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Homeopathy Forum Archive: side effects

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase side effects. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

140 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for side effects:
Aconitum Napellus2
Agnus Castus3
Aloe Socotrina2
Apis Mellifica3
Arnica Montana9
Arsenicum Album10
Calcarea Carbonica9
Calcarea Fluorata2
Camphora 8
Chelidonium Majus3
Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis6
Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum2
Conium Maculatum3
Gaster galli2
Grindelia Robusta2
Histaminum muriaticum3
Ignatia Amara2
Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)2
Kali Muriaticum2
Lycopodium Clavatum3
Natrum Muriaticum7
Natrum Phosphoricum3
Natrum Sulphuricum3
Nitricum Acidum2
Nux Vomica22
Phosphoricum Acidum3
Pulsatilla Nigricans4
Rhus Tox6
Sabal Serrulata2
Sanicula Aqua2
Thuja Occidentalis6
Zincum Metallicum2

Radiation side effects 16

Two year ago I was treated for a small tumor in brain , I was recommended radiation high dose but only one time. Every thing settled down till now last MRI shows swelling only (1mm...
Remedies: Radium Bromatum, Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, ADN, Phytolacca Decandra
Started by pinkyM. Last post: 2020-08-27

Nat Phos side effects in infant. 24

My babys pediatrician who is holistic suggested Nat Phos x6 for his reflux. He's 16 weeks old. Today is his 2nd day on it. I give him one after each bottle..or about 4-5 a da...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum, Chamomilla, Phosphorus, Bryonia
Started by Cmitche77. Last post: 2020-02-06

EMERGENCY Help me in reaching a doctor who can cure proving symptoms/ side effects of Homeopathic medicines such as PHOSPHORIC ACID 200 32

I request everyone in the forum to help me in reaching a doctor who can cure me in case of homeopathic medicinal proving. I am looking for a doctor who knows how to treat a patient...
Remedies: Terebinthina, Agaricus Muscarius, Phosphoricum Acidum, Myrica Cerifera, Agnus Castus, Chelidonium Majus, Lycopodium Clavatum, Causticum, Kali Phosphoricum, Camphora , Selenium, Nux Vomica, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus), Aloe Socotrina, Pulsatilla, Hydrastis Canadensis, Podophyllum Peltatum, Carduus Marianus, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Sepia, Rhus Tox
Started by Abhi3. Last post: 2024-06-20

Sepia side effects 2

1.. sneezing when going to cold or cold to warm environment with white discharge 2.. high heat burning here and their in joints shifting in nature .. burning in eyes sometimes rig...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla
Started by Deepali2. Last post: 2024-06-18

What are the main uses and side effects of Artvigil 150mg Tablets? 1

Discover the main uses and potential side effects of Artvigil 150mg Tablets. Explore this wakefulness aid comprehensively before use. Find detailed insights to make informed decisi...
Started by Buymodafdinilrxs. Last post: 2024-05-31

Side effects from many years of homeopathic remedies 25

Hi. I am hoping to get some help.I have never known or even thought that homeopathy could have nay side effects.I only thought it was gently supporting us in what we already were a...
Remedies: Mentha Piperita, Grindelia Robusta, Camphora , Nux Vomica, Kali Bichromicum, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Teucrium Marum Verum
Started by hullus. Last post: 2023-12-25

Side effects of Sepia 30 2

Thank you ABC Homeo[Edited by Guptagk on 2017-08-27 14:39:42]...
Remedies: Sepia
Started by Guptagk. Last post: 2023-09-29

Sensitivity / side Effects ??? 12

Hello, I turned to homepathy last yr when I got no relief from GERD w/conventional meds. After 1 mth on a homeopathic remedy (ASC 9 + AE 10 ?) my GERD completely cleared w/no side ...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Arnica Montana
Started by messages321. Last post: 2022-08-21

Gerd - Belladonna Side Effects (Not sure) 35

Hello, I have been suffering from Gerd for past one year. Recently, I stopped taking the antacids to try natural ways to treat it. So, apart from diet, I took belladonna 30c for a...
Remedies: Belladonna, Nux Vomica, Thuja Occidentalis, Nitricum Acidum
Started by Shazam. Last post: 2022-02-23

Natrum Mur side effects (Anuj srivastava sir) 15

One MD homeopathy doctor online suggested me Natrum mur 1m for 15 days daily 4 drops in morning for my Love betrayal. And long standing anxiety depression .. But in Quora one docto...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Aurum Metallicum, Calcarea Carbonica, Tuberculinum, Aloe Socotrina, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)
Started by Seampuredg. Last post: 2022-02-21

Unwanted side effects of Sulphur 0

Dear Esteemed Dr's I have Allergic Rhinitis with Asthma and Nasal polyp on the right side. I was given Sulphur 1M single dose which did not do anything. I was later suggeste...
Started by meernabeel. Last post: 2022-01-21

Covishield Side Effects 8

My 71 years old father took first dose of covidshield on 16th April at around 4pm. Since then he is suffering from side effect of vaccine. He had 99 fever on the same day. Next da...
Remedies: Kali Muriaticum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Arnica Montana
Started by mayankgates. Last post: 2021-04-30

Picric Acid 6 Side Effects 1

Hi! I want to know is there any Antidote to picric acid. I have taken this medicine and it has caused me some side effects Is there any antidote to to this medicine? Thanks...
Remedies: Camphora
Started by Junaid6. Last post: 2021-04-08

Pulsatila side effects for my daughter 5

Seeking guidance to cure my daughter One of homeopath had given pulsatilla for around 8 months to my 10 yrs old daughter to treat recurrent UTI issue. With this, her UTI problem h...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Magnesia Phosphorica, Kali Muriaticum
Started by rahul10. Last post: 2020-12-28

For Professional Homeopaths - Side Effects of Thuja 30 1

I was given Sulphar 200. First doses showed good results in terms of energy levels but second dose reversed all and caused obsessions, hate against people, heat in body, abscesses ...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by Mr123. Last post: 2020-08-15

Long term masturbation side effects 8

Hello I'm currently suffering from masturbation side effects. I'm a 32 years old man. I don't have a wife and I don't have a girlfriend. Here are the pieces of ...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Lilium Tigrinum
Started by humble1. Last post: 2018-07-26

Side effects of antim crud 30 2

Hi everyone, I need urgent attention from any doctor here,I have given Antim Crud 30ch and Silicea6x to my 3.5 yo baby 2 times daily from saturday till monday, he was prescribed t...
Remedies: Antimonium Crudum
Started by vishalcool. Last post: 2018-07-18

Masterbation side effects 4

Hello can you suggest me a good physian in India for homeopathy. I am suffering from three years. I have tried many medicines nothing helpful to me much. My problems are Complet...
Started by Rampitkal. Last post: 2018-07-17

Can i take these three medicine together. Any side effects 1

Can i take these three medicine together. Any side effects. Carboveg 200 arsenic album 30 and r9 cough drops...
Started by Indrani Kachhap. Last post: 2018-06-10

ED and long time sex through homeopathy treatment with no side effects 0

I am 23 years age I am facing penis errection problem. I have some thyroid only. Physically much fit.weight 65. I have an bad habit of jerking twice in a week but I couldn't s...
Started by BIKRAMJIT PARUI. Last post: 2018-05-23

Side effects of medicines 5

I have taken 20 drops of each Acid Phos 6c, Avena Sativa Q, Damiaplant and Ashwagnada Q twice a days for erectile dysfunctions. Somebody told me it was very high dose you taken. p...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by baby. Last post: 2018-05-21

Are there any side effects of vimax oil 0

I want to grow lentgh and health of my penis. My penis is 4.5 inches. I want it to be 6 inches atleast. Is there any reliable medicine for such a need which is with out any side ef...
Started by brave. Last post: 2018-04-28

PE. and Clomid side effects 5

Dear Sir/Madame, I am 45 y/o male, been using homeopathy in general for about 20 year now. Since then my constitution remedy was diagnosed to be Thuja. Been using Thuja 30C on ...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by adamues. Last post: 2018-02-06

SSRI side effects 1

Hi to all homeopathic doctors. my age 42 male I am using zoloft 50 for my panic attack. zoloft has decreased me sexual desire and loss of libido. can i use avena sativa Q to reduce...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by filza. Last post: 2018-01-30

Side effects of tubwrculinum 2

i gave tuberculinum 10m 2 weeks ago.h my son has tonsilitys andcold.e suffers frequently in throt choked.pai ontoncils also .after giving tub.10m i am seing that he has attacked by...
Started by sultana1. Last post: 2017-11-28

How to cure side effects of masturbation 37

HI, My name is khan and i m patient of over-masturbation.Dr i m 17 years old and i have been doing masturbation for 2 nd half yeear.I started it when i was 14.i did it twice a day....
Remedies: Agnus Castus, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Alfalfa, Staphysagria
Started by Eagle shines. Last post: 2017-10-23

Suffuring from Masturbation side effects 1

HI, My name is kishore and i m patient of over-masturbation.Dr i m 28 years old and i have been doing masturbation for 14 nd half yeear.I started it when i was 14.Now i m sufferin...
Started by Saikishore. Last post: 2017-10-23

Side effects from Nitric Acid?? 6

Hi,I was treated with acidum nitricum for warts more then 18 months ago. It helped clear some warts, but ever since my urine has had an acrid smell. I am a little worried, and my f...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Magnesia Muriatica, Thea Sinensis, Coffea Cruda, Zingiber, Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum
Started by annika. Last post: 2017-09-17

How to recover from over -masturbation side effects after quitting it? 65

i m 16 now and over-masturbating from last 4 years,everyone said that it was good for health but know i m suffering from its disastourus evil effects like eraly ejaculation,curved ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Avena Sativa, Tilia Europoea, Anthrokokali, Staphysagria, Nux Vomica, Phosphoricum Acidum, Anacardium Occidentale, Salix Nigra, Agnus Castus
Started by jeah walia. Last post: 2017-07-31

Side effects 5

i am a first time homeopathic patient and i was given Hepar sulphur for my upper respiratory infection and sinusitus (sp?). i felt my energy level soar within hours of starting the...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Sulphur, Baptisia Tinctoria
Started by dmichelle. Last post: 2017-06-17

Over Masturbation side effects 1

I started masturbating at the age of 12 and left at the age of 14 and i am 16 I did masturbation 2 to 3 times a day but now I am facing it's serious side effects Like ... Sp...
Started by Srox. Last post: 2017-06-13

Severe Side Effects due to Prolong Masterbation 12

I started masterbation at age of 12 yrs. due to bad company and till today , 24 yr. Of age , I have controlled myself a lot for the last 2 years, from per day masterbation to once ...
Started by ichigo231. Last post: 2017-05-23

Antibiotic side effects 1

Before 2 yr I had consulted a dermatologist for my pimples on face.According to his prescription I used antibiotics and all my pimples had gone. After some months again it came bac...
Remedies: Gaster galli, Tabacum
Started by Gehna. Last post: 2017-05-15

Lycopodium Clavatum & Sepia side effects 8

Hello, My wife was recently taking Lycopodium Clavatum & Sepia in 15C to address her psoriasis problem. She has been taking 10 granules of each 3 times per week for 2 weeks. ...
Remedies: Camphora
Started by bexinul. Last post: 2017-04-11

How do i stop masturbation side effects after quitting? 1

Hi Am Eric, I have been in constant masturbation for years and now this are my exact feelings Light headache, muscle cramps, dizziness above all blurry vision. I can no longer rea...
Remedies: Gaster galli
Started by Ricantona. Last post: 2017-03-31

Overmasturbation side effects 1

Weak legs due to overmasturbation habit.. How to cure it...and how to stop masturbation habit...any medicine which may work for these two conditions of mine.. I am also having sunk...
Started by Gaurav444. Last post: 2017-02-11

Side effects 3

I am facing with acne from 2years from last month i am taking sulphur 30 does it have any side effects of taking daily a 5 pills...
Remedies: Sulphur, Zincum Metallicum
Started by Teja. Last post: 2017-01-26

Counter side effects of Streptomycin injection 1

Hello experts, My father is 74 years of age he has brain stroke for which we gave treatment and he is only on Blood thinner and Cholestrol control medication. Recently he is diagno...
Started by Homeopathy1980. Last post: 2017-01-23

How to cure side effects of masturbation 1

From Gujarat. My name is Andrea, I'm a patient of over masturbation. I'm 24 years now and I've been doing doing musturbation for 7 years. Now I'm suffering from...
Started by Evaristo. Last post: 2017-01-19

Homeopathy Side Effects in my case 71

Hello everyone, I've been taking Ignatia for like 10 days together with some mixture of teeth related homeopathy remedies. After few days of taking these remedies my lower ey...
Remedies: Camphora , Pulsatilla Nigricans, Ignatia Amara, X-ray, Sulphur, Mezereum, Arsenicum Album, Euphrasia Officinalis
Started by newone. Last post: 2017-01-06

Masturbation side effects 2

I have been masturbated for 4 years alot from age 15 to 19 and very adversly effected me !!!! My age is 20 now . I have sever pain throughout body It has made me so weak my weig...
Started by Saqib jalal 10. Last post: 2016-12-04

Side effects of Cannabis Indica 200c 8

Hi, I am suffering from side effects of Cannabis Indica 200c. I was having problem of too much thinking, absent mindedness and poor management so I took it. After just 2 dose of ...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum
Started by Richdad. Last post: 2016-10-29

Quitting gutkha side effects 5

I have tried and not chewd gutkha from last 3days but more saliva is coming in my mouth and feeling very low and having little bit pain in my back side of head. Pls help me to rec...
Remedies: Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by Loich. Last post: 2016-10-14

Severe Side Effects due to Prolong Masterbation 103

I started masterbation at age of 14 yrs. due to bad company and till today , 28 yr. Of age , I have controlled myself a lot for the last 2 years, from per day masterbation to once ...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Caladium Seguinum, Bioplasma, Calcarea Carbonica, Staphysagria, Histaminum muriaticum, Bufo Rana, Zincum Metallicum, Alfalfa, Onosmodium, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by SinghNK. Last post: 2016-10-04

Calcarea carb side effects 26

Dear Homeopaths. A baby boy who born normal. After 3 days he became quite as compared to same age children. The same goes upto 5 months. Symptoms wise on these 5 months, he was n...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Histaminum muriaticum, Natrum Muriaticum, Heracleum Sphondylium, Phosphorus, Alumina, Cannabis Sativa, Argentum Metallicum, Mancinella (Hippomanes), Medorrhinum, ACT
Started by sameena sameena. Last post: 2016-09-02

How to recover over masterbation side effects 4

hey! i m about 18 years old now.i started masterbation in the age of 14.i have left it from about 2 years.but during masterbation i face skin problems a lot,specially on face but ...
Started by Ahmad5. Last post: 2016-08-25

What will be the side effects of Titanium 3x? 1

I am taking titanium 3x homeopathy pills. What will be the side effects if i take it for long time?...
Started by agriz. Last post: 2016-07-12

Stoping masturbation and overcoming its side effects 27

I am 24 years old guy weighting 85kgs and my height is 5'10'. From past 7-8 years i have been continously masturbating abou 2-4 times a day somtimes even more than that. ...
Remedies: Juglans Regia, Tabacum
Started by Prathambatra34. Last post: 2016-06-24

Shilajit side effects 1

I am male 21 years old. I am taking shilajit fir past 3 days. One tablet a day. To overcome problems of over masturbation. But today i am having headache and dizziness in whole bod...
Started by baniya. Last post: 2016-04-25

Overmastrubation side effects please Dr.Nawazkhan, Kadwa ,akshaymohl help 2

Hello dr’s iam male 30 married 85kgs. I use to mastrubate when i was in 20’s stopped a 6 months ago before marriage.iam from india My symptoms: sometimes cant recollec...
Remedies: Gingko Biloba
Started by Zayedkhan22. Last post: 2016-02-19

Side Effects of High Dose Belladona 0

Hi, I am a father of a ten year old Autistic boy with aggressive behavior. Our homeopath prescribed him Morning: Tylenol 1M, Hysos 1M, Carsc 200 cc, Dtap 1M only one remedy to ...
Started by amirriaz1. Last post: 2015-12-18

Mastrubation side effects 3

Hello sir, According to homepathy what all side effects can over-mastrubation cause in body ???...
Started by djrjsskak. Last post: 2015-11-02

Side effects of morning after pill 5

I've had to take Plan B, or the morning after pill, once before, and had horrible symptoms from the excess progesterone (weight gain, irritability, weepiness, breast tendernes...
Remedies: Grindelia Robusta
Started by sissysmimi. Last post: 2015-10-20

Sabal and nux vomica side effects 1

hello i have been under treatment before and here is the link of my previous treatment http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/408000/1 initially i used sabal mother tincure. but aft...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by earth. Last post: 2015-10-01

K/Attn. Dr. Kadwa & Dr. R.P. Tamhankar.......Hair loss & Side effects of Maturbations 43

Hi, I started masturbating at 12-13 year of my age. I did it almost daily, for more than 9 years. I got these severe problems due to over masturbation (as I think of). Hair Fall/...
Remedies: Causticum, Nux Vomica
Started by aguy123. Last post: 2015-06-03

How to increase breast size with out any side effects 16

HiI am 26 years old, I want to increase my breast size, which medicine I have to use, How to use,Please provide me this information , Is there any side effects....
Remedies: Sabal Serrulata
Started by sisa123in. Last post: 2015-03-06

Chronic urografin contrast side effects 1

sir i had c.t scan contrast whole abdomen since 3 month ago i suffer from contrast chronic side effect side effect are seriours like poison already urografi...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by mykhanisone. Last post: 2015-02-16

Over Masterbation and it's side effects 1

Age 20 years Sex Male Physical thin slam body Masterbation period 5-6 years Sir I have a long masterbation period.Now I stopped it but masterbated today after 4 months.I left ma...
Started by Usman.Ali. Last post: 2015-01-14

Attention Fitness: help needed for cat with possible side effects from Convenia antibiotic injection 4

Dear Fitness, My elderly female cat, age 17 was diagnosed with E Coli bladder infection three weeks ago. The vet gave her an injection of Convenia because she thought cat had Pye...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Urea, Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, Scutellaria Lateriflora
Started by declan. Last post: 2014-12-30

To Akshaymohl-over masterbation side effects 1

Hello sir I'm a 20 years old guy I have healthy shining face thick hairs strong erection no problem with premature ejaculation thick semen at the age of 15 years then I starte...
Started by Zain.Khan. Last post: 2014-11-11

Side Effects of Staphysagria? 6

Am severely depressed. Was dumped by the girl I loved the most. Googled and found that I had a Staphysagria profile and depressed. Have taken 6 doses in 3 days Satphysagria 10...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum
Started by hemant77. Last post: 2014-10-23

Vaccine side effects for toddler 50

My 18 month old son had an MMR vaccination about 5 wks ago. He immediately developed a rash that faded a few days later, was tired, but otherwise, I thought ok. After about a week...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Sanicula Aqua, Chamomilla, Cina, Dulcamara, Apis Mellifica, Solanum Tuberosum
Started by ellyn. Last post: 2014-09-19

Side effects of selenium, lycopodium 1

I have taken argentum nitricum 30c once a day for a week. then once a week for one month. after this I have taken selenium 30c two doses for 5 days. after that I have taken lyco...
Started by kick123. Last post: 2014-08-07

Side effects of masturbation 3

I masturbated for 8 years exccessively and 3 years ago got rid of this habbit. Now I am feeling its side effects like exhaution with slight work,weakness,fatigue,chest tightness,pa...
Started by fmsryp. Last post: 2014-07-29

Any homeopathy to avoid side effects of alopathic medicine? 5

My doctor prescribed my with antibiotics and steroids for the inflamation in my sinus. But there are scary side effects like diabetes, bone fractures, depression etc. so I want to ...
Started by Fahdb. Last post: 2014-07-17

Staphysagria side effects 3

Hello, My son fell down and hurt his mouth, there was a lot of swelling and blood but eventually he didn't need stiches. So my homeopath recomended arnica 30 5 drops 3xdaily ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Staphysagria
Started by milentie. Last post: 2014-07-16

Low self-esteem, bad memory, low sex-drive - Cannabis Side effects 9

Are there any recommendations?? [message edited by morganlon Tue, 29 Apr 2014 17:12:03 BST][message edited by morganlavey on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 00:11:42 BST]...
Started by morganlavey. Last post: 2014-05-04

China side effects (30c versus 200c) 1

Hello, I recently started taking China (200 dose) where previously I had been taking it in the 30c dose. I noticed immediately I had a hard time sleeping that same day and my le...
Started by healthynow14. Last post: 2014-03-08

Side effects of Phosphorus 200? 1

What are the side effects/ adverse effects of long term intake of Phosphorus 200 - not frequently, but once in a week till the symptoms go away or there is some cure? Are there any...
Started by shayonbh. Last post: 2014-02-14

Severe long term side effects after radiation 9

This spring I completed chemo and radiation treatment of the pelvic region. It looked bad but I made it through the very strong treatment and it was succesful. I was very very ill...
Remedies: Silicea, Sulphur
Started by leopard82. Last post: 2013-11-11

Side effects of homeopathy 20

More than one year I am visiting homeopath. My main health problems in the beginning were : psychics (chronic neurosis ) and protozoa and fungus infection of my gut ( blastocys...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Arsenicum Album, Psorinum, Anthrokokali, Bryonia
Started by Rustam. Last post: 2013-11-01

Sabal Serulata Q side effects 3

Can Sabal Serrulata Q cause Urticaria??...
Remedies: Sabal Serrulata, Apis Mellifica
Started by osik52. Last post: 2013-10-18

Homeopathic side effects or sensivity 4

Hi friends, 2 years ago I went to a homeopath practioner. She analysed my personality and sympthoms and she recommended me to take Lycopodium Clavatum 30C, Nat Mur 30c, Gelsemium 3...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by ismwe21. Last post: 2013-10-12

Nux Vomica side effects 57

Hi There, I have Pollen allergy and it been there for almost 4 years. After going through this forum I came across an article which suggested to have Nux Vomica in sever condition...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Cocculus Indicus, Rhus Tox, Belladonna, Lachesis, Sulphur
Started by rajesh.shah. Last post: 2013-07-27

How to recover from over -masturbation side effects after quitting it? 4

i am 24 years old,weight is just 47kg.i am masturbating since 14 years of age. Below are my problems I lost all my hope and confidence as i am so weak and personality is down.i f...
Started by sk7904. Last post: 2013-07-03

Sulphur 6C - Side Effects ? 77

I have psoriasis on ears and ankles and knees. A friend of mine, who is a homeopathic enthusiast prescribed Sulphur 6C, 5 Pellets 3 times a day, for 5 days. My Psoriasis was better...
Remedies: Sulphur, Camphora , Mercurius Solubilis, Arsenicum Album, Mercurius Vivus, Aconitum Napellus, Chamomilla, Conium Maculatum, Causticum, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Rhus Tox, Silicea, Zingiber, Natrum Muriaticum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Natrum Phosphoricum, Castoreum, Arnica Montana, Dulcamara, Chelidonium Majus, Gaultheria
Started by deepak80. Last post: 2013-06-18

Thyroidinum 4CH side effects 4

I was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism. Started taking Thyroidinum 4Ch five days ago. Now I'm experiencing strong heart palpitations. Should I stop this remedy ?...
Started by stevendcape. Last post: 2013-04-06

Can side effects of homoeopathic medicines go away after a period of time ? 8

i am 22 years old, 5ft. and weigh 108.027 pounds, i am a law student and i have been suffering from white patches on my knees, right elbow, ankles and finger joint since last 13 ye...
Remedies: Sulphur, Rhus Tox
Started by sonia.k. Last post: 2013-03-31

Help please masturbation side effects 9

Hello doctors, My extreme effects due to masturbation are as follows: 1.Erectile dysfunction,erection doesnot happens as earlier and if there is an erection it is weak and soft.Th...
Remedies: Staphysagria, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by mentalstress. Last post: 2013-02-13

Want to know the side effects of Derma Breast enlargement 0

Hi Everyone, My question is that has anyone used Derma Breast enlargement pills. I want to know the details after using these pills because my wife want to use these pil...
Started by Adam Jhon. Last post: 2012-10-03

Breast Abscess and Unpleasant Side Effects from Homeopathic Remedies 1

I have had a breast abscess in my right breast cause recurring problems for the last 4 to 5 months. The last western medicine approach almost 3 months ago was to have surgery and ...
Started by clairemc. Last post: 2012-09-26

Cortisone side effects ? 11

Could anyone plz explain the side effects of cortisone steriods. I have been taking homeopathic cortisone 200 2 tablets for few years now. I am suffering from an autoimmune disea...
Remedies: Cortisone, Cortisone Acetate, Pyrogenium
Started by monsterzz_inc. Last post: 2012-09-15

Lachesis side effects what to do 1

Hello, i took one dose of lachesis 30c 6 days ago.From the start the symptoms got worse.I heard that can be normal,but how long schould it last,because it is still there i'm ...
Remedies: Lachesis, Cedron
Started by dutchy. Last post: 2012-08-24

Hoeo medicine side effects 19

is it possible to have side effects in homeopathy? i just wonder about a patient who used them and had side effects probs. any comments plz...
Started by livex. Last post: 2012-08-19

Side Effects of Rhus Tox 5

I suffer from exzeme for last over 7-8 yrs,however the same was under control with Bach medicines.For some another ailment I took Rhus Tox 200 and in within 24 hrs time my exzema g...
Remedies: Sulphur, Rhus Tox
Started by shobhitarora66. Last post: 2012-07-27

Nux Vomica Side effects - please help 4

Hi there, I recently took nux vomica for 4 days in assorted doses(not much). It was to detox a drug from my system. I took 3 pills of 6c the first day, 3 pills of 30c 3 times a day...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica
Started by naturalman. Last post: 2012-07-19

Arnica Side Effects 35

My wife has a brain tumor and is taking Accutane. It seems like the Accutane is causing pain in her shoulders and arms. I gave her 5 Arnica 30X and she had dizziness, blurred vis...
Remedies: Conium Maculatum, Sanicula Aqua, Arnica Montana, Radium, Ruta Graveolens, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Calcarea Phosphorica, Blatta Orientalis, Natrum Sulphuricum, Chelidonium Majus
Started by rad28. Last post: 2012-05-31

Wrong remedy, right dose - side effects 2

i understood that its very important to right remedy is identified for the desired result and selection of remedy depends on various parameters. my question is , is it possible t...
Started by hporwal. Last post: 2012-03-28

Side effects of SEPIA 5

I continued SEPIA for the treatment of White patches on skin for seven yrs, thrice daily. Now, facing extreme & all the day Dizziness, Nausea, & sharp headache symptoms. Plz sugges...
Remedies: Sepia
Started by sunanda. Last post: 2012-02-25

Side Effects of Homeopathy 18

I went to a homeopathic doctor for chronic fatigue and multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. He has prescribed 4 different remedies which have not provided any benefit. The fir...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Silicea
Started by marytherese. Last post: 2012-02-24

Homeopathic Medication side effects 1

I m taking a homeopathic medication which has the following Aurum metallicum 12X, Chimaphila umbellata 4X, Conium maculatum 12X, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 12X, Pareira brava 6X, ...
Started by achillez16. Last post: 2012-02-12

Does this sound right-homeopathic med side effects 1

I have generalized anxiety disorder. I was on zoloft for ten years, then lexapro for ten years and never completely got rid of my anxiety. I weaned off the lexapro three months ag...
Started by jazzmynn12345. Last post: 2011-12-19

Overmasturbation side effects 2

Am a 27 yr old guy. For the past 7 yrs ive been masturbating. 5yrs of masturbation everything looks normal except for the minor fatigue in which i use multivitamin drugs and it goe...
Started by doyin. Last post: 2011-11-12

Side effects silicea 6x and thiosinaminum D4?? 6

I have been taking silicea 6x and following the directions of 4 tablets at 3x a day and also for thiosinaminum d4 for 3 tablets a day for the last 2 months. Lately I have had prob...
Remedies: Camphora , Thiosinaminum
Started by suzr12002. Last post: 2011-09-17

Chemotherapy side effects 3

My relation underwent chemotherapy and radiation as a part of treatment about five years back. Now she is suffering from intermittent (15 Days approx) diarrhea and stomatitis symp...
Remedies: Radium
Started by rajsinghal57. Last post: 2011-05-31

Masturbation side effects 5

Hi I am a 22 year old boy from Pakistan. I started masturbating since the age of 13 and did it very frequently till the age of 19 when i realised it was wrong.uptil age of 19 i ha...
Remedies: Damiana
Started by 21boy. Last post: 2011-05-19

Antibiotics and side effects 1

So glad I found this forum!! Many of us develop chronic illness and sometimes life threatening health issues caused by antibiotics. A new forum is collecting stories from sufferer...
Started by Beebs12. Last post: 2011-05-04

Nat sulph side effects 15

Hi, Just had a bloodwork done for food intolerance and found out I had nat sulph deficiency. I bought a bottle of #11 and started taking it last Thurs. Shortly after taking 4 tabs ...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Sulphur, Silicea, Arnica Montana, Bioplasma, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by katarzyna. Last post: 2011-04-12

Side effects of antibiotics 6

My father (age 72) has been taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection and is facing side effects due to the medicine. He has no appetite, very low energy and seems confused....
Remedies: Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica
Started by ct123. Last post: 2011-04-07

Otrivin side effects 1

Dear docter i am 40 year male.I have been using otrivin nasal drops from 10 years because of sinuitus but now i am facing so many side effects of otrivin and my all hairs become wh...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by prashant15. Last post: 2011-03-08

Side effects of homeopathy 11

I have been suffering from abdomenal gas (farts) for few years now. I contacted various allopathic and ayurvedic doctors. When nothing worked I thought of giving homeopathy a try. ...
Remedies: Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by bad.shape. Last post: 2011-02-23

Side Effects 20

Hello, I'm in my 40s, and having psoriasis, some people call it Eczema on fingers and palms of my both hands since about 20 years. I have been seeing doctors but it didnt work...
Remedies: Sulphur, Arsenicum Album, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Pulsatilla Nuttaliana
Started by gipsy2000. Last post: 2010-11-21

Excessive masturbation side effects 2

Hi, i have been masturbating since i was 11years old, now i am 23. . since last 4 years the intensity increased alot, i use to masturbate almost everyday, sometimes 2wice or thrice...
Remedies: Selenium, Staphysagria
Started by jk2401. Last post: 2010-11-09

Rhus tox side effects 3

I am trying to find some pain relief for my 83 yr old mother who has a severe case of shingles. She has had them for 5 wks and she is still having to take morphine, vicodin and na...
Started by glazer. Last post: 2010-08-04

Natrum phosphoricum 6X side effects 3

Hi, I tried some Nat phos at someone's suggestion last week, and since then I have been getting severe itching and hives starting at my ankles and slowly spreading to the rest...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by May_M. Last post: 2010-06-26

Hepatitis C, Chemotherapy treatment and side effects 5

My daughter is 25, tall, overweight, flabby, blond, sensitive, motherly, domestic, hypermobility in joints. She was sexually abused about a year ago and suffers from post-trauma...
Remedies: Causticum, Staphysagria
Started by Lovelee. Last post: 2010-04-26

Side effects of sulphur 6c,gaertner 30 and mercury 30 1

Dear forum My young child is being treated by a homeopath and she has been precribed above medications, , apart from side effects like cold,flu, temp, body ache. she recently suffe...
Started by homeopath2010. Last post: 2010-01-10

Minocycline hcl side effects 1

hello, I was prescribed minocycline hcl 100 mg by doctor for my acne....i took it for 4 days and developed an allergic reaction from it....now i am having stomach pain, vision prob...
Started by hammad76. Last post: 2009-12-16

Side effects of saphisagaria 1

is there any side effects for saphissagria please reply if taken daily...
Remedies: Staphylococcinum
Started by john8. Last post: 2009-11-12

Homeopathy - Side Effects ??? 1

Hello I am curious to know if homeopathy has any side effects for chronic diseases .. Its hard to find the correct remedy / dosing when treating the complex chronic diseases, so...
Started by nsashu. Last post: 2009-10-23

Side Effects of inhaled STERIODS 0

can someone please suggest a remedy to help my son from the behavioral side effects of inhaled steriods?? my sone was very sick with asthma /cold last week and needed to be treated...
Started by mullek79. Last post: 2009-09-02

Help with Side Effects of Aggressive Chemotherapy 3

please advise on ways to combat nausea following chemo, depression relating to cancer, aching body due to said illness. the cancer carried is lymphoma, cancer of the eye, bone and...
Remedies: Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Arsenicum Album, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by sian68. Last post: 2009-06-11

Side effects of homeopathic arnica 4

Can there be bad side effects to 2 doses (6 pellets/ dose) of 200c homeopathic arnica taken 3 hours apart? I took this after a small medical procedure this afternoon (pre and post...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by lbutler. Last post: 2009-05-27

Side effects of Arnica 7

Hi! i want to know if arnica has any side effects, specifically drop in sodium levels in the body. such low levels that it causes disoriented vision, hallucination, loss of memory...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, Hamamelis Virginica, Aconitum Napellus, Arsenicum Album, Camphora , Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha
Started by rachnaa. Last post: 2009-04-08

Side effects oof hair loss treatement 0

HI, Is any can tell me what can be side effect of homeopathy hair loss treatement, is it like deprssion,sexual dysfunction,,,etc...
Started by swamy1981. Last post: 2009-02-05

Tabacum side effects 1

are there any side effects of tabacum 30c i took this medicine for 2 days thrice in a day as i was feeling restless due to nicotine withdrawl symptom (ocassionally smoke ) but to...
Remedies: Tabacum, Nux Vomica, Nicotinum
Started by rahul6142. Last post: 2009-01-24

Side effects of Arnica 200K? 4

I had been taking Arnica at 200K potency on and off (sometimes as much as 2-3 tims a day, 5 pellets) for several months. My naturopath didn't tell me there would be a problem ...
Started by sjh431. Last post: 2008-09-24

Side effects of GA General Anesthesia 0

My wife went through a C-section around 2 weeks back. I had given her Arnica 1M and Stap 1M right afterwards and then continued Arnica 30 later on. She still feels pain in lower/m...
Started by tjalal. Last post: 2008-07-11

Chikungunya side effects still prevailing............... 3

Respected doctors, during the last august our family was infected by chikungunya,after recovering from the disease some spots on the body felt like itching now its there on...
Started by sarath. Last post: 2008-07-04

Carica P. side effects 1

Hi, My wife is 4 months pregnant and suffering from constant gas and bloating. A homeopathy doctor prescribed Carica P. Q for this problem. The dosage is 10 drops twice a day. She...
Started by new_to_hpathy. Last post: 2008-04-03

Lachesis Side Effects for 2 year old 3

Our pediatrician has asked me to continue with Lachesis 30c for 3 days, giving it 3x a day for my daughters potential acid reflux and gagging issue. Are there any known serious sid...
Remedies: Lachesis
Started by swogirl. Last post: 2008-02-26

Re: Severe Hairloss and side effects 4

I have taken phosphorus for more than 2 weeks now but there is no improvement, it is still getting worse. In the last 2 months i hav lost so much hair that i can almost see a bald ...
Remedies: Tabacum, X-ray, Phosphorus
Started by Pundalik. Last post: 2008-02-04

Severe Hairloss and side effects 9

I have been experiencing hairloss for the last 2 years. It was very minor but i started taking treatment for androgenic alopecia(my biggest mistake) i.e finasteride orally and topi...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by Pundalik. Last post: 2008-01-21

Homeopathic Medicine are safe. Alopathic Medicines have lot of side effects and dangerous. 2

My wife died due to Pace- Maker infection. My Brother-in-law died due to Alopathic treatment of Surgical proceedure for minor urinary infection. My brother is suffering from A...
Started by Rajendra. Last post: 2007-09-15

Effexor - Side effects 0

Pl. refer the following site- http://www.healthsquare.com/newrx/eff1153.htm Contents are some thing like this :- Side effects of Effexor may include: Abnormal ejaculation/org...
Started by Rajendra. Last post: 2007-08-23

Side Effects of Burning Sulphor 0

I live in apt with wood beam ceiling to attic. My neighbor burns sulphur at night. It rises through the building and attic. I have astmah. I've noted physical difficulties. Wh...
Started by phamlin. Last post: 2007-03-26

Asthma in 4 year old Want to try homeopathy after singulair side effects 19

My son had asthma since he was 4 months old. Had RSV and would cough a really hard cough to the point of almost vomiting. We lived by a asphalt plant where all the kids on the bloc...
Remedies: Sulphur, Natrum Sulphuricum, Causticum, Nux Vomica
Started by alimarie. Last post: 2006-11-17

Side effects of homeopathy 51

Are there any known side effects of taking homeopathic medicine? I have heard from many about there being steroids and some homeopathic medicines causing allergic reactions and eve...
Remedies: Silicea, Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica, Selenium, Phaseolus Nanus
Started by straylight121. Last post: 2006-10-12

Antidepressant side effects and withdrawl symptoms 0

i came down with depression and generalized anxiety disorder in november of 2005. started on antidepressants and tranqualizers. never was on any meds long enough in the beginning b...
Started by jlhs10s. Last post: 2006-07-05

Psoriasis, homeopathy, side effects 2

Hello, I have had psoriasis for 5 years now, and for the last 2 I'm trying homeopathic therapy. The condition chnaged little, but no much. During this period of time I had mi...
Started by Tayra. Last post: 2006-06-03

Side effects of Rhus Tox? 13

I recently began taking RT for pain and swelling in one of my toes and ball of foot.. Diagnosis from MD said it could be arthritis but x-rays denied it. After much research I cho...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Calcarea Carbonica, Benzoic Acid., Apis Mellifica, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Phosphoricum Acidum
Started by catbird. Last post: 2006-05-31

Arnika and its side effects 1

I applied “Arnika Plus Triofer” hair oil which was rather old (I think 1998 batch). I applied it for about 3-4 days twice a day (heavily) and I am now suddenly facing the following...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by alwaysinecstasy. Last post: 2006-03-14

Treatment of Side effects of interferon for Hepatitis C 0

Hi Fellow members, I have gone through the allopathic treatment of Hepatitis C. Thanks to God, i recoved from disease after 7 months of treatment. But now i am going through othe...
Started by asifhameed. Last post: 2006-02-01

Side effects of birth control 1

Hello! I would appreciate it greatly if you could help me with this question: Recently I have started taking Oral Contraceptives again. I have taken them in the past and strongly ...
Started by moonshadow. Last post: 2006-01-26

Side effects 1

Are there any side effects from taking calcarea carbonica. I am concerned about that issue and just want to make sure I'm not asking for added trouble....
Remedies: Homarus
Started by kbrown85283. Last post: 2005-10-26

Arsenic Alba & Bryonia Alba side effects - please help!! 1

Hello,I am from India and this is for my mother aged 51 years. Two years back he had ate an ice cream and the next day there was some inflammation in her body (she normally do not...
Started by sudheer. Last post: 2005-10-08

Side effects of my medications... 6

I am a spinal cord injury patient (Males , 40 years) with level of injury Td and am paralayzed from chest down. I have been in this condition for about 11 years.I was physically fi...
Started by oracle. Last post: 2005-05-12

Side effects thuja 1x, staphy 200 6

i had a problem of frequent urge for urination.. and the condition had gone to a chronice state.. a homeopath sujjested me thuja 1x and staphy 200 , 10 drops each per day for 1 mon...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by bigapple. Last post: 2005-03-09

Homeopathic side effects 1

I've been seeing an osteopath who has been practicing homeopathy for about 20 years. Without going into all of my symptoms (too many to list) he started me on Phosphorous. It ...
Started by sladedog. Last post: 2004-08-12

Side effects from conventional medication 1

I am currently on long term medication which causes side effects (e.g. night sweats, nightmares, dry mouth). When tryng to find a remedy for something, should I include these side ...
Started by KC. Last post: 2002-09-05

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.