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fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 188 of 190

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks Nawaz,

I have Hepar Sulph 6C and have just ordered it in 1M.

I'll start the Merc Sol 200C today.

Thank you for being there for us!
boyd888 7 years ago
Dr Nawaz,

No pain. I have a feeling that the area is drying. Checked that holes are still there.

Mental - feeling confident that fistula is getting cured, have work related pressure. Physical- no issues, except I am allergic to dust/ smoke etc and take anti allergic medicines as needed, currently allergy level is going up due lots of ploen in air.

[message edited by patka on Wed, 24 May 2017 16:25:40 UTC]
patka 7 years ago
Hello Jain,

Please take Nitric Acid 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
"I'll start the Merc Sol 200C today.

Thank you for being there for us!

Good luck to you. You are welcome. Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hi Patka,

Please take Bryonia 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dr Nawaz,

I have completed Bryonia 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days. Feeling further improvement like drying up feeling at fistula area and no secretion / pus formation.

Many thanks, please advice.


patka 7 years ago
Hi Nawaz - I can now post again on the forum.

It's been 5 days since taking the Merc Sol 200C.

I've had quite a tuff time in terms of pain and discomfort. The worst since working with you.

The day after I started the Mic Sol 200C the lump on the left side of my anus started to itch and pain - I scratched it and a small amount of blood came out - it then shrunk to about the size of a grain of rice.

The lump on the right side of my anus also increased in size and was painful. It looked like a hollow tube was being pushed out from inside me. If I felt it - it felt like a donut - round and a soft hole in the middle - I would wipe it and occasionally it seemed as if some clear (maybe very light yellow) and thin liquid was on the surface of it- very small amount.

I couldn't sit down for any length of time for a few days!

Yesterday was much better - the two lumps had shrunk and the donut on the right is no longer sticking out.

Last night the lump on my left side was itchy - I scratched and a new tract appeared. It is closer to the anus (not far from the bump) - so I am taking this as a good sign. Again only a small amount of clear fluid/blood.

I have the Hepar Sulph 1M.

Will await your kind advice,

Thank you,

[Edited by boyd888 on 2017-05-31 06:33:44]
boyd888 7 years ago
Nawaz Sir

I completed the Nitric acid 200CC remedy for Fissure.I still have Pain after the bowel movement and it continues all day now. My fistula is stable.
Please advise.
munish9jain 7 years ago
Hello Patka,

Please take Calc Phos 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days. More prayers........
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hello Boyd888, Sorry to know this, but, the remedy is not the cause of your current pain. This may be due to food intakes, stress, exertion and drinks?

Please take Hepar Sulph 1m, 1 dose only asap.
More prayers........
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hello Jain,

Please take Thuja 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days. More prayers........
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

It had been 5 days I finished Lycopodium C200, 3 doses total every third day.
Esp. first 2 days after each dose of Lycopodium C200 I feel good but third day start to turn back to old.
I'm fasting due to Ramadan. Normally I feel better when fasting as no pressure on fistula during the day. But as I lost 3 kg. in 1 week, I guess my body was weak and last 3 days I had cold with fever. Today again fever is 39 degC. Headache when stand up.
I had too much gas and sometimes gas was coming out from.fistula external opening. Esp. today discharge from fistula external.opening was 2-3 drops light yellow with some green/brown (stool floor) discharge. And there is burning sense inside fistila. I had sitting bath with Batticon and first time I see worm like less than 1mm thickness worm like particles in water. Maybe stool become tiny when passing internal opening, no idea

I'm physically tired esp. after cold and also under stress.

I will get Lycopodium 1M 10 days later.

Best regards,
[Edited by scorpion73 on 2017-06-04 11:16:22]
scorpion73 7 years ago
AoA Scorpion, What do you usually take for Iftar and Suhoor?

Please do not take pus forming food items.

You need to take Berberis Vulgaris Q or 1x, One dose at least 45 minutes after breaking your fast and one dose at least 45 minutes before Suhoor meal. One dose = 7 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz, WAA
I just have iftar, no suhoor. For years same.
I eat tomatoe, cucumber, some days very less cheese without salt.
Meatball without any fluor. Less meat. Chicken
Sometimes omlette with tomatoe and onion but try to avoid yellow part of egg.
Aubergines, tomatoe soup with no or very less fluor.
Sometimes less home made yoghurt with turmeric and olive oil.
Some almond, walnut or hazelnut after iftar and also sometimes fruit: Apricot, strawberry
If I wake up before suhoor, I just drink water.

I live half hungry for long time
But today there is constipation and much gas which made gas go more into fistula

Best regards,
[Edited by scorpion73 on 2017-06-05 18:30:20]
scorpion73 7 years ago
Hi Nawaz

Just updating you. Things have been pretty good since taking the Hepar Sulph 1m. The fistula opening is healing - the jumps on both sides of the anus have reduced in size and softened. Best of all a big reduction in pain. - THANK YOU.

I think I need some pointers with my diet.

boyd888 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Nawaz,

I have completed Calc Phos 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

I am feeling fistual is drying up further, other than this is no visible changes.


patka 7 years ago
"I just have iftar, no suhoor. For years same."
Oh, please please, above is the main cause of your fistula issues. Please eat before starting your fast. You must take balanced food to get you going during the day.

Please take Bryonia 200C, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
"I have completed Calc Phos 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Please take Ruta 200C, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you Patka.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hey Boyd888, Please take Calc Phos 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

You are welcome.

Many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dr Nawaz,

I have ordered Ruta 200C. Do you think any other medicine I should buy and keep ready?


patka 7 years ago
Dear Patka, Please list all remedies at home right now?
[Edited by nawazkhan on 2017-06-10 00:33:10]
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

I finished Bryonia 200C, 3 doses and 3 more days passed.
Discharge from fistula external opening is 1-2 drops watery, very light yellow.
Sometimes 1 drop of yellow pus depending on food and sometimes 1-2 drops light pink blood after stool.

I'm mentally and physically fine. Lost 4 kg.s at Ramadan and feel better.

Best regards,
scorpion73 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Nawaz,

I have completed Ruta 200C, for 3 days.

I have following remedies at home:
Nux Vomica 200,
Alumina 200,
Acid Phos 200,
Merc Sol 1m,
Thuja 1m,
Hepar Sulph 1m,
Bryonia 200,
Calc Phos 200,
and Ruta 200

Thank you,

patka 7 years ago
Dear Scorpion, AoA, How is Ramadan going?

How is your dryness and constipation now?

When was the last time you took Merc Sol 1m?

Has Lycopodium 1m arrived?

Please take Rhus Tox 200C, 1 dose after Iftar today.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Patka, How are you doing?
In order to move forward, I need to look at your current symptoms in detail, Mind and Physical?????
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz, WAA

I'm fine with Ramadan, feel better with 1 time food a day.
Try to eat less unless I go out for iftar very rarely.
Lost 4 kgs in total at Ramadan and feel better.
Constipation is better now.
I just received Lycopodium 1M tonight.
Still sometimes, gas is going into fistula tube.

Best regards,
scorpion73 7 years ago

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