prayers. Thanks lot!
endopatient last decade
AoA, Remedies alone will not produce the desired results. Please do more in helping the hungry, poor, needy, orphans and the sick. Turn more and more to Allah SWT with full trust, praises and thanks.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

No doubt in this at all. And InshaAllah I am trying to do more and more now. May Allah accept our efforts Ameen.

For now the update is that the discharge has turned to off whitish in color since I have stopped the remedy and its now two days of this discharge. Quantity has also reduced noticeably. AlhamdolilAllah. I think only 5 to 10 drops in 3 to 4 hrs.
No pain etc. Many many thanks to Almighty Allah. And Jazak Allah for your selfless guidance.

Please instruct further and oblige.

Best Regards,
[message edited by endopatient on Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:46:13 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Please explain the discharge color in more detail. Also, shed some light on your current mind symptoms and other physical issues.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Well, to my surprise the discharge has reduced further and now its what I think is normal. Its sometimes colorless and sometimes light yellow very less in quantity may be just a drop sometimes only and other times theres nothing. ALhamdolilAllah A BIG THANKS TO ALLAH for HIS Mercy upon us.
And Many many best regards, prayers for you.

Since after a long time I am having so good signs I am very relaxed mentally. Busy in my prayers and enjoying everything. Thanking every minute.
No other physical issues AlhamdolilAllah.

My due date is 28th of the month.

Waiting for your suggestion.

Jazak Allah Khair!
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

Well, to my surprise the discharge has reduced further and now its what I think is normal. Its sometimes colorless and sometimes light yellow very less in quantity may be just a drop sometimes only and other times theres nothing. ALhamdolilAllah A BIG THANKS TO ALLAH for HIS Mercy upon us.
And Many many best regards, prayers for you.

Since after a long time I am having so good signs I am very relaxed mentally. Busy in my prayers and enjoying everything. Thanking every minute.
No other physical issues AlhamdolilAllah.

My due date is 28th of the month.

Waiting for your suggestion.

Jazak Allah Khair!
endopatient last decade

Millions of Thanks to our creator.

It seems the perfect time to start on Cinnamon 1x, 3 times a day, for 3 days. Please stop the remedy, if period start?

More prayers for the future mom inshallah.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok I will start the remedy today InshaAllah and will report you back after 3 days.

Just a clarification, my due date is 30th of the month. I just forgot the right date.

Oh thanks for so nice dua.
Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Ok, good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah I have completed the 3 days course of Cinnamomum 1X last night.
Current symptoms are good as before. AlhamdolilAllah. Having light yellow discharge occasionally. More in morning like 5 drops.
Having some breast tenderness as due date coming near.
No other issues AlhamdolilAllah.

Please suggest further.

Many thanks and Regards,
endopatient last decade
WAA, Please take this remedy for 3 more days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok I will do inshaAllah.

Just a quick update. Yesterday I had a little light brown discharge in morning. And whole day a light pain episodes which comes and goes on its own. Was quite minor so no need to take any medicine. Since morning today, everything is fine again. AlhamdolilAllah.

Many thanks for everything.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
May Allah Bless You.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Hope you will be good with God Willing.

Wish to update you about my current condition. Its my 5th day of cycle. The brown discharge started on 26th dec. initially it was less. And later on 28th it was increased. on 29th there were few blood drops too. the pain was coming and going on its own. I took cinnamomum till 29th dec. 30th was my due date. but there was only brown discharge. and on 31st there was continuous light pain. i started MP and Staph. periods started with severe pain on 1st Jan. Clots was there.
bleeding was controlled like last month.Also FYI to control severe pain had to take a ponston too on 1st day.
Now today is 5th day and bleeding is reducing as it should.
Today bleeding is very less but having pain in lower abdomen. I took MP 200 one dose and hr ago and pain seems to lessen down. Also having hot bottle now.

Please suggest if I need to do anything else? Also since last month was quite better in terms of discharge and pains I wish to request you to please also suggest something for good ovulation this time. You may remember my last scan showed good sized eggs but with blood in it; on i guess 16th cycle day. Its just FYI. May be this will help you to prescribe further.

I am very thankful for your kind help always.

Jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade
WAA, Thanks for the update.

Please take only Belladonna 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
To the Doctor of Homoeopathy.

Sometimes the simpler one's mind is the more power it is.

I only understand 40 remedies.

100% of the time I work from 20 remedies.
Sephera last decade
Ok Dr I will do as prescribed inshaAllah.
FYI, last night i took one dose of Staph and as usual it helped me. No pains etc at the moment alhamdolilAllah. Well, I guess Staph is made for me. whenever I take it I feel calm and relax :)
Thanks for guiding me.

Jazak Allah Khair.
endopatient last decade
Very nice!

May Allah SWT bless you with good health soon.
nawazkhan last decade

AlhamdolilAllah last night I have completed the 3 days course of Belladonna 200C.
There were pains till 2nd dose but since yesterday there is no pain at all. AlhamdolilAllah.
I am pain free now. :)
Its my 9th cycle day and having some brown discharge still. Its like 10 to 12 drops in 2 hrs i guess.
One thing to inform you that, these days my hands and feet are like icy cold throughout the day. This is always the issue in cold weather. I have to wear socks even at home. Although here the temp is around 22 degree.

Please prescribe further and oblige.

Jazak Allah Khair for your help.
endopatient last decade

What is the current BP reading?
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for the quick response.
Sir, with due respect; I do not really know the exact reading. Also do not have the BP apparatus at home. However, I guess my BP should be normal as it always revealed in previous medical exams.
Also since my last post I have some changes in symptom. The brown discharge is changed to lighter color. its more like very light camel color or off-white color. No smell etc.

Many thanks and Regards,
endopatient last decade

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