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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 73 of 190

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Nawaz, I just realized that I misread your instructions for me. I took BV Q 2 doses for past 3 days (instead of 3 doses for 2 days). I am still noticing blood on TP after BM. Discomfort is less these days. Please advise on how to proceed next. Many Thanks for all your help !
AbFisRidden last decade
Hi AbFisRidden,

Please take only one dose of Nitric Acid 200C, at bed time tonight, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water.

Continue with Berberis Vulgaris Q, 3 times a day, for 3 more days, from tomorrow.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
1. ID:patty1207
2. Age 32
3. Sex f
4. Marital Status s
5. weight 190
6. Height ….5;6'
7. country USA
8. climate
9. List of your complaints
CONSTANT ABSCESS FROM FISTULA ON LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE HEALED BUT OPENS UP. I was operated on right side in 2009 and it did not work with a seton

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint?

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic NO
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt YES
13. Thirst NO
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) 110/65

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel? FINE
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like? BAD
20. What comes to your mind? GRRR
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? EXERCISE AND SEX LIFE

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current medicines you are taking? NONE

26. Family Background WHITE
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient POST GRADUATE

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? MANAGEMENT

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem DON'T KNOW

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease LEFT BUTT CHEEK AND SOMETIMES RIGHT
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. PUS, YELLOWISH RED

In order to find out that what miasm are you currently in, please answer the following Q's?

1. Please tell us about your pain, if any? How much is the pain and where? ABOUT 6-7

2. Is there any pus coming from anywhere in your body and it's color, quantity and thickness? The color may be yellow, light yellow, brown, dark brown, greenish, white and watery. YES, YELLOWISH, SOMETIMES RED DRAINS ALL DAY

3. What is the color of your discharges, if any?

4. How about the blood discharges, if any? Please describe the color of blood and its thickness? PINK, RED

5. Please tell me about your constipation? NONE

6. How about the itching and burning in detail, if any? NONE

7. How is your energy level and state of mind other than the one you already described?

8. Any other issues right now and in the past other than the one you have already described?
9. What are you taking at the moment (homoeopathic and allopathic) on daily basis?

10. Any other additional information that you would like to mention that might be helpful?

A bundle of prayers for your good health.

patty1207 last decade
Hi Patty,

'Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections. '

The above is very important for the selection of correct remedy.

When is the period during the month approx date?

Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?

Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

Do you have any homoeopathic remedies at home, please list?
nawazkhan last decade
I am always impatient but I am working on it, I do not have a problem speaking out at all. I have lots of stress in my daily life from work to money to everyday NYC stresses. I guess not any other than a regular person living in this city. I am pretty outgoing but timid when it comes to love. The fistula is something that does get in the way of my life now. It is uncomfortable, keeps me from some intimacy as well as activities that I was otherwise able to do, such as biking. I feel as though the pain gets worse when the area is irritated.

It is not painful at all times, but when there are more bowel movements or for some reason irritates it gets painful with swelling which follows with discharge. Sometimes I also use a needle to open it up but I am avoding it. I do not feel sick from it but I do BELIEVE that it may be taking some energy out of me because the body is constantly fighting this infection.

My period is usually around the 10th of each month, it has changed in the last year or so, it has been 'starting' longer and the flow is regular. Have some body aches before period and cravings for salty and sweet foods around that time, I am not pregnant and not using any homeopathic treatments right now.

I would love your help in trying to get rid of this problem. I actually was going to do another treatment which I found online but it was too expensive, it was coming straight from India. Where are you from ? :)

Please list all of the treatments, I am willing to do anything at this point to avoid another possibly unsuccessful surgery. Please list all the things I need to purchase since I would rather have everything here at home rather than having to wait for multiple shipments, if that is possible.

Thank you in advance, I will be forever grateful! :)
patty1207 last decade
Dear Nawaz

Please find the update below:

- On thursday night, the fistula didnt drain anything but oozing was there with pain.

- Friday morning it drained with few drops of thick blood mixed pus.

- Later in the day 1-2 drops of blood drained.

- Today not much of pain but still there is some oozing.

- Took a dose of Ruta 200 last night.

- Today taking Alumen 30c one dose.

Please let me know if I need to take anything else.

rajhomeo75 last decade
Hi Patty,

Thanks for the addl. info.

I would like you to start on Berberis Vulgaris Q, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. This remedy must not be taken during period.

Also, a daily dose of Calendula 200C, empty stomach in the morning when you get up, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, for 5 days.

Down the road, depending upon your changing symptoms, you may need Calc Sulph 200C, Hypericum 200C, Alumen 3X, Ruta 200C, Thuja 200C and Sulphur 200C.

I am in Atlanta.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Hey Raj,

How is the pain now?
nawazkhan last decade

Thank you so much for your reply...I'd like to know whether you are able to recommend a website where I can buy all the items from? I looked online and am not sure whether some of them are pill or liquid forms for these: Calc Sulph 200C, Hypericum 200C, Alumen 3X, Ruta 200C, Thuja 200C and Sulphur 200C

The Calendula 200c I see in pellet/tablet form. I should be looking for a liquid right? I will also try some of the health stores around me tomorrow. I just want to make sure that they come from good sources and not compromised. I hope you can steer me into a place where I can purchase since you are so close :)

patty1207 last decade
Hello Patricia,

Please try to buy all remedies here at the ABC in the liquid form.

If not available, you may try here?

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz, hope you are doing well. My fistula is still draining blood. I took Nitric acid 200 single dose and have been taking BV Q three doses for past two days. Every morning I am still noticing blood on TP after BM. Today morning I also noticed that skin is very dry around fistula. There is no discomfort around fistula though. Please advise. Thanks !
AbFisRidden last decade
Dear Nawaz

The pain is almost gone except some in the fistula mount.

In fact, the pain was almost stopped a day before itself.

Please let me know if I need to take anything else.

rajhomeo75 last decade
Hi AbFisRidden,

Are your sure that the blood is really coming from Fistula? Is there any rectum swelling?

You must continue with Berberis Vulgaris Q, 3 times a day, for 2 more days. Let's increase the number of drops to 7 per dose.

Also, please have your wife cook your meals with more turmeric powder.

You must stay warm, happy and with no regrets. Please do not let your muscular tissues rupture anymore.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Raj,

Please tell me about the pus and bleeding as of yesterday in detail.

What did you take today and yesterday, remedies and food?

How is your state of mind right now?

Many prayers for you Raj.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz

YEsterday and today the pus was in 1-2 drops which was white in color and little thick.

- Also there was 1-2 drops of colorless liquid followed by that.

- This morning 1 drops of same white color pus drained as well.

- After that nothing drained but noticing a small oozing in fistula with pain.

- It looks like the out side is trying to get closed again and so this pain and oozing also.

- Nawaz, I am noticing this pattern in the past month 2nd or third time that the

-- outer side is trying to close after few days of taking some medicine and so the pain starts.

--When it opens up again and drains it starts with brown color pus and then change to white color and then trying to close outside again.

is this normal, Nawaz ?

I tool Alumen 30c one dose today.

- Yesterday one dose of Ruta and day before also.

Please let me know what should I do now ?

rajhomeo75 last decade
Hi Raj, May God bless you.

'YEsterday and today the pus was in 1-2 drops which was white in color and little thick. '

Now is the time to take Calc Sulph 200C, 2 times a day, for 5 days. Stop Alumen 30C.

'-When it opens up again and drains it starts with brown color pus and then change to white color and then trying to close outside again.

is this normal, Nawaz ? '

No, this is not normal. It is a miasma-tic change that occurs due to your food intakes, anxiety, cold drinks and some other factors. Your internal organs get cold.

Please stay blessed and do not eat any cold and pus generating foods such as Rice, Cauliflower, Peas, Potatoes and meat.
nawazkhan last decade

I just ordered all the items you suggested. The Berberis is in TINCTURE form I hope that is good. That was in the Q form.

I am learning so much about people's symptoms here and they seem to be similar in some ways, especially when someone mentioned the fistula closed up but reopened. You mentioned it has to do with food. Can you tell me what to avoid, I see that maybe onions might be the problem and also stress. I am also a coffee drinker and do like some spicy food, including Indian :)

I am hoping that this works, all my positive thoughts are here....I will get back to you when all items come (ordered thru here/Hylands) and hopefully I will have time to take it before my monthly cycle.

thanks again!
patty1207 last decade
Hi Patricia,

'The Berberis is in TINCTURE form'
Yes, this is the one we need.

Please avoid all cold and pus generating foods such as Beef, Rice, Cauliflower, Peas, Potatoes, ice cream and cold drinks. One must always control constipation too. You must also try to avoid the stress generating places, people and events.

Please stay blessed!
nawazkhan last decade
Can you recommend any teas that are good for this? Anything that will NOT be good? I don't eat ice cream and can definitely lay off the other stuff. Is eating organic white breast chicken ok? Should I stop coffee when I start this? I see from some posts you mentioned that and also alcohol.

Also, I was thinking of going back to the gym and Spin Class (on a bike) is that ok?
Bikram yoga?

I am trying to get back to exercising but don't want to hinder the healing.

Thanks so much!!
patty1207 last decade
Regular teas are OK. Please take decaff coffee in limited amounts.
'Is eating organic white breast chicken ok?'
Yes, no problem.
'Also, I was thinking of going back to the gym and Spin Class (on a bike) is that ok? '
It does not look Ok until the fistula tube is completely closed and healed.

'I am trying to get back to exercising but don't want to hinder the healing.
You are right. Please do not exert yourself during the healing process.
nawazkhan last decade
Do you have any homoeopathic remedies at home right now Patricia, if yes, then, please list?
nawazkhan last decade
No I do not have anything yet. Order was placed today. I take couple of supplements as I mentioned before. Krill oil. Vit d and CLA. Also take turmeric sometimes.

Thanks for the info about foods. I will miss my coffee greatly. Also the exercise as I am tying to lose weight :(

patty1207 last decade
Dear Nawaz

Thanks for the response. Sure I will take Calc Sulph 200c from tomorrow.

Also, I will stop the food items you had mentioned here to avoid pus formation.

I had some Shrimp last night and some chicken today. That could be the reason also. Will try stop all these for sometime then.

rajhomeo75 last decade
'Also take turmeric sometimes. '
How do you take it?
Sorry for the other items that you will miss for a short period of time.

Many prayers for your good health Patricia.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks Raj, You are always welcome. Please stay blessed!

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
I take it in pill form. From Organic India supplements. It's a vegetarian capsule. Should I stop?? Isn't it good for inflammation??
patty1207 last decade

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