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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endometriosis Treatment Page 50 of 63

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Yes, i am getting all your updates. It is a bit early to prescribe a medicine.
So, please get your Ultrasound done and update me. I have taken a note of your right sided pain.
Zady101 last decade
Ok I shall update you after the ultrasound. So this month no Oopehrinum?? I thought it has to be taken every month 5th to 9 day as i took previously.

Many thanks for your help and selfless guidance

Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
No. Not as of now.
Zady101 last decade

[message deleted by Brightstar on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:50:55 BST]
Brightstar last decade
Dr. Salam,
FYI, My ultrasound is now rescheduled to be on Saturday.
As of now, its my 9th day. Bleeding stopped on 7th day. Yesterday I had some brown discharge and today I am having pinkish red discharge. like blood is mixed in white discharge. Discharge is continuous and much in quantity. Mostly semi liquid.
Very dull pain at left side.

endopatient last decade
Sepia 30C
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Please do this once everyday for 3 days and stop.

Update me after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Means one dose for 3 days of Sepia30c,
Ok I will start now and will update you on next Wednesday.

Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Sorry there was some confusion. You have to take like this:

Sepia 200
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon

One dose only.
Zady101 last decade
Ok np I will take Sepia 200 now and will update you in a few days.

Many many thanks and Jazak Allah
endopatient last decade
Dr. Salam,
I took Sepia 200 on 20th Aug and as of now I am getting too much watery white discharge. No pain etc.

Please guide and oblige
endopatient last decade
Don't worry.

No intervention required at this time.

Update me when you get your reports.
Zady101 last decade
DR. FYI, I went to gynae today. She did a scan and told verbally that right ovarian cyst is somewhat 5.5 cm and left one is smaller (size not informed) one follicle she said is visible which she think was rupturing. she said it seems ovulation is happening..it is my 12th day today. Confirm report will be given tomorrow. And I will then inform you again.

Many thanks for your help.
Jazak Allah.
endopatient last decade
Ok, so we are on track. Update me tomo so that we can think about starting Folliculinum.
Zady101 last decade
Ok I shall inform you inshaALlah.
As of now, since evening (after my abdominal scan) I am having blood spotting. Too much watery discharge with some blood mixed in it.

Please guide.
endopatient last decade
Dr. I got the report.
Unfortunately, the cysts are still somewhat of same size. No noticeable changes. It says as follows:
Right Ovary bulky with cyst measuring 5.6 cm
Left Ovary normal with multiple small cyst largest is of 4.1 cm
Internal echoes in both cysts..
Two small developing follicles in right ovary.largest is of 2.1 cm

I am so upset that my last scan was of 28 Jan 2015 and almost after 7 months the report says same. Although I notice considerable decline in pains now. and was thinking cysts will be reduced. as i do not have any pain at my right side since 4 to 5 months now.

Please guide.
Its my 13th day.

Thank you.
endopatient last decade
Need confirmation about the below:
1) Is ovulation happening?
2) What is the status of Endometriosis?
3) how painful are the periods for you now compared to before? Asking for the sake of clarification.

In my humble opinion, you can still conceive with cysts and all if ovulation is happening and endometriosis is receding.

The other way for me is to change the direction of your treatment whereby i will get rid of the cysts in 6-8 months but endometriosis will remain the same and you will still not conceive. Some people following allopathic or this-for-that approach to homeopathy do the same.

So, pls answer my questions above and then we will take it from there?
[message edited by Zady101 on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:04:24 BST]
Zady101 last decade
Dr. after looking your mail I went immediately to gynae to get the answers...as I cant read the pictures and these were not mention in report.
1) Is ovulation happening?
She said 2 follicles are there but it does not mean ovulation happening or not? Yesterday she said I saw one follicle which may be rupturing but today cant find it.

2) What is the status of Endometriosis?
She said this can only be confirmed via laproscopy because she can see only cysts and not other lesions if any present in pelvic cavity.

3) how painful are the periods for you now compared to before? Asking for the sake of clarification.
Yes this I can tell with confirmity that it is almost 80% good.I mean before and now..pain has considerably reduced AlhamdolilAllah.

Since few months I was not having brown discharge but yesterday I had redddish pink watery discahrge and since morning it is sometime brown and sometime pink.

Dr. I know you really understand our concern ..i.e. we want to conceive sooner inshaAllah. So whatever is good treatment protocol we will follow that. You can decide better as we are totally layman in this area.

Dr. the gynea again have insisted that we should go for lapro and then IVF. despite my arguments that in homeo it can be possible but she keep insisted that in medical science its not in presence of cyst...hmm i know and have seen many ppl with cyst and have kids...so i go with homeo till i can tolerate the society pressures which are increasing day by day now.
Please see what and how homeo can help me knowing all my condition.

Please accept my apology for a longer reply. its just that i wana tell you my symptoms

Thank you
endopatient last decade
Your endometriosis is getting better. It is going.

Folliculinum 30C
Dissolve 1 drop in 3 teaspoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 5 days.
Zady101 last decade

Ok I start remedy from last night. May Allah help bless us soon. Ameen.

Jazak Allah for your selfless efforts.
Just FYI, I am still having sometime brown and sometime pink discharge.
endopatient last decade
Hello Dr.

I logged to update you that last night I have completed 5 days course of Folli.. as u prescribed.
As of now have very little yellowish discharge it is very little like just a feeling of wetness and thats it. The brown/pink discharge was there for 2 days and went after few hours of taking the first dose of folliculinum.

It is my 19th cycle day today.

Please let me know if I need to take anything now?

Jazak Allah for your help.
endopatient last decade
Please update me after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. Ok i will update you on weekend inshaAllah about other things.
But one thing bothering me and that the sweet cravings which are at peak these days. Specially i need some sweet/choco/ candies after meal. Its too much and i cant tolerate most of the time.
Also i forgot to mention before that in dr's office it revealed that my weight has increased by 4 kgs. Its now 55 Kg and i too feel that its mostly around my abs. It may be since 2 months i was feeling as if my weight is increased and have confirmed it recently only. FYI,
[message edited by endopatient on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:50:01 BST]
endopatient last decade
Oh i m sorry to intervene but i have update now.. i have seen few fresh blood drops 2 or 3 right now. please help.
endopatient last decade
I need your help urgently. I am getting brown discharge today. no pain etc.
Please reply asap.
endopatient last decade
Sepia 1M

Dissolve 1 drop in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup, stir a few times using a disposable spoon and drink. Do this ONCE only.

No repeat.

Update me after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. I took the remedy yesterday and till now there is no change.

Also i wish to tell you that i m too much in mental tension today as my family asking us to go for alopathic treatment asap. I am too much worried. How to tackle them? what to say now? nothing i have to justify.
Please help. any remedy to keep my thoughts away? to relax?
endopatient last decade

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