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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 16 of 63

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You must get hold of Arsenicum Album 200C asap.
nawazkhan last decade
In the meantime, however, please take Alumen 30C as before.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Please tell me what brown color goodies, food and drinks that you love?
nawazkhan last decade

Ok I am trying to get it but it might will take a week.
I have started Alumen 30 since morning today.

Well, u ask me abt my likes in food and drinks...
I like only Chocolates which are brown in color. But to be very true I am telling u that I really try my best to avoid it. I take it very occasional and that too if i take; it is always very less in quantity. For e.g. if i am taking Kitkat i will eat only One stick of it. Also only 2 sticks max in a week(i.e. 1 choco only). and most of the times not a single bite in a week really.
In drinks..i use to take only fresh juices but before winters only. Nothing these days as its cold now.
Do not like cold drinks at all.
about meat, i take very less usually eat white meat.

Hope i have clear it. if u need more info please let me know.

Thanks and Jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade

Many Thanks!

So, what kind of bread do you eat? How long have you been enjoying chocolates?

May Allah Bless you.
nawazkhan last decade

In breads usually I take white bread in breakfast and chappati made up of chakki atta in lunch/dinner.

Hmm chocos...right from childhood i am fond of it. But from last 2.5 yrs i had controlled its intake...since the time i had started Allopathic treatments for my issues...

Well, i must emphasize that IMHO its all due to cysts i have...and therefore i always request u to please help me get rid of it...but thats just an opinion and u can judge better.
Also i am desperate to conceive asap (an ultimate wish since a long time now) and so i need an urgent help in this regard too.

Jazak Allah for ur prayers and help!
[message edited by endopatient on Sat, 07 Jan 2012 10:19:14 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Thanks for the addl. info.

Please continue with Alumen 30c until your period start. This remedy works on the cyst issues too.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Thanks for ur prayers.

Its my 2nd day of MC. i had severe pain before a day of MC. And quite unwillingly I had to take 2 ponston through out the day. then on 1st day i had very less pain felt in right ovary. which was soon settled with one dose of Mag Phos. Today is 2nd day and haven't took any medicine as there is no pain. just some twinglings in right ovary.
Bleeding is quite better. infact having heavy bleeding this time compared to last month. Fresh blood along clots is there.
AlhamdolilAllah this time i felt better overall.

Sir, with due respect i would like to ask u if i can take any multivitamin/fish oil or folic acid tablets along homeopathic remedies? Reason being that i wish to get my health better so to achieve our target..i.e. conception. inshaAllah.

Please give us ur valuable suggestion.

Jazak Allah!
endopatient last decade

I am happy to read your good report.

You may take Multivitamins for 3 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade

Hope u will be doing fine inshaAllah.

Just logged in to update u with my current condition which is good AlhamdolilAllah.
I had periods last week. This time first day was too much bleeding with clots. second day bleeding reduced a bit till afternoon and was lesser in evening. on third day i got just few drops of blood the whole day and forth day there was brown discharge. again on 5th day there was one blood clot and only few drops of blood in morning then brown discharge till evening. on 6th day it was just yellowish discharge. and today i am done with periods (7th day) and had clear discharge in morning.
M thankful to Allah that this time my initial days went well. No noticeable pains though had weakness.

Please advise me further. Something to help me ovulate this month. I wish to remind u that in my last scan follicles were seen but with mild echos and were not ruptured. Plz advise accordingly.

I am thankful to you for ur selfless help.

Jazak Allah Khair!
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 15 Jan 2012 09:24:16 GMT]
endopatient last decade

Shukar Alhamdulillah. You are doing just fine.

Please start on Cinnamon 1x, 7 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

Many prayers for the future mom soon inshallah.

nawazkhan last decade

Thanks for your guidance.
I have taken Cinamon for 7 days as per your advise. Last night i took my last dose.
As of now i am having white discharge which started today morning. but in last 2 days i was having brown discharge.
No other issues alhamdolilAllah.
Its my 16 CD today.

Please guide further.

Jazak Allah for your sincere help and so nice prayers. May Allah bless u always. Ameen!
endopatient last decade
Please describe your white discharge. How many drops? Is it thick or just watery?
nawazkhan last decade

Well, it is watery. Initially it was white then now its light yellow in color. Not much in quantity. I guess 10 drops in 2 hrs may be.

Please instruct further.

endopatient last decade
WAA, thanks.

Please wait for a couple of days, then, report your changing symptoms.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Just to update you that i am having brown discharge since morning today, may be 20 drops in 3 to 4 hrs.
no other issues alhamdolilAllah.

Please advise.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

Please get hold of Helonias Dioica Q asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

Hope u will be doing well inshaAllah.
Well m sorry for being late to reply, i got a bit bz in some home issues.
I dont have Helonias Dioica Q at the moment but will try to get it soon. meanwhile FYI, i got Arsenicum Album in pellets form as u suggest to get it too.
Discharge is still there as before, 20 drops in 2 hrs may be.

Plz help.

endopatient last decade
What is the color of your discharge now?
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for prompt reply.

Its light brown in color.
Also just FYI, i haven't took meat since 3 weeks now. that means in this cycle no meat at all.

waiting for ur help.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 pellets dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
'I dont have Helonias Dioica Q at the moment but will try to get it soon.'

Please get asap.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok thanks will start it soon.
and let u know once i got the new remedy.

Jazak Allah Khair!
endopatient last decade
AoA, Good luck and please stay blessed!
nawazkhan last decade

Wish to update u with my condition.
I have just started my MC 7 days before the date...last MC date was 9th Jan. I was not really expecting it right now..but since 3 days i was having some gut feeling as i was having symptoms like spotting and a light lower back pain.
Last night I had more pain and took ponston forth as Mag phos did not help me.
Now m having lower back pain. And m using hot water bottle to lessen it down.
Also just to inform you that I could not take the remedy Arsenicum Album due to my unstable symptoms which cause me to think that periods are going to start and i remain waiting for it.

Now I know that I have to wait again to get MC finish. But M depressed now...that another month has gone without success...
Anyways..M still praying ALlah to help me and have strong trust on HIM.And believe u can suggest something again.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade

So, what have you been doing and eating prior to MC? What remedies have you been taking?
nawazkhan last decade

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