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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 29 of 63

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please take Helonias Dioica Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sat, 08 Jun 2013 13:45:01 BST]
nawazkhan last decade

Oh it seems you are also online :)
Sir, a little addition in new symptom: I am feeling pain in lower abdomen and lower back since I have wake up. Around 2 hrs now. Sorry to report late.
It is just FYI. Please let me know if i need to take any pain remedy or should wait and see how it goes in the day ahead?

Ok thanks for the prescription I will start it today inshaAllah and report back after 4 day.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

Inshallah, Helonias Dioica Q should also cover ' feeling pain in lower abdomen and lower back since I have wake up'.

Stay blessed!

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
AOA Respected Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah I have finished the course of Hel Diocia Q last night.
First of all you were very true that this remedy will take care of my pain and so after first dose the pain went down in an hr also was completely gone by day end.
initially there was cream discharge which turn to bright pink two days back i.e. on 10th June and then on 11 june it was brown again. I am still having brown discharge. Please note that every month on 14th day of cycle i have lot of watery discharge which later turn to pink and then brown. However, the brown one is less in quantity and not as watery.

Alhamdolilallah I am not having pain etc anywhere. Yes one thing more, on 3rd day of remedy I had severe depression . I was ok in day time but in evening I don't know why I got too much angry at my husband on watching TV. Dare was nothing but i get so depressed that i even did not offer isha prayer and went to sleep at 9 pm. I dont know if i need to tell this all or not. whatever, its FYI.
Please prescribe further.

I am thankful to you from depth of my heart.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
AOA Respected Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah I have finished the course of Hel Diocia Q last night.
First of all you were very true that this remedy will take care of my pain and so after first dose the pain went down in an hr also was completely gone by day end.
initially there was cream discharge which turn to bright pink two days back i.e. on 10th June and then on 11 june it was brown again. I am still having brown discharge. Please note that every month on 14th day of cycle i have lot of watery discharge which later turn to pink and then brown. However, the brown one is less in quantity and not as watery.

Alhamdolilallah I am not having pain etc anywhere. Yes one thing more, on 3rd day of remedy I had severe depression . I was ok in day time but in evening I don't know why I got too much angry at my husband on watching TV. Dare was nothing but i get so depressed that i even did not offer isha prayer and went to sleep at 9 pm. I dont know if i need to tell this all or not. whatever, its FYI.
Please prescribe further.

I am thankful to you from depth of my heart.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
AOA Respected Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah I have finished the course of Hel Diocia Q last night.
First of all you were very true that this remedy will take care of my pain and so after first dose the pain went down in an hr also was completely gone by day end.
initially there was cream discharge which turn to bright pink two days back i.e. on 10th June and then on 11 june it was brown again. I am still having brown discharge. Please note that every month on 14th day of cycle i have lot of watery discharge which later turn to pink and then brown. However, the brown one is less in quantity and not as watery.

Alhamdolilallah I am not having pain etc anywhere. Yes one thing more, on 3rd day of remedy I had severe depression . I was ok in day time but in evening I don't know why I got too much angry at my husband on watching TV. Dare was nothing but i get so depressed that i even did not offer isha prayer and went to sleep at 9 pm. I dont know if i need to tell this all or not. whatever, its FYI.
Please prescribe further.

Just a little addition: I am feeling good inside myself. More hopeful and satisfied.

I am thankful to you from depth of my heart.

Jazak Allah.
[message edited by endopatient on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 05:32:14 BST]
endopatient last decade


How is your energy level?

'on 3rd day of remedy I had severe depression . I was ok in day time but in evening I don't know why I got too much angry at my husband on watching TV. Dare was nothing but i get so depressed that i even did not offer isha prayer and went to sleep at 9 pm. '
Remedy is not the cause of above-mentioned depression. What you are saying is normal. The beauty of husband and wife's love. Surely, something bothered you and you didn't like some events not clearly visible. So, what did you do after getting angry? Did you yell/scream/throw things away/kick things/break glass or plate/slap or what else?

Please be brave and more patient.

Many prayers for you and the poor husband.
nawazkhan last decade
'Many prayers for you and the poor husband.'
Oh nice dua. Thanks Sir! I really don't feel good to hurt him. He is quite caring. AlhamdolilAllah.

Well, after reading your response I tried to recall calmly in mind. u r really rite i guess. we were planned to go for shopping but due to match being displayed on TV, the plan was postponed. I know it was a small thing but i could not tolerate. Well, to be honest I just dont talk to him. However, i made dinner and did it with him and then soon after that i went to sleep while he was still watching that match. I hate cricket matches as it just disturb one's routines and thats it. Anyways, from next morning everything was just fine and we went for shopping also. We are again enjoying life AlhamdolilAllah.

I will try to follow your instructions inshaAllah will try to be more patient.

Energies are really good. AlhamdolilAllah.

And u know what..i m not having brown discharge since 6 hrs now...:) Many thanks to Allah. its again cream in color.

Do i need any further remedy? please guide and oblige.

FE Aman Allah!
endopatient last decade
Also thought to add that when i am angry i usually yell but never break/through anything. And after sometime i also feel bad inside myself that why i yelled. i should shut my mouth. and feel sorry for the other person.
endopatient last decade
May Allah SWT bless both of you. You guys are indeed, great!

The bad effects of your anger will inshallah be removed by Staphysagria 200C, one daily dose, for 3 days.

In addition, the above remedy will also perform other functions related to your current issues.

Please stay blessed!

Many prayers for you and the whole family.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 16:02:16 BST]
nawazkhan last decade

Ok I will start it today inshaAllah.
Also the discharge started after 8 hrs yesterday. Anyways, I m not down and quite hopeful for future inshaAllah.

Will report back after 3 days.


Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

'discharge started after 8 hrs yesterday.'
What is the exact color, quantity and thickness?
nawazkhan last decade
Its dark brown in color. Around 12 to 15 ml every 2 to 3 hr. liquid form.

No pain etc. AlhamdolilAllah.
endopatient last decade
Sir,my penis is short,low time period sex,nite falls,plz solv my pblem.
Salim sk last decade
AoA endopatient,

Are you done with Staph 200C? What has been the response?
nawazkhan last decade
WS Dr.

Many many thanks for being so caring towards your patients. May Allah give you best reward in this world and the world hereinafter. Ameen.

I just came online to update you. I was done with Staph last morning and was waiting for the day to end to confirm the symptoms. AlhamdolilAllah with the grace of Allah I am doing quite well. The brown discharge went away slowly on friday (2nd day of dose) and finally yesterday there was no to very little yellowish discharge. It is very very unnoticeable. I mean not continuous and not much. May be 5 drops the whole day. and that too after urination/BM.

Mentally also I am fine. But a little tension regarding an upcoming exam next month. Please pray for that too.

Overall I am happy and fine. AlhamdolilAllah. No noticeable issue now. Just waiting to achieve our dream (I guess you may understand this)

Please guide further.

Many many thanks and Jazak ALlah for all the help and prayers.
endopatient last decade

Thanks and Assalaam u Alikum.

Please start taking Cinnamomum 1x, 7 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

In addition, I would like to kindly request you to make life style changes that are badly needed to achieve our goals.

Many many prayers for the To Be Mom, soon inshallah.
nawazkhan last decade
Wasalam and you are welcome.

OK I will start it today inshaALlah.

Life style changes...please can you help in pointing some. I will be much obliged.

Thanks thanks a ton for your nice prayers.
endopatient last decade

Just one thing to confirm that can I take B complex vitamin along homeopathic remedies? Just to boost my energies/immune system. Doing regular walks and trying to have more water.
I have also started few Quranic duas to get full cure inshaAllah.

Looking forward for your support.

Jazak Allah Khair.
endopatient last decade

'can I take B complex vitamin'
I would hold on to the above for now.

'Life style changes...please can you help in pointing some.'
Put your full trust in Allah SWT.
Do Good deeds.
Invite people to do good deeds.
Show more patience.
Always Speak The Truth.
Forgive others before going to sleep.
Control your anger.
Never overdo anything.
Always take the middle approach.
Follow the Quran and Sunnah in any situation.
Give Thanks to Allah SWT.
Pray for your parents, relatives and others.
Help the poor, needy, sick and the orphan.
Whatever you do, the purpose must be to please your creator from the bottom of your heart.

Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:22:30 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for the guidance.

InshaAllah I will try best to follow it all. Undoubtly that's the righteous path!

Jazak Allah Khair.
myaunt last decade
AoA Dr.

It is to update you that last night I have completed 1 week course of Cinnamomum 1X.
AlhamdolilAllah things are improving, however, since 4 days now I am having brown discharge. on Friday it was too much in morning but then reduce to moderate in evenings. Its my 28th cycle day. And since 5 months I was having 28 day cycle but this month still today AlhamdolilAllah there is no PMS symptom other than discharge. No breast tenderness or twinglings in abdomen.

Please guide further and oblige.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
WAA, Good! Shukar Alhamdulillah.

Please take Alumina 200C, 2 times a day, until the mother nature's process start.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Thanks for the prescription. Although I have taken 1st dose last night, however, I am confused about the dosing. Do I have to add in 4 drops in one dose or more? Please clarify,

Jazak Allah.
myaunt last decade

Only 4 drops of the remedy mixed in 2 sips of mineral water for each dose.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade

I have been waiting for cycle to start. Since yesterday having mild cramps in lower abd which increase today. I took one dose of MP 1M yesterday and then today morning. It is helping me but not 100%. Just now the cramps are coming back. I am worried as usually I have bad cramps the first two days. having brown discharge till now. Please let me know how many Mag Phos 1 M dose I can take in a day? I scare of overdosing. Also I had taken one dose of Staph 200 just now.
Please suggest something to keep the pains at a bay. InshaAllah.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

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