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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 22 of 63

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks for the quick response.
Sir, with due respect; I do not really know the exact reading. Also do not have the BP apparatus at home. However, I guess my BP should be normal as it always revealed in previous medical exams.
Also since my last post I have some changes in symptom. The brown discharge is changed to lighter color. its more like very light camel color or off-white color. No smell etc.

Many thanks and Regards,
endopatient last decade
Good! You are welcome!

Please take Alumen 30C, 2 times a day, for 4 days.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah today I have completed the course of Alumen as u prescribed. The brown discharge was gone after taking first dose and now there is white discharge. Also today afternoon there was a thick semi liquid discharge of white color. I feel its a bit more today. Its my 12th cycle day.
No other complaints AlhamdolilAllah. Every thing going fine. I wish for a good ovulation this month.

Please suggest further.

Many many thanks for your help. I am very satisfied with the treatment. AlhamdolilAllah.
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

With due respect I am waiting for your prescription.

Please help and oblige.

Jazak Allah Khair.
endopatient last decade

Please take Borax 30C as before, for 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Thanks for the prescription. I will do as u instructed. InshaAllah will come back after 4 days.
Well m very happy and thankful to Allah for giving me good health.AlhamdolilAllah.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

It is all due to the help, mercy and blessings from Allah SWT.

Please stay blessed!

More prayers......
nawazkhan last decade

Yes surely!
Well just FYI, last night I had a chance to get my BP checked and the reading was 107/60. This is normal for me. Since my low side BP is always b/w 60 and 75.I was thinking is this the reason for my cold hands and feet? Really these days they are like ice. Right now M wearing 2 pairs of socks in 21 degree:(

endopatient last decade
Hello, WAA, Thanks for the addl. info.

I would like you to take Nux Vomica 200C as well, one daily nightly dose before bed time, for 3 nights.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok Sir, I will do it inshaAllah. Thanks God its there in my homeo pharmacy:)

Just a little update. Today morning I woke up with pain in my right ovary. it was intense and covered my right side. But as I woke up and doing my work it has vanished on its own. Please note it is same as I was having in last few months (except last month).

Everything is just fine with me. AlhamdolilAllah!

Jazak Allah khair for your help.
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

Hope you will be fine inshaAllah. I am sorry to disturb u so often. Also I am very thankful to you for being so helpful in all my bad times. Many many Jazak Allah.

Sir, yesterday evening I had some brown discharge (after my 8th dose of Borax). The discharge was there till night. Then I stopped Borax as I had same last month too. I had my last dose of Borax at 2:30 pm yesterday and Since morning today there is again whitish discharge in less quantity. AlhamdolilAllah.
Please note upon your instruction I have started Nux Vom yesterday.
AlhamdolilAllah no complaints now.

I am sorry for being late to update you.

Many regards and prayers for your happy long life.
endopatient last decade

Please update after 2 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Well, its now 4 days passed since my last dose of Borax. and 1 day passed of Nux.
Let me update u again in detail to clear up my thoughts.
on 18th I stopped Borax after getting brown discharge for some 6 hrs. Then on 19th,20 and evening to 21 I was having only minimal sometime light yellow and sometime white discharge. Yesterday evening i.e. 21 Jan I took hot shower and then had some dark brown discharge till morning today. And now again having yellow discharge.
No pain etc AlhamdolilAllah.

I am not taking any remedy since yesterday.

I hope to see good results soon inshaAllah.

Many thanks for your help and guidance.

Jazak Allah Khair!
[message edited by endopatient on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:49:02 GMT]
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

Just was praying for your good health and happy life.
Is everything fine with you? I haven't seen your absence from this great forum without notifications.

May Allah keep you safe always.

Best Regards,
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

Just was praying for your good health and happy life.
Is everything fine with you? I haven't seen your absence from this great forum without notifications.

May Allah keep you safe always.

Best Regards,
endopatient last decade

Sorry for the late response due to a very busy schedule and some internet issues. My post to you yesterday did not go thru, strange?

However, please update me with your current symptoms.

May Allah Bless you.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

No problem.
Well, I am having brown discharge since 2 days now. In fact it stops for a day and then start over again.Happening after I took Borax. Yesterday I took Alumen 200C once(sorry took without your permission. But was worried for it) and since morning today I noticed its reduced lot. However, yesterday I was having little pain in lower back and lower abdomen. but not too much, it was just like some numbness in ovaries and pelvic area. It's gone after I wake today.
And another different thing is that I am feeling very sleepy since 2 days. Sleeping whenever I have chance:)
No other issues AlhamdolilAllah.

Please help.

endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

Please help me.

I shall be really thankful to your kind help.

Many many Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

I hope and pray for your safe and happy long life. I guess you are really too busy in your tight schedules. May Allah be with you always. Ameen.

Updates are that I am having brown discharge since 3 days now. waiting for your prescription badly.
Mentally I am a bit upset for my condition. But trying to pay attention towards prayers and keeping myself positive inshaAllah.
AlhamdolilAllah no other issues.
I am praying for the very best results of your prayers and remedies with Allah's Help inshaAllah.

Sir, I am really thankful for your precious time that you are sparing to treat my chronic case via your valuable prescriptions.
I don't have words to say for your sincerity but I am praying Allah to bless you in this world and the world hereinafter. Ameen.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
May Allah Bless you. Please forgive for the late response due to internet unavailability over here.

Please take Alumen 200C, one daily dose for 3 days, if not in period?

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
Oh thanks a ton for the reply. And please don't embarrass me. It's already too much u are doing despite of so many hurdles. Well, if you don't mind telling if you are in Pakistan these days? just out of curiosity m asking...
Ok I shall start it today. with due respect should not I have to take Cinnamomun this month with alumen as we had it in last days of previous month? Periods are expected on 1st Feb inshaallah.
Also I was thinking to go for a scan next month after periods. Need your opinion.

Thanks again.
endopatient last decade
You are welcome! Thanks for your patience.

At this time, please take Alumen 200C as suggested. We will see after 3 days.

'Also I was thinking to go for a scan next month after periods.'
Please go for it.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade

Hope you will be fine inshaAllah,
Update is that I have completed the 3 days course of Alumen 200C one daily dose. Last dose taken this morning.
AlhamdolilAllah, it has reduced the discharge but not finished.
One thing to mention again, I have noticed that the discharge is always increased after taking shower (warm/hot). Yesterday also it was increased after the shower for about 6 hrs and then reduced back. I don't know if this bit of information was needed or not. But wana share even tiny things to help myself achieve the target inshaAllah.

Please guide further.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
WAA, Thanks.

Now is the time to take Cinnamon 1x, 3 times a day, till period start.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Many many thanks for the prescription. I will do as suggested InshaAllah.
Well, just fyi, I did not get any email notification of this message. This happened first time. But no issues its just to inform you.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
You are welcome. Sometimes I don't get email notifications as well. So, you are not alone. Hopefully, the communication system will perform better in the future.

More prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan last decade

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