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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 6 of 63

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AoA Dr.

I am happy to inform you that today the brown discharge has disappeared today also there was now pain..I had in morning but then as I went on walk I notice the pain subsided in 10 15 minutes. But there was quite less yellowish discharge today afternoon and then at night. may be a drop or two not more than that. AlhamdolilAllah.

Thanks lot for your help.

Please let me know what to do next?

I pray Allah to keep you blessed ever!

jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
AoA Endopatient,

Thanks to Allah SWT for rewarding improvements. Once your period is completely over, then, I would like you to start on Alumen 30C.

Many many prayers for your happy and healthy life.

nawazkhan last decade
Wasalam Dr.

FYI, my periods are over but now I just got that similar brown discharge just a drop in morning. Now theres nothing. just usual cream colored vaginal discharge.

Also M having a very dull pain in lower abdomen since night which I feel only when m free.

Should I start Alumen? How many drops and frequency?

Jazak Allah.
[message edited by endopatient on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 07:23:42 BST]
endopatient last decade
AoA Endopatient,

Please start taking Alumen 30C, 4 drops nicely mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

Please take for pain Mag. Phos as before and when needed?

Many many more prayers for your happy and healthy life.

nawazkhan last decade
Wasalam Dr.

Thanks a ton for your help.

With the name of Allah I have started Alumen from last evening...took 2 doses till now.
Doing well AlhamdolilAllah.

No other remedy with Alumen being taken. However what abt sepia and the other one i have for follicles?

Jazak Allah,
[message edited by endopatient on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:17:06 BST]
endopatient last decade
AoA, Endopatient,

You are Welcome! I am pleased to know that you are doing OK, Shukar Alhamdulillah.

Inshallah, Alumen 30C will also work on your follicles. Please be patient and let the remedy perform its functions. We will use your other mentioned remedies when your changing symptoms call for them inshallah.

How is the brownish discharge now?

A bundle of more prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Its 7th day today that m taking Alumen 3 times.
For now the update is that i am having brown discharge since yesterday. Its having a bit reddish color.
today is my 14th day.

Please tell me what to do? Its again the same situation. M worried. Plz help.

endopatient last decade
WAA Endopatient,

Please stop the remedy and wait.

How many drops of brown/reddish discharge approx? So, this discharge just started yesterday?

Please don't worry as this is due to miasmatic change. Inshallah, it will go away soon.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA dr.

so u mean to stop remedy and not to take anything more?

Yes it started yesterday. Its continuous coming and of brown color. I cant tell u how many drops but its dare the whole time.

FYI, my previous gyne told me its one of the symptom of cyst. And usually of endometriosis too.

So m worried about my cyst. I want to get rid of cyst sooner. And so was taking Bellis Prennis previously as u know.

Am praying hard to Allah to cure me InshaAllah.
endopatient last decade
Wa Alikum Assalam,

Yes, please stop all remedies for the time being. You must let the things settle down.

The remedy is still working on your cyst, therefore, please let it perform its functions. Just be patient and post your any changing symptoms, good or bad, immediately.

Many many prayers for your good health and peace of mind.

nawazkhan last decade

I had stopped Alumen yesterday. Last dose taken yesterday morning. No improvement till yet. I dont think it will go away on its own. As this is due to the cyst and the internal leisions of endo. I need some remedy for sure to get rid of this discharge.

Just wondering if you can really help me???

endopatient last decade

'Just wondering if you can really help me??? '

The above words will not get you anywhere?????
nawazkhan last decade

Well I guess you have mind my words...M really sorry if unintentionally I have hurt you.

But its truth m not fine and I have had this situation in April, May and June also and so this time again...But no doctor have helped me in real terms...I am tired of this issue...but the difference this time was that I had just normal discharge after periods for 5 days. Therefore I am sure it can not go away on its own.
And thus need your ultimate help. Please advise.

Hope you will understand.

[message edited by endopatient on Wed, 20 Jul 2011 13:48:43 BST]
endopatient last decade
Yes, your lack of trust and wording is pretty hurting. I am only doing this just to please Allah SWT. No worldly gain here. A lot of extra time was unnecessarily spent in your case due to your doubtful and childish Q's. But, now I realise that you do not appreciate other people's time and effort. Your mind is focused on taking the remedy on daily basis for cure. This is not true in homoeopathy, one must give time to a remedy to perform its functions. Above all, all we can do is try with the best of our abilities, but, it is my belief that the cure comes only from Allah SWT, not from any professional homoeopath or any correct constitutional remedy.

Having said that, you took a lot of protein containing foods prior to this condition or took some remedy, in my opinion, otherwise, there could have been no discharge. Your lack of trust in me, lack of following directions and unnecessary waste of time is forcing me to apologise from respectable Joe De. Livera as he asked me to take your case, I will not be able to help further.


Many many prayers for your healthy life.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Wed, 20 Jul 2011 13:48:18 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Well I dont really know what to say at this moment. Just that it seems I had wrongly narrated my feelings...due to which you have this bad feeling from my side.
You can please see at all the posts where I always appreciate your help from depth of my heart. I know every homeopath at this forum is extending his/her sincere help to patients for which we can not really reward them but pray Allah to give you ppl the best reward. And I surely pray for you, Mr Joe as well as for dr David who replied me and helped me without asking even for a penny.

Moreover, I do trust you not just in words but in real means and therefore I am following your suggestions very strictly (not taking rice, potato and all that you ask to avoid) also took the remedies on time as per your instructions.
Also I have purchased all the possible medicines that you said for future.M really following you.

Further, with regard to my childish questions I was asking you everything in my mind because you said to keep strong communication for successful treatment. And thus I kept you updated with everything (questions/symptoms). Sorry if that were non sense questions.

I hope you understand me and get the point that I do not ever think to hurt you ever as you are doing lot for me. Jazak Allah for everything you did!

Thank you that you give me the reason for this discharge..Yes I think i took more proteins like I eat chicken, and lentils in last week. But I was unaware that it can cause something bad to me...No other remedy I took as I was taking Alumen only.

I will request you to please forgive me for my childish attitude and dont give up on my case. I will wait for your positive reply.

May Allah bless you always.

endopatient last decade
Please take Hydrastis Q, 4 drops in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 1 week. One Remedy at a time. Please start today.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr.

Jazak Allah for your reply.
May Allah the Almighty bless u.

Ok I will start it today evening as I had just had my lunch.

Also that the discharge had slow down lot yesterday evening and almost just a drop till night and morning but just 3 hrs back there was a bit more stuff...almost more than 10 drops i think...

I am trying to avoid protein now.

thanks again for your kind behavior and reply.

endopatient last decade
WAA, pl. continue with the remedy. Inshallah, you will be OK.
nawazkhan last decade
Aoa Dr.

Hope u will be doing well.

This is just to update u. The discharge is continuously there some time lesser while the other time more is there. No visual improvement so far.
But hope some day i will be Cured with your help and blessings of Allah the Almighty. Ameen.

Thanks lot!
endopatient last decade
What is the exact color of this discharge? How many drops approx?

How is your state of mind at the moment?

What is your energy level right now?

What remedy(s) are you taking on daily basis?
nawazkhan last decade
Aoa Dr,

Its dark brown in color. I cant tell u abt the drops...but its continuously there though sometimes there is nothing and many times there is more.

State of mind: I think its ok..more satisfied.

Energy level..I think its good as i am very bz these days with some guests at home but not feeling tired...taking quite good sleep and doing 20 min walk these days...cant go for 30 min as now i runs out of time.

Hydrastis Q, 4 drops, 3 times a day ....only is my current remedy as u suggested.

Hope I replied everything.

Please help.

endopatient last decade
As the remedy is working on your ovarian cysts, follicles and other vaginal issues, please don't worry about this discharge at all. You must let your internal systems get cleaned. As I have mentioned earliar that this discharge is from cysts due to miasmatic change and left over blood from previous cycle that is not giving you any pain or weekness right now. So, please be patient, inshallah this will go away. We might have to go for a higher potency, if it is found that your symptoms are severe and much stronger than the current potencies being taken?

Please take a good rest and never exhaust yourself.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok thanks lot for so prompt and detailed reply.
I hope inshaAllah it will go away soon and I will be free of troubles on day..Ameen.

Jazak ALlah for your help.

I pray Allah to keep u blessed ever!

endopatient last decade
How are you doing? How many drops of brown discharge is still there?

Please go ahead and arrange Alumen 200C asap.
nawazkhan last decade
Aoa Dr.

My condition is as before. having discharge which i guess is about 15 to 20 drops every 2 hrs...approx. Sometimes mostly at night its very less. but more in morning.

I have 2 bottles of Alumen 30...will it not serve the purpose? I mean I was thinking if i cant take more drops of the remedy. As u know its not available here. and I have to get it from Pakistan. And no one coming in near future.
Please advise. However I will still try to get it sooner.

endopatient last decade
WAA, So, the discharge is still brown color? 30C did not do the job, therefore, we need a higher potency 200C.

After completing Hydrastis Q for 1 week, please start on Alumen 30C for the time being, 4 drops in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
nawazkhan last decade

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