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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 190 of 190

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Nawaz sir,

In last 10 days I have taken 3 dose of Calcarea Phosphorica 200C.

Today while checking status of holes around the rectum (fistula) I noticed cysts like tissues little inside of rectum outlet. Is there any remedy to get rid of this cysts?

I have following remedies at home:
Nux Vomica 200,
Alumina 200,
Acid Phos 200,
Merc Sol 1m,
Thuja 1m,
Hepar Sulph 1m,
Bryonia 200,
Calc Phos 200,
and Ruta 200


[Edited by patka on 2017-07-12 03:17:44]
patka 7 years ago
Nawaz Sir

I have completed the Three doses of Nitric acid 200C. The pain is still there for the fissure. Please advise.

munish9jain 7 years ago
Hi Nawaz - Hope you are doing well?

Haven't written to you in a good few weeks. Fistula has been pretty good with little discomfort, no discharge and the tracks are all healed up.

The lump on the left side of my anus has shrunk and softened but I can still feel it is there.

Have been stricter with my diet but still have a little way to go.

Mind hasn't been great - very sensitive, just want to be by myself indoors. Irritable and occasionally quick to confrontation. I'm normally a much happier and easy going person.

I am brooding over incidents and negative interactions for too long.

Feel anxious and sad (had to put my dog of 13 years to sleep, also aunt passed away and there was a funeral at my deceased parents home town).

As I am writing to you, I am aware of the fistula and really don't want to go through another cycle.

As always I am very grateful for your time, knowledge and advice.

[Edited by boyd888 on 2017-07-13 11:26:54]
boyd888 7 years ago
Any reduction in the pain, Jain?

What are the other symptoms in detail?????
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hi Boyd888,

Please take Ignatia Amara 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz Sir,

What would you advise me now?


patka 7 years ago
Dear Patka,

Please furnish all symptoms in detail to move forward.

What remedies have been taken for the last 10 days?
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz sir,

In last more than 10 days I have taken 3 dose of Calcarea Phosphorica 200C.

Few days before while checking status of holes around the rectum (fistula) I noticed 2 cysts like tissues little inside of rectum outlet. I feel some irritation and pain on those cysts. Is there any remedy to get rid of this cysts?

I can see one big hole behind the rectum outlet but no secretion coming out, and could not see one other small hole which was there earlier before starting this treatment - looks that hole is healed.

I have following remedies at home:
Nux Vomica 200,
Alumina 200,
Acid Phos 200,
Merc Sol 1m,
Thuja 1m,
Hepar Sulph 1m,
Bryonia 200,
Calc Phos 200,
and Ruta 200


patka 7 years ago
What are the Mind symptoms?
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Nawaz Sir,

Mind symptoms - I am happy, not having any tension. Spending some free time to spend with family and reading books apart from regular work at office environment.



Update on 26th July: It is almost a month I have not taken any remedy/medicine and secretion started again from last couple of days: It is yellow color and sticky but quantity is less. Last medicine I took was Calcarea Phosphorica 200C. - 1 dose daily for 3 days.
I have following remedies at home:
Nux Vomica 200,
Alumina 200,
Acid Phos 200,
Merc Sol 1m,
Thuja 1m,
Hepar Sulph 1m,
Bryonia 200,
Calc Phos 200,
and Ruta 200
[Edited by patka on 2017-07-28 02:37:23]
patka 7 years ago
Nawaz Sir

I would say the fissure pain is little less in the morning . Mentally and physically I am fine. Fistula is also symptom free. I am still using petroleum jelly after the bowel movement. I am eating and sleeping fine. I completed three doses of Nitric acid 200cc. Fissure pain starts in the morning and then goes away during the day.

Please advise what to take next for the fissure.

munish9jain 7 years ago
Hi Nawaz

Finished the Ignatia 10 days ago. Mood has improved - not so heavy or sad.

Still sensitive to cold, noise, traffic, people - happy to stay indoors and by myself.

Finding it difficult to start any tasks - though I know I will feel better (less anxious, pensive more resilient) when I actually start and complete a project.

Still often have music in my head.

Lump next to my anus on the left side is still there - no secretion, no tracts I am aware of. Area dose ache a little if I have been sitting down for a few hours.

boyd888 6 years ago
Nawaz Sir
Where are you?

munish9jain 6 years ago
Dear Nawaz

I hope you are OK???

Many prayers fro you!

boyd888 6 years ago
Dear Nawaz

It has been a month since I have taken any medicines or advice from you.

I have had great improvement since following your directions - however I know I still have some healing to do.

Please respond to my request for help in drying up the fistula.

I have little discomfort atm, no new tracts or discharge but still a small lump on the left side of my anus.

I have stopped all the pus forming foods you have mentioned.

Mentally I am in a better place - but this condition can wear me down. I wouldn't say I am depressed - more sensitive and anxious. I am forcing myself to go out into the world. I always seem to have some apprehension and worry with regard to the fistula. I am reluctant to make plans - even to meet up with friends . It can take over my mind - worrying if it will flare up, wondering if I will have pain and discomfort.

If you require any more information from me - please let me know -

Nawaz you have helped me so much (of which I am very grateful), please continue in considering my case.

boyd888 6 years ago
boyd888 said Dear Nawaz

It has been a month since I have taken any medicines or advice from you.

I have had great improvement since following your directions - however I know I still have some healing to do.

Please respond to my request for help in drying up the fistula.

I have little discomfort atm, no new tracts or discharge but still a small lump on the left side of my anus.

I have stopped all the pus forming foods you have mentioned.

Mentally I am in a better place - but this condition can wear me down. I wouldn't say I am depressed - more sensitive and anxious. I am forcing myself to go out into the world. I always seem to have some apprehension and worry with regard to the fistula. I am reluctant to make plans - even to meet up with friends . It can take over my mind - worrying if it will flare up, wondering if I will have pain and discomfort.

If you require any more information from me - please let me know -

Nawaz you have helped me so much (of which I am very grateful), please continue in considering my case.

If you believe you are no longer able to help me please let me know.

boyd888 6 years ago
I am sathis, 38,M,fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir intersphinctric fistula 32mm tract traverse linear & terminates rectum , intersphint muscle not affected.3 months problem occurs pus only discharged no blood mix, touch with my finger found a swell inside below intersphincture, opening hole within swell not in outer skin. No pain but itching in anal area due to pus drain i thought. I am a vegetarian,No smoke, No liquor and etc, prof.telecom Engineer, please suggest the permanent cure. I trust you like GOD spells from tou, Thanks
Frib 6 years ago

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