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Hello everyone,
Here is a question about other wierd symptoms in the throat. Has anyone ever had a pain like there is a thorn in your tonsil....when it happens,I notice it when I try to speak...but because of the piercing pain, I can't. I have to wait about a minute until it passes....or drink some water and it goes away. It is really painful and I am not sure why it happens.
Zorro last decade
I too have suffered with tonsil stones since i was a kid and I am so pleased to have found this forum.
I want to ask if any one has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aswell? Someone mentioned glandular fever and this got me to thinking about all the water trapped in my ears prior to my CFS.
Theres so little known about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Ive always thought mine was linked with my ears/ glands, but had never linked my tonsils. I had my adanoids removed when I was 2 yrs old. Ive never been one for tonsilitus/ sinus etc, but still I have tonsil stones.
Does anyone relate? Please let me know. no matter how small....
george007 last decade
I had the same as a child (glandular fever and white bumps) and then as an adult was bothered by white pus in pockets as you describe. The doctor kept prescribing antibiotics which didn't work. I argued with them until they removed my tonsils and I am now sore throat and white pus free. Hope that helps.

About having your tonsils out, don't worry about it! You are given plenty of pain killers, though eating is painful at first, brought tears to my eyes some nights. But the benefits are huge. Haven't had a sore throat since getting them out. One thing I would advise is not coughing when you wake up as a girl did in my ward. When I woke up throat felt kind of bubbly as tried to breath, felt urge to cough but knew this might open up the wounds and I was determined to eat breakfast the next day or they don't let you go home! So I didn't but drank lots of water instead. I had my tonsils out in the morning and by the evening managed to force down some dinner. But the girl who coughed, her tonsils started bleeding and she was kept back behind everyone else.
sugarpencil last decade
Hi everyone,

I have had tonsil stones for about 12 years and am now 31 years old. They are worse when I am fighting an infection.
The best help I have found is to drink plenty of water avoiding sugary drinks which could feed the bacteria. Coffee and tea also add to my tonsil problem as I think they are acidic and create good conditions for the bacteria to grow. In my case dairy products also increase the amount of stones I get. Allergic reactions to particular foods and dust could cause mucus to form and run down the back of the throat as post nasal drip. I find a good nasal spray like Sterimar which i bought from Boots can help clear this up as well as avoiding any allergens. Dry environments dry the throat, as does breathing through the mouth - this is bad. If you breath through your mouth when sleeping your mouth can become too dry and create problems. Avoid alcohol as this drys the throat and feeds the bacteria. I would suggest healthy eating and plenty of water with exercise to oxygenate the body(with nasal breathing not breathing in through the mouth) this may help the condition dramatically. Perhaps have some green or white tea each day to cleanse your body and mouth.
A good toothpaste to use might be retardex from Boots as it stops volitile sulphur compounds from forming which lead to tonsil stones. Retardex mouth wash seems a bit harsh if you add the optional mint flavour so you could try it but I would not advise using the flavouring if you gargle with it - I am unsure as to how much this would help as I had tonsilitis after gargling with it with the mint flavour added and I haven't used it since. I heard that exercise can cleanse the lymphatic system of which i believe the tonsils are a part. There are many websites that say they could cure tonsil stones with their oxygenating sprays, toothpastes, nasal sprays and the like. Almost any product like this costs a lot of money and i haven't tried them myself. I also think you may become dependant on them if you go for this option. Just search tonsiliths or tonsil stones in a search engine and you are sure to come across these sites. I would advise trying a combination of things such as I have mentioned avoiding procesed foods and too much refined foods such as white flour, sugar etc and go for the most natural foods. Consult a doctor if worried about making any changes such as diet and excerise especially if you have any medical conditions. The above recommendations are what seems to have helped me, I cannot promise they are right for anyone else. I hope all this helps anyone suffering from this condition,

Kindest Regards Hotch
hotch last decade
The problem of tonsil debris can be remedied using the water pick with the "tongue cleaner" attchment. You just spray it at the tonsils--it really works. Problem solved for about thirty-nine dollars. And well worth it. The tongue cleaner attachment is important becaue the regular water pik attachment is a narrower stream of water-- harder to aim it effectively and it can hurt if the pressure is too high.
matty last decade
The problem of tonsil debris can be remedied using the water pick with the "tongue cleaner" attchment. You just spray it at the tonsils--it really works. Problem solved for about thirty-nine dollars. And well worth it. The tongue cleaner attachment is important becaue the regular water pik attachment is a narrower stream of water-- harder to aim it effectively and it can hurt if the pressure is too high.
matty last decade
The problem of tonsil debris can be remedied using the water pick with the "tongue cleaner" attchment. You just spray it at the tonsils--it really works. Problem solved for about thirty-nine dollars. And well worth it. The tongue cleaner attachment is important becaue the regular water pik attachment is a narrower stream of water-- harder to aim it effectively and it can hurt if the pressure is too high.
matty last decade
Oh jeez, boy am I glad you told me the tongue-cleaner attachment trick! I really had a rough time setting the pressure so that it would be strong enough to knock them out of there, yet weak enough so it didn't hurt!

sfenwick76 last decade
hi everyone,
yes i agree this site is very useful. I have had tonsils stones for about 10 years. I also have recurring strep throat infections. The tonsil stones definetly produce bad breath and irritate the throat. I now use the water pick to get the stones out, but that still irritates my throat so i am going to get my tonsils removed on may 25th. Will let everyone know how bad it is and if it helps with the breath!
simon98983 last decade
I am very relived to find this site as I have been dealing with these lumps for the last 6 years. I am worried that these lumps are linked to me feeling fatigued. I have noticed that the day I have one or two of these lumps and my tonsils are irritated I feel achey and run dow, very low energy.. When ever I feel sick or run down I get swollen glands and these small lumps give me the same brief feeling. I am worrird that these bacterial lumps may be affecting my well being more that just the horrible bad breath. Has anyone else noticed this.
williamsburg last decade
I have been suffering from this since the age of 15 (at least thats when I first discovered it). The fatigue and strep throat however just started coming to me recently. Thanks to reading this forum I made an appointment with an ENT doc tommorrow morning. I am going to demand that my tonsils be removed even if he advises against it. I am sick of the strep, gargiling, scraping, picking and bad breath. It begins to wear on you after a while. I'll keep you guys updated though.
darkluv5 last decade
I am glad to hear that you are seeing a specialist, please can you let me know what you are advised. I have been toying with the idea of the laser treatemnt to close the cryptes but I am worried that I may still have further problems with my tonsils. if you do have them removed please keep us updated on how it is.
Good Luck
williamsburg last decade
Hey williamsburg just got back from my ENT an hour ago. He said I have a sever case of tonsilitis and scheduled me for surgery on June 1st to have my tonsils removed. He kind of scared me though talking about the pain its going to cause. At 15 yrs old when I first discovered the crypts I thought there was only one per tonsil because I would always see the stones in one spot and yeah they do stink when you pull them out. Since my recent occurance and a little more research I found out that one tonsil has many many many crypts. I would go with the lazer because they may miss one or I am sure in the future they will recur. Just take the dang things out completely. You wont regret it even though its painful. I am actually quite relieved I am getting the surgery done
darkluv5 last decade
Dear Darkluv5:

Does your throat hurt? How your ENT determine you had tonsilitis?
Please keep us posted on the surgery and the painfulness. I want to get my tonsils out too, but I think I have to wait until the end of November due to many committments.
Zorro last decade
Dear Darkluv5:

Does your throat hurt? How your ENT determine you had tonsilitis?
Please keep us posted on the surgery and the painfulness. I want to get my tonsils out too, but I think I have to wait until the end of November due to many committments.
Zorro last decade
Dear Darkluv5:

Does your throat hurt? How your ENT determine you had tonsilitis?
Please keep us posted on the surgery and the painfulness. I want to get my tonsils out too, but I think I have to wait until the end of November due to many committments.
Zorro last decade
I'm 25 and have been experiencing these for about 3 years now. From research I've done on it, there really is nothing you can do to completely eradicate the problem short of having a tonsillectomy. However, even having them out will not ensure that bad breath will disappear. This is because the conditions that cause tonsilliths -- dry mouth, excess bacteria (often due to an infection), and post-nasal drip -- also cause bad breath on the back of your tongue. Ergo, even if you lose the tonsils, you probably won't lose the bad breath unless you cut our your tongue. For obvious reasons, that's probably not such a good idea.

Of course you can help prevent these conditions by drinking lots of water, gargling with saltwater a few times a day, scraping your tongue, brushing and flossing regularly, refraining from smoking, avoiding or decreasing consumption of certain foods and beverages (coffee, milk, cheese, red meat), and not sleeping in overly dry environments (e.g. air conditioned rooms).

Interestingly, a few people have mentioned here that they think there could be a relationship between tonsill stones and glandular problems. I think they could be on to something. I remember first noticing mine at the same time that I came down with mononucleosis (a.k.a. mono). Although I presumably got over my bout with mono, the tonsill stones never went away.
horsehead last decade
Oh, I also forgot to add that since I had mono, I have also had larger than average tonsills (my wife can't believe how big they are!). They aren't really painful, just annoying and perfect for collecting tese little bastards.
horsehead last decade
Beta glucan is sold at many vitamin stores-try it.It kills bacterial,fungal,and viral infections. Make sure it's beta glucan derived from the walls of bakers yeast. Also Mesosilver(colloidal silver) is good too. Both of these cured my lichen sclerosis. If you buy Mesosilver-make sure it is made with de-ionized water.Beta glucan is said to cure herpes,skin problems,cancer,HIV,arthiritis,wrinkles,and many many more diseases that doctors say there is no cure for!
Roxy90 last decade
I actually had my tonsils out, and my breath problem has not gone away unforunately. Nothing in my situation seems to help. I've done Therabreath, I take acidophilos pills, limit dairy consumption, take Lactaid pills, activated charcoal pills, nothing helps. I practice perfect oral hygiene, scrape my tongue, floss, etc. I wish there was some sort of magic bullet cure for my breath issue. I thought tonsil stones were the problem, but they are not.

I don't have diabetes, or any other condition, dental or otherwise, that can explain my breath. I apologize, I realize this is a tonsollith forum and not a halitosis one, but if anyone else out there experiences something similiar, I am very open to hearing your story. Doctors and dentists can't seem to do a thing for me. The next thing I am trying is liquid chlorophyl, I've been using it a couple weeks, and still not much improvement. Ugh. 32 years old and in good health, and i have this disgusting problem.

PS It's not a psychological issue where i think my breath is bad and it's not. My wife can attest that my breath can be rancid, and is usually always bad to some degree. I can clear out a room sometimes, seriously. That and I think I make the Wrigley chewing gum company rich...
cheesepuff last decade
Hello, I am so glad I found this site as it has answered a 10 year old mystery for me. The reason why I found the site was because I coughed up one of these nasty stinky bastards this morning after having gone a year or two without them. I never knew exactly where they came from and thought it was some kind of infection in the tubes that drain from the back of the nose into your throat. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone. They first showed up when I was 22 and I did not know what is was just that it stinked like hell. I actually saved it to take to a doctor for a diagnosis but I lost interest as it was a one time occurance back then. Then I had them come back on an off over the years where they just showed up and then they were gone for either months at a time or a year or two. I always knew when I would start to hack them up again due to the bad breath that developed shortly before it happens. As many have said here is seems to be related to having some sort of cold or infection before hand. I have read all the posts and am glad there are solutions other than surgery. I will try the water pick thing and let you all know how it worked. My condition is not chronic but just annoying when it does happen due to the horid stink in my breath. They tend to come loose in the mornings because I snore rather hard due to sleep apnea. The worst experience though is feeling it come loose only to then accidentally swallow it rather than spit it out. Yuck!
fishin4stinkballs last decade

When you last had a pee what colour was it?? Straw, yellow, coffee etc?

This isn't a "weird" question by the way...
albert22 last decade
Plain yellow, sometimesbright yellow (due to vitamins)
cheesepuff last decade
There's about a hundred questions need answering before this could be narrowed down! Your pee is probably quite dark first thing in the morning when it should always be straw coloured. (If it's yellow in the day - too dark - and it won't get more diluted overnight). You need to drink more fluids by starting with at least one pint of water (preferably tap water) first thing in the morning - and make sure you top up al day. You will find this will help slightly.

If it's definitely your lungs as opposed to sinus or other back of the throat problems and your Doctor has checked you out for other serious health problems then it is down to something you are eating. Which is quite obvious isn't it? But more importantly how your body deals with it.

Do you eat out quite a lot - socially or through work? Do you have any bowel problems at all?
albert22 last decade
Darkluv5....So today is the day of your surgery....How did it go? Please keep us updated on how you feel and if the stones go away for good. I have woken up this moring with more. I have tried everything, the water pick, salted water, mouthwash, not smoking and many more unsuccessfull attempts at getting rid of these buggers. I think I will wait for the fall when I am less busy and have my tonsils out....I just want to hear how it is for you.

Good luck....Williamsburg
williamsburg last decade
I was relieved to find that other people shared my frustration towards doctors' general lack of knowledge about "those white things". I'm not a doctor myself, but I did find that they are related to post nasal drip in some ways. I get post nasal drip from my down pillow, which I just found that I may have an allergy to. Many people are allergic to the dust mites that live in down pillows and comforters. Do you think there's any correlation?
EBay1308 last decade

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