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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 55 of 63

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Salam Dr,

Please let me know if some more remedies required in coming days as I can purchase it from KHI. Not taking any remedy since Friday and having white discharge. No other issues, Alhumdulilah.

[message edited by endopatient on Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:14:16 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Dr. Salam, I am back home. These days I am having white discharge nothing else. I one dose of Medhorrinum on 2nd cycle day then on 8th day i took 3 doses of lilium tig and since then no other remedy.

Its my 20th day today.
Please let me know if I need any remedy now?

Thanks lot for your help.
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:21:26 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Hello, Dr. I am waiting badly for your reply. I dont know if you are getting the email notifications or not.
Please see if you can spare few minutes and kindly reply me.

Jazak Allah khair for giving your precious time.
endopatient last decade
I was not getting email notifications for 2 of my patients, and one of the patients is you. I was thinking why you are not replying. By chance, I checked the forum yesterday and today. So if that's the case in future, please email me.

I want you to repeat Medorrhinum 200 immediately as i feel it has helped.

Repeat just once, same way as before
Zady101 last decade
Dr. Many thanks for your reply. I was waiiting and have taken the remedy same time when i got your mail.
i.e. on 24th Nov.
As of now the white discharge has reduced by 90% and there is very less discharge or no at all. AlhamdolilAllah.
My due date is 4th of next month. FYI.

Jazak Allah Khair.
endopatient last decade
Salam, Dr. i took last remedy dose 6 days back i.e. 24 Nov. As of now discharge was reduced same day and from that day its either very less or no at all. No other problem AlhamdolilAllah. Please let me know if i need any remedy this time or have to wait and see.
My due date us 4th dec.
Also FYI, its white discharge
Many thanks.
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:06:17 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Update me on 1st day of periods or after 5 days
Zady101 last decade
Dr. From yesterday I am having brown discharge. Today it has increased too much. No pain etc.

Due date 4th Dec.

Please guide and oblige.
endopatient last decade
Update me on 1st day of periods or on 5th of this month, whichever is earlier.
Zady101 last decade
I am 30 years old & having a 4 yrs old daughter by caesarian and diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy in my left tube in June 2014. The doctor advised to monitor BHCG level and do ultra sound, which I did several times, the mass was initially 20-30mm with little fluid in the abdomen coz of leakage in the tube and when the BHCG level increases Dr given me the methotrexate injection in mid of june 2014 and monitor the BHCG level and when the level down to approx 300 in September Dr suggested to stop monitoring and do an Ultra sound, in the report there was no fluid in the abdomen but the mass out side the left tube increase to around 5.8 X 3 Cm and internal septions were there in the mass and cyst was there in the left ovary. Dr told that nothing to worry as the tube had slightly leaked out side & the blood & masses out side accumulates & now they dried to form the mass & they will automatically absorbed. Recently I am facing gastritis like symptoms like air in the stomach and taken several Pantoprazole Domperidone capsules but the problem is not cured so we again went to another Dr & she told us to do a ultra sound & the report says it is a edometric mass of around 10cm & the Dr suggesting to do laproscopy or surgery.
So again we decided to consult another lady Gynacologist she has given Pantoprazole tabs, Doxy I antibiotic for 2 weeks and Ornidazole tablets for 1 week & 10 Pacentrex Injection every alternate day, after 2 week she suggested to do again ultra sound and she will start hormonal therapy. Meanwhile I talked to a homoeopathic Dr & he suggested to take Silicea 10M 2-3 drops in the morning for 2 days only. I have taken the silicea for 2 days & also now taking the other medicines after that I will do the ultra sound.Another thing I want to mention that I am having my periods regularly after June. I am really very frusted for these days & some times thinking to do the surgery, kindly advise me what to do, please help me. Regards
saumyalima last decade
Ok Saunya create a new thread and title it "Attention Zady".

I will attend to it
Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady,
I am 30 years old & having a 4 yrs old daughter by caesarian and diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy in my left tube in June 2014. The doctor advised to monitor BHCG level and do ultra sound, which I did several times, the mass was initially 20-30mm with little fluid in the abdomen coz of leakage in the tube and when the BHCG level increases Dr given me the methotrexate injection in mid of june 2014 and monitor the BHCG level and when the level down to approx 300 in September Dr suggested to stop monitoring and do an Ultra sound, in the report there was no fluid in the abdomen but the mass out side the left tube increase to around 5.8 X 3 Cm and internal septions were there in the mass and cyst was there in the left ovary. Dr told that nothing to worry as the tube had slightly leaked out side & the blood & masses out side accumulates & now they dried to form the mass & they will automatically absorbed. Recently I am facing gastritis like symptoms like air in the stomach and taken several Pantoprazole Domperidone capsules but the problem is not cured so we again went to another Dr & she told us to do a ultra sound & the report says it is a edometric mass of around 10cm & the Dr suggesting to do laproscopy or surgery.
So again we decided to consult another lady Gynacologist she has given Pantoprazole tabs, Doxy I antibiotic for 2 weeks and Ornidazole tablets for 1 week & 10 Pacentrex Injection every alternate day, after 2 week she suggested to do again ultra sound and she will start hormonal therapy. Meanwhile I talked to a homoeopathic Dr & he suggested to take Silicea 10M 2-3 drops in the morning for 2 days only. I have taken the silicea for 2 days & also now taking the other medicines after that I will do the ultra sound.Another thing I want to mention that I am having my periods regularly after June. I am really very frusted for these days & some times thinking to do the surgery, kindly advise me what to do, please help me. Regards-Saumya
saumyalima last decade
Its 5th day of getting discharge. its sometimes brown and some times red. No pain etc. My due date was 4th but still no continues bleeding. I dont know if this is my periods? because i am not having any sign of period. Like continuous bleeding/pain or any other usual PMS signs.
I am so worried.
Please help.
endopatient last decade
Please wait 2 more days. There is nothing to worry.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. periods started today.
Sypmtoms are as follows this time:
-Due date was 4th Dec
-Brown and fresh red discharge started on 1st Dec and continued till 6th dec
- Severe pain in low back on 6th dec
- Period started on 7th with pain in low back and pelvic area and left ovary.
-Having clots.

Please guide and oblige
endopatient last decade

[message deleted by Zady101 on Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:01:54 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Jazak Allah for your help.
Just FYI, I m having too many big clots and bleeding is also increased this time.

I will take remedy at bed time today InshaAllah
endopatient last decade
In that case, you will take Sabina 30 and NOT Medorrhinum.

Sabina 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this thrice everyday for 2 days.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I had taken remedy as prescribed. LAst dose taken 24hrs back. As of now its my 4th day and bleeding is normal as usual. No pain alhamdolilAllah. This month pain has reduced in terms of duration. I was having little pain when i fisrt took Sabina but soon after 2dn dose the pain went off.
Please guide further.
endopatient last decade
Ok good. Please chk your mail.
Zady101 last decade
Replied mail. please check.
endopatient last decade
Its my 6th day no pain AlhamdolilAllah but still bleeding. Dr can i take some doses of Sabina to control it now as every month it goes till 10th or 11th day.

Please reply dr.
endopatient last decade
What's the status now?

Can u provide more details?
Zady101 last decade
TOday is the 7th day. Having brown discharge. No pain AlhamdolilAllah.

No other symptom so far.

endopatient last decade
Ok, so periods r finished?

And instead of giving 1 line short answers which do not help your cause, please mention how r ur energy levels? R u mentally peaceful? R u sleeping well?
[message edited by Zady101 on Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:17:49 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Sorry. I will try to elaborate in future.

Bleeding finish. Brown discharge started from yesterday evening. No pain anywhere. In fact this month I had pain only the one day before period and on 1st day of period i.e. 2 days total. Intensity was also reduced.
Good energy levels since last few months now. Mentally some what ok but have worries for my dream as time passes on, actually this thought is 24/7 in my mind no matter what i do its there somewhere in my thoughts. No other tension/worry AlhamdolilAllah.
Sleep is always good. I sleep almost in 5 to 10 minutes after going to bed. Very sound sleep always. usually do not like to sleep in afternoon.

Hope i have cleared the things.
endopatient last decade

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