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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 20 of 63

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
FYI, I have following remedies at home now:

Bryonia 200 C
Aconite 1m
Cofea 1M
Chamomilla 1M
MagPhos 1M and 200 C
Alumen 200 and 30C
Colocynthis 200C
Hydrastis 30C and 1X
Cinnamomum 1X
Berberis Vulgaris Q Sulphur 200C
Nux Vomica 200C
Berberis Vulgaris 1X
Belladona 200C
Staphysagria 200C
Pulsatilla Q Sepia 30C
Calc. Phos 6X
Arnica 30c
Bellis Prennis 30 C
Pulsatilla 30C (pills)

Can any one of this be used instead?
However, I will go to local pharmacy today evening to check that too.

Thanks n Regards,
endopatient last decade

Ok I have just called the pharmacy. They have Silicea 12X and not 6X. Please help what to do now?

Also as u said I am not taking any remedy right now. Waiting for your instructions.

endopatient last decade
WAA, Great!

Then, please go for 12x.

More prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 16:27:04 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade

Its raining here since morning and so could not make it to go for remedy purchase. Pharmacy is a bit far. However, I will do as soon as possible.

Sir, I have a sad update. I dont know why but today I woke up early with a lot of pain in lower back and abdomen, ovaries. It was as severe as periods pain. I was really screaming on bed. I am not due for periods today. Still a week for my due date. I had taken ponston as the pain was very severe. Still after 4 hrs of taking ponston I am having light pains in lower abdomen.
Also today only white discharge is there. I am happy for this. But pain is bothering me. I feel its same as periods pain.

Should I take any other remedy for now?

endopatient last decade

Yes, please take Staph 200C and Mag Phos 200C as before, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
AOA Respected Dr.

My periods have started on friday night. One week early. It was quite unexpected as I did not had any PMS like breast tenderness (always quite strongest symptom). or lot of brown cloudy discharge which I usually have a day or two before periods are due. and anxiety etc.
However, I was having some blood drops almost since 4 days before periods.

On Friday morning as I informed I woke with lot of pain. and in evening the periods started. Saturday was a tough day as for pain. I tried best to avoid ponston and took Staph and Mag Phos after every 2 to 3 hrs with a gap of 40 minutes b/w the two remedies. I took almost 5 doses yesterday and AlhamdolilAllah till night the pain was quite controlled and since morning today it is further better.
Bleeding is quite controlled too. AlhamdolilAllah.

Today I am taking Staph and Mag phos after 4 hrs gap.

This is just to inform you with my condition. And thank you for your extended help.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

Did you ever get Silicea 12x?

'However, I was having some blood drops almost since 4 days before periods.
Why in the world this symptom was not reported on time?

Please do not worry about the ealrly periods or other changing symptoms. Because, the remedies are performing their functions on cysts. Your food intakes, some activities and stress/anxiety forms yellow pus. Brown discharge is left over blood from the other periods. Blood flow is a good indication of cyst healing as the blood is flowing in that area now.

So, what has been happening prior to this period?

Please get ready for Pulsatilla 30C to take care of this early period, once the current mother nature's process is completely over.

Many prayers for your good health.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 13:35:13 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
Well, we were waiting for break in rain on friday but my pain increased and so hubby also stayed back with me. But as it is available in pharmacy we will purchase it soon as mother nature will be finished and as U will prescribe again.

Sir, with due respect I informed you about blood drops in my update of 28th Nov. I wrote' Some times I do get a drop of blood in it. But its just like once a day since 2 days. '

AlhamdolilAllah i am not worried and believe we are moving in right direction. InshaAllah.

Prior to periods..No mental tension etc. Just that I had a viral fever a week before with cough. I took table spoon honey early morning for 3 days i think and panadol for 2 days for fever.
In food i think nothing different I took. but was taking more tea like 3 to 4 cups due to cold.

I am really thankful for your prayers along prescriptions and this will surely help us in treatment.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
I couldn't make any sense out of your statement about blood drops. Sorry.

So, let's wait.
nawazkhan last decade

Not a problem at all. Please don't be sorry.

Yes I will inform you soon as I am done with it. Also the pain is quite reduced and AlhamdolilAllah its my 3rd day and m back to my routine works but with care that not to overload myself for few days more.

Have a nice day.
Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
WAA, A bundle of thanks.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Hope you will be fine inshaALlah.
Its my 7th cycle day. I am getting brown discharge since 3 days now. Since morning today I am also getting lower back pain. I took Staph in morning only and hot water bottle. The pain went for some time. But still I cant sit for long time not even for an hr continuously and have to either stand or lay down to get relief. Having dull pain in lower back now.

Please suggest further and oblige.

Many thanks and Jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade

Shukar Alhamdulillah, I am doing Ok.

Please take Bryonia 200C, one dose in the morning and Rhus Tox 200C, one dose in the evening, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok thanks for the reply. I will take it from today inshaAllah.

endopatient last decade
AoA Dr.

AlhamdolilAllah i have taken Bryonia first dose today.
Will report after 3 days.InshaAllah.

Sir,in fact I am getting quite lean now. My weight is reduced I am 47 Kgs while height is 5,6'. The first response of everyone is that 'Hey please eat something'. I feel bad upon this complement. I am taking everything permitted but weight do not increase. Do not take meat/milk/rice/potato. All these i know increase weight. But not good for me. Sir, Can you please recommend me something for this? Can I take meat only once a week? Or anything else u think is good for me?

Please I look forward for help in this regard too.

Kindly help and oblige.
endopatient last decade

Please eat enjoyable meals including lamb, fish and chicken.

The above form pus. So, please be careful and don't over do.

Also, take Rhus Tox 200C as suggested.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

This is to update you that I have completed the 3 days course of both remedies as you prescribed. Have taken last dose of Rhus tox now.

I must admit that remedies have performed there work. AlhamdolilAllah. The pain I complaint about has subsided. In the morning daily I have that pain in lower back and lower abdomen. But upon taking Bryonia it goes off in 30 to 40 minutes and do not come back for whole day.
I am feeling much much better. and at present pain free. AlhamdolilAllah.
The brown discharge is as usual. No reduction in it.
No other complaint AlhamdolilAllah.

Also FYI, m thankful for your last reply. Felt quite relaxed that I can take some meat. So today after long time I took a small piece of Mutton and a small cube of potato. with chappati. I will inshaAllah not overdo on any of these things. I enjoyed the dinner today. AlhamdolilAllah.

Please prescribe further.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

Please take Cinnamomum 1X, 3 times a day, ist dose at 11:00AM, for 4 days.

Also, take Alumen 200c, one daily dose when you get up in the morning, for 3 days.

May Allah SWT bless you with good health soon.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Thanks for the guidance. I have started the remedies today only. And will report you back after 4 days inshaAllah.

Ameen on your prayers.

Have a nice day.
endopatient last decade
WAA, Great! Sounds like a plan.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Hope you will be doing well inshaAllah.
So I am back after 4 days...with a good update. AlhamdolilAllah.
I have completed the course of both remedies. On first day the discharge was reduced lot. and I guess by 2nd day evening it was turned to white. Now since then..from last 3 days I am having white discharge. Its my 17th cycle day.
One thing more to inform you, that till yesterday morning I was having some really different kind of pain in my right side only. It was different because it was having only around 5 am and was occurring so sharp that it woke me up. And as that was fajr time I use to pray and meanwhile the pain went away on its own.
Dont know why it was there. Just FYI.
Now I am not having any pain etc. and only white discharge is there. AlhamdolilAllah all is going well. Remedies working with all prayers being heard by my creator. Many thanks to Allah always.

Many prayers for you for being so kind towards me. May Allah reward you best in this world and the world hereinafter. Ameen.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

Is there any smell with this white discharge?
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Please be inform dat there is no smell in the discharge and Alhumdulilah i dont have any pains.

please advice further.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
WAA, Then, please take Borax 30C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hmm, well I don't have this remedy at home. Its available in pharmacy in pills form.
Should I go for that? And how many pills to take? Please instruct.

Many thanks.
endopatient last decade
Yes, please go for it. Just dissolve 4 pills in 2 sips of mineral water for each dose.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

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