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fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 161 of 190

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Hi Dr Nawaz

How are you?

I took last dose merc sol 1m on 28 December and. Lyco 200 6 days back.

Current symptoms

Slight watery discharge
Sometimes white thick discharge just a like small patch on tissue

Please advise further.

Nirvana64 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

I had taken Merc sol 10 days ago. Since then I had discharge for couple days. Last three days no discharge. It gets little uncomfortable when I sit for long. At night it is completely calm. Mentally and physically I feel good. The tightness on the lower right abdomen is still there.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Dear Jain,

Please take 1 dose of Lycopodium 200C asap.

Report after 2 days

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nirvana,

Please take 1 dose of Merc Sol 1m again.

Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan 9 years ago

Its 5 days since i took Merc Sol 1M.
There was little watery discharge yesterday.

For sometime today i felt throbbing pain on exact left side though the infection is on right side.

Apart from that there is no pain.

sisir 9 years ago
Dear Sisir,

Please take only 1 dose of Lycopodium 200C asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

I took one dose of lycopodium 200c yesterday. 2-3 drops of light green pus came out today.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz, AoA
I took Thuja 200C Sunday morning. Monday morning, just after BM these was 8-10 drops dark red blood coming from fistula.
Monday afternoon there was 3-4 drops blurry pink discharge.
Today morning (after BM also) there is only less than 1 drop light pink blood and 1 drop transparent discharge.

Please note, the high amount blood from fistula after BM was always in the morning.

Best regards,
scorpion73 9 years ago
Hi Jain,

What are the current Mind and all other Physical symptoms?

How is your energy level?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Scorpion73,

Thanks for the additional info.

Please wait for a couple of days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

Physically and mentally I am in very good shape. My energy level is high as well.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Great! Mr. Jain.

Please wait with a strong dose of patience.

More prayers......
nawazkhan 9 years ago

I have taken Lycopodium 200C 1 dose yesterday
Little watery discharge tonight.
Do we want me to wait for few days?

sisir 9 years ago
"Do we want me to wait for few days?
Yes, please let this deep acting remedy function.

More prayers.....
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

After Thuja 200C, also both 3rd and 4th day mornings there was 8-10 dark red blood from fistula external wound just with BM.
And 5th day, today (Friday)there was 2-3 drops transparent watery discharge.
I'm mentally and physically OK.

best regards,
[message edited by scorpion73 on Fri, 22 Jan 2016 10:27:13 UTC]
scorpion73 9 years ago
Nawaz Sir

Since yesterday there is discharge of 5-6 drops of light green pus more than what I have seen in last few weeks. I am feeling tired today as well. Mentally I am Ok. I have seen that the stool consistency keeps on changing day by day. It is never too hard but is too soft some days. It was soft today as well.

munish9jain 9 years ago

Today I noticed little yellow discharge from the infected place once.
Otherwise there was watery discharge before.

[message edited by sisir on Fri, 22 Jan 2016 17:55:22 UTC]
sisir 9 years ago
Dear Scorpion73,

How many days ago the Merc Sol. 1m dose taken?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Jain,

Please post a full picture of your current symptoms, Mind and Physical. Also what did you take for meals, snacks and drinks?

Any unusual life event?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Sisir,

Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 11 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz, Merc Sol. 1M was 1 months ago.
But Friday nşght there was pain at fistula 2nd externsl wound area. I got Berberis 2x 11 drops 3 times totallly upto Saturday night. After Berberis There was brownish yellow watery discharge 15-20 drops Saturday morning and Saturday night. Now I feel much better and no sensitivity at fistula. Sunday morning 4-5 drops watery red discharge mixed.
scorpion73 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

Mentally and physically I am in good shape. No worries or stress. I was quite busy all the days. I feel good when I am busy. Just the stool consistency keeps on changing and I think that effects the fistula. I eat lot of salad. Lettuce. Arugula. Carrots cabbage broccoli. Little bit rice. No sugar at all. No sweets at all. No juice. No liquor no carbonated drinks. I only drink water or2-3 cups of tea with milk. I eat lot of fruit papaya pineapple pear berries cantaloupe. I may eat couple of crackers every day.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Dear Scorpion73,

Please take Merc Sol. 1m, only one dose. More prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 24 Jan 2016 16:27:21 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Jain,
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 11 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz,
I took Merc. Sol 1M tonight.
It is very cold here these days and my throat seem to become sore. I have a feeling something stay at my throat.
I'm mentally an physically fine except my throat.

Best regards,
scorpion73 9 years ago
Hi Scorpion73,

How is your throat now after taking the remedy?
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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