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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 53 of 63

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Dr. Yesterday I tried to tolerate pain and although it was not too much but still very bothering so i ended up taking half pain killer in evening. From morning today I am having mild pain again in left area and pelvic cavity. Means the pain killer helped just for 12 hrs. I am also taking MP.
Today is my 5th day. Very light fresh bleeding is there.

Thanks for the help.
endopatient last decade
Colocynthis 200

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once
Zady101 last decade
OK I shall do it now. Thanks and Jazak Allah. Just a quick update. I am feeling better after a warm bath.
endopatient last decade
Dr. I took the remedy yesterday and it really did the trick. AlhamdolilAllah pain went off. Now from last night having some heaviness in pelvic area and I can not fold my legs up to my chest easily.
Still having too much watery bleeding.
Its my 7th day today.

Thanks and Jazak Allah khair.
endopatient last decade
Why are u trying to fold your legs upto chest? Any specific reason? Are u getting pain anywhere

What s the current location of pain
Zady101 last decade
No its just that i often feel good to do so. Its just that stretching my body feels good to me. So i just sometime when tired stretch my thighs like this. i cant call it a pain but heaviness in pelvis only.

Hope u got it.
endopatient last decade
Dr. its to update you that I am fine today except the discharge thing...The heaviness in pelvic area went off on its own. No pain no heaviness since yesterday anywhere. AlhamdolilAllah. Now the only issue today is of periods. It is not finishing completely. Its my 9th day today and still I am having pinkish or bright redish watery discharge in moderate quantity. I am so tired of it as i am not able to restart my prayers etc.
Please guide and oblige.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Dr. Today is my 10th day and still bleeding going on..hmmmm..m worried if i need to take any allopathic medicine to stop it now? please help if its possible to do so in homeopathy?

Thanks lot for your help.
endopatient last decade
Are u getting clots?
Zady101 last decade
No not clots. Its watery blood in moderate quantity. sometime its fresh red and sometimes its bright pink. no brown though.
endopatient last decade
Sabina 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 4 hours for a total of 3 times in a day. Do this for 1 day and update me.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I took the remedy as prescribed. Last dose being 6:30 hrs back. The problem has worsen. The watery bleeding increased today. And now it seems a short/mini period again. no clots just watery blood.mild pain at left side
Its my 11th day today. I am very much tensed today due to this.very depressed.
Please help.
[message edited by endopatient on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 15:49:06 BST]
endopatient last decade
Take single dose of Sepia 200. If there is no result, please see a doctor as matter of precaution.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. thanks for the help. I took the remedy today morning. The discharge has reduced to 50% but not finished. Please let me know if i should wait or still see a dr today?

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Pls update me tomorrow. Then we will decide.
Zady101 last decade
I feel its decreased more. but not finished.
Also I am having mild back pain.but not too much.

I think i shall see till afternoon and update u again.

endopatient last decade
Take 1 more dose of Sep 200.

Eat lots of Pomegranates. Take Calcium, preferably Osteocare, and take a good Multi-vitamin.
Zady101 last decade
Ok thanx lot for ur help. I shall take it after 30 min as i just had an apple.
will take other things as u mentioned.
Right now I am having less discharge. pain in whole low abdomen and back as i get in 3rd 4th day of period. means not too much but bearable.more in left side.

Thanks a tone for the help
[message edited by endopatient on Mon, 20 Oct 2014 09:47:25 BST]
endopatient last decade
Dr. I took the remedy yesterday at 4:30 pm. AlhamdolilAllah the discharge is now of white color. But having low back pain.

Jazak Allah for your time and efforts.
endopatient last decade
Pls arrange Natrium Mur 200
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I am sorry could not manage to get it.
I did some stretches and yoga in morning and felt really good afterwards. pain went off till afternoon. had a drop of red discharge today evening.
No other issue.
I will go to buy remedy soon tomorrow. InshaALlah.

endopatient last decade
Just buy n keep it, don t take it until i ask u.

Update after 1 wk, then we will decide
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I took last dose of Sepia 200 on Sunday last week i.e. a week before.
AS of now I am having very little whitish/off-white discharge. No pain etc. AlhamdolilAllah.
Its my 19th day today
Please guide further and oblige.

Jazak Allah
[message edited by endopatient on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 05:09:50 GMT]
endopatient last decade
Dr. please reply if you have some spare time.

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
I saw your mail. Please wait for 4 days more.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. as of today i am having white discharge in less quantity.
No other issue.
Please see if we can go for cyst remedies as my due date is 8th Nov.

endopatient last decade

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