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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 54 of 63

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Dr. as of today i am having white discharge in less quantity.
No other issue.
Please see if we can go for cyst remedies as my due date is 8th Nov.

endopatient last decade
Natrium Mur 200

Dissolve 5 pills in 3 teaspoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st teaspoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd teaspoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last teaspoon

Note: teaspoon and not tablespoon.

Update on 8th
Zady101 last decade
Dr. my periods started before time. My due date was of 8th and it started on 4th
I had brown discharge on 3rd and pain in low abdomen which was and i had to take panadol with MP. then tomorrow from morning I had too much pain and MP did not help and had to take ponston. period started at evening yesterday. Today also having pain and taking MP. pain is in left ovary and back.
One thing i note that every month first day i had too much pain and I had to take ponston to control it as MP do not help lot on first day.
As of now not too much clots and normal bleeding. but having pain. I am looking if MP will not help then only i will take ponston half if needed.

Please guide. Also i had taken Nat Mur as u prescribed.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Dr. just to update you that yesterday went fine. I did not had much pain and bleeding was also normal but with clots.
And same is today. Having mild pain in ovaries and back. its like ovaries are stretching.
I have started 3 times MP, Ferrum Phos and Calc Phos from yesterday.

Did not took any ponston yesterday. AlhamdolilAllah
Please let me know if I need any other remedy to take this time.

Jazak Allah khair.
[message edited by endopatient on Thu, 06 Nov 2014 09:23:01 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Sorry for the late reply. You have to take Medorrhinum 200. Single dose. Same way as before. No repeat.

Update after 1 wk
Zady101 last decade
so u mean 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water.?
should i stop ferrum phos and calc phos?
endopatient last decade
Yes. Use disp cup

Stop everything else
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I had taken the remedy.
As of now I am having normal bleeding. but having back pain and whole abdomen pain. though its mild but still disturbing me, I tookk one dose of MP last night and using hot bottle.

Its my 4th day

Please guide and oblige
endopatient last decade
If u took last night, then please wait.
Take calc flour 6X + calc phos 6X twice a day. Stop mag Phos
Zady101 last decade
I do not have Cal Flour so i took Cal phos only. and used hot bottle. Pain is mainly in low abdomen and low back.Its a dull pain.(i was wondering if its something from adhesions??? just learnt that adhessions cause pain but i dont know if its the case with me or not). pain feel more when at rest and lesser or no pain when working.
Moreover, one new problem is of urination burning. I am having this burning since morning today. during and after urination have lot of burning and after urination feel bladder is not empty although there is nothing.
Please guide.

I feel very sorry to bother you. Many many thanks for helping me. Jazak Allah khair.
endopatient last decade
Dr. please reply. Pain in abdomen and back no more but this burning while and after urination has increased now. its too much now. please guide.

Thanks a lot for your help. May ALlah bless u always.
endopatient last decade
Can you give further details? Is the pain and burning at the end of urination?
More details please.
Zady101 last decade
burning is from start till end. and it is more severe at end and last till few more minutes when i come out.
Also that pain in low abd and back started. its still mild.

thanks. and Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Cantharis will solve the problem but i would like to avoid giving it.

Pick up some sachet for UTI from pharmacy. The name is alkazr or something, I am not sure. Pls ask the pharmacist.

Drink more water.

If pain n burning increase after taking sachets then take Cantharis 200
Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 3 hrs for 2 times only
Zady101 last decade
Oh so is it UTI again?? Ok just going to see the pharmacy. More water is scary for me now as if i go washroom it hurts lot. But ok i will try to take it. I will also avoid any remedy as far as i can.

Thanks for the prescription.
endopatient last decade
Dr. Today is my 10th day. I took last remedy on 3rd day i.e. Thursday.
Periods finished on 8th day and from 9th day i.e. yesterday I m having brown discharge. Having pain in left ovary and whole left area front to back. It is more when at rest/lying/sitting and reduced when i walk around and standing.
The urine burning has reduced since i took the sachets but has not finished completely. Ia m still having it at end of urination but not as severe as i was having that day. Still have 3 more sachets to take today.

Please guide further and oblige.
endopatient last decade
Lilium Tig 30C
Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once every 3 hrs for 3 times in a day. For 1 day only. Update tomo
Zady101 last decade
Dr. i took the remedy as prescribed. Last dose taken around 15 hrs back last night. As of now I am still having brown discharge and morning i wake with lot of pain in left ovary and left back. which has reduced since i get up and start working my daily work.
It was same like yesterday.

Please guide further.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
So no change after medicine?
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I am so sorry for being late in replying. we had some guests unexpected staying with us at the weekend and so i was too busy actually on my toes for the whole weekend.
Initially yes there was no change of Lilium tig even after 15 hrs of last dose but then slowly it acted and after 24 hrs discharge was turned to light camel color and yesterday it was off white color. Still having it in much quantity and off white/cream color.
Pain in left ovary is some what different meaning that it starts around 7 am and is very pointed pain which is there till i lay down and finished soon after i wake up from bed and get bz.
Its my 13th day today.
Please guide further and oblige.

Jazak Allah Khair
endopatient last decade
This is an incomplete feedback.

What's the status of the below:

1) Pain in left ovary

2) Pain in whole left area, front to back

3)Urine burning

Few more things I would like to know if it's possible for you to tell me in all honesty:
1) Do you feel numbness in any body parts?
2) Do you feel chilliness in any body parts?
3) Is your vagina so sensitive that it cannot bear touch of clothes or the napkin?
4)Do you have excessive sexual desires?
5) Do you consider yourself superior to people?
6) Do you eat a lot but still do not gain weight?
Zady101 last decade
Ok sorry for that. Please see answers below.

1) Pain in left ovary
- As i mentioned earlier its quite changed these days. It starts around 7 am, very pin pointed pain and stay there till i m in bed soon as i wake up and get bz it went off.

2) Pain in whole left area, front to back
- As previous months it was gone on 11th day.

3)Urine burning
- Its finished AlhamdolilAllah with the end of sachets.

1) Do you feel numbness in any body parts?
No not at all.

2) Do you feel chilliness in any body parts?
My hands and feet are cold in air-conditioned area and in winters. have to wear socks then.

3) Is your vagina so sensitive that it cannot bear touch of clothes or the napkin?
- No not at all
4)Do you have excessive sexual desires?
-Yes in certain days of my cycle. Usually after periods are over till few days i think for a week after periods its increased. And as days pass on it is decreased and completely gone a week prior to periods.

5) Do you consider yourself superior to people?
- I think no. but feel really good inside if i am appreciated for any quality/task. Also if i m not good in anything then i accept it infront of others too. When in job i easily accept my weak points and same i use to do after marriage with my in laws i accept if i do not know anything.

6) Do you eat a lot but still do not gain weight?
-Not really but i have recently gained 5 kg weight which is too much in my whole life. its now 56 kg. my tummy is out now. but few years (from my marriage till earlier this year) i did not gained weight at all may be due to my internal health. My aunt says now my face looks fresher and weight can be seen on my face. so may be with internal improvement its increased. AlhamdolilAllah.

Tried to furnish everything. Still if u need more please let me know.

Thanks a lot.
endopatient last decade
Ok, one more thing: compared to 2 months back, are the periods now
a) more painful
b) same as before
c) less painful

What are your observations?

And, the increasing of sex drive after periods is a recent phenomenon or it was always like this before? If yes, then since when?
[message edited by Zady101 on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:31:18 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
compared to two months back pain wise its same. Have to take atleast half ponston for one day and night. pain start a day before and on first day. from 2nd day MP help.
Bleeding wise its better. normal bleeding this month with clots.not excess bleeding happen this month.
Brown discharge now start two to three days before whereas before it was a week before periods. and last till 12th day now before it was till 15 or 16 day. overall its improved.

And, the increasing of sex drive after periods is a recent phenomenon or it was always like this before? If yes, then since when?
- honestly i cant tell exact start time of it but it become very noticeable after marriage.
endopatient last decade
Dr. fyi, due to some imp work i will be out station for next 5 days and will not be able to buy remedies till saturday.
Therefore i request you to let me know what remedies i should take with me.

I will be much thankful to you.
endopatient last decade
Salam Dr,

Please let me know if some more remedies required in coming days as I can purchase it from KHI. Not taking any remedy since Friday and having white discharge. No other issues, Alhumdulilah.

[message edited by endopatient on Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:14:16 GMT]
endopatient last decade

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