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hi yes my lump,s turn brown and shrink to a fraction of the size this week i had a lump sent off in an oxegen free pot but it was 3hrs after i took it to my gp so it will be interesting to see what will come back my first one was just sent off in a normal pot when i asked WHY IT CAME BACK AS ACTINOMYCOSIS i was told that it was a big lump so in the core it showed up and maybe it will not ever show again im seeing my main consultant friday so i have many thing,s i want to ask bless you all lv xx christine xx
lumpyjaw last decade
An update ... went to my ENT and he recommended that I try the NeilMed nasal washer to reduce my post nasal drip and clear out my sinuses. Since then I have had no more lumps at all (6 weeks now). Still not got to the root of my temperatures though they don't seem to be a high.
Temperature last decade
hi had the results of my biopsy my little white lump it came back positive colony of actino, i saw my consultant yesterday and he confirmed that it HAS spread in the left lung he wants me to have the line back in but im thinking what is the best for me he has agreed that i cannot be cured he said it must go in for life hard one to call my friends and family are now looking in other country,s for help my consultant said the drug will give me extra time he said that if only he had met me 20 or more years ago he could have done more i would like to thank you all for your support it gave me courage to go on and i love you all for that bye for now christine xx
lumpyjaw last decade
Hi Christine Sorry to hear about your results. Will hope and pray that other treatments can be found
for you.
for you.
Temperature last decade
Within the last month I have developed noticeable tonsil stones. It also seems as though the tonsil in which the stones develop in is considerably larger then the other tonsil. Is this normal?
lynn2619 last decade
hi not been in touch for a while had a lot to think about , my gp has talked with myself and my husband and he feels that my consultant should consider what will happen if i have the line put back in my chest and i cant cope he feels that it will come back worse than it has this time we were told after 14 months of grueling theraphy every 6hrs that once i came off the line it would NOT come back for 2/3YEARS but march this year in my adding up is only a few months so i am going to put my FAITH IN THE LORD AND ASK FOR HIS HELP i have had some lovely people go on my site at the qehkl they are from usa my heart goes out to them as they say actinomycosis is a problem there to but they cant get insurance that is awful how can people cope with illness and worry about if they are covered or not well im going to keep strong and positive if only one of the doctors had of taken me seriously 20yrs ago i wouldnt be in this position today bless you all for your support as it means a lot to me bye CHRISTINE XX
lumpyjaw last decade
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justmebyanyname last decade
hi justmebyanyname nice to hear from you well alot has been going on i dont know if you still go on my hospital web , well im back on antibiotics very strong ones as it was decided NOT to put the line back as the damage to my bowel and gut was not nice now i have been put forward for HYPERBARIC OXYGEN i am waiting to see if the PCT will fund it for me since i came of the line its come back with vengence i have had alot of e mails from USA people who were told they would go away but the lumps just settled in the gut or where ever it wanted to and of course the poor people in the USA have to pay for treatment and they cant get insured i think its a crime so im now on a mission to make aware of these horrid vile lumps that have distroyed my life but if i can help ONE person then i have not failed i told a seminar i went to if only DOCTORS LISTENED TO THE PATIENT well bye for now lv christine wicks
lumpyjaw last decade
Interested in if there is anyone who has had a problem with this spreading to their lungs.
Always good to hear from you Christine. I do get posts from the hospital website when they are sent out, but it's been a while.
I think I need lessons on how to talk to my Dr. Even thinking I know what the problem is, I've not been able to solve it yet.
Best of health to you all!
Always good to hear from you Christine. I do get posts from the hospital website when they are sent out, but it's been a while.
I think I need lessons on how to talk to my Dr. Even thinking I know what the problem is, I've not been able to solve it yet.
Best of health to you all!
justmebyanyname last decade
Hi everyone I have not posted here is a while. This is an update to let everyone know that I go in for surgery on June 3... one week from this thursday. I'm having my tonsills removed and my uvula reduced. Along with tonsill liths i have sleep apnea. It's two birds with one stone so to speak... I'll sleep well knowing the breathing issues and tonsil stones are in teh past.
I will write back and update once I'm through it all. I expect some pin but it will be worth it.
Tonsil stones have really wreaked havoc on my life. Sleep apnea has too.
I will write back and update once I'm through it all. I expect some pin but it will be worth it.
Tonsil stones have really wreaked havoc on my life. Sleep apnea has too.
tiredofencrytpedto last decade
herbuveaux last decade
yes i have white bumps on the back of my throat i had my tonsels out two years ago there is also red bumps this is very sore and if any one knows what this could be and what to do about i have no insurace and lost my job so little money it would help me out alot
callen89 last decade
hi i have not been on this site for a while im chris wicks its been a long time iv been in a hospice twice this year my actinomycosis is now out of control but im to see a specialist on thur,s he deals in rare casesi will post more when i know this has gone throughbye christine
lumpyjaw last decade
chel25 last decade
Mix 1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar + 2 Cups water, Gargle morning and night for 1-min.
I had these things for years and come to find out was the cause of my bad breath. Started Gargling this mixture and bamb, not only tonsil stone free, but rarely ever get sick anymore.
The vinegar seems to disenfect my mouth. I also brush my teach and use a tounge cleaner after gargling.
*I'm not a doctor, this is just from my experience on what I've read and tested. Worked for me I hope it works for you.
P.S. The cavities in the tonsils seem to be where the stuff gets lodged. After a week of garggling the tonsil stones began to free up and come out easily with my finger. I was amazed at how much was in there. Their like icebergs, you only see a small amount on the surface. Afterwards your self-esteem wil greatly improve from knowing your breath doesn't smell 10-mins after you brush your teeth.
I had these things for years and come to find out was the cause of my bad breath. Started Gargling this mixture and bamb, not only tonsil stone free, but rarely ever get sick anymore.
The vinegar seems to disenfect my mouth. I also brush my teach and use a tounge cleaner after gargling.
*I'm not a doctor, this is just from my experience on what I've read and tested. Worked for me I hope it works for you.
P.S. The cavities in the tonsils seem to be where the stuff gets lodged. After a week of garggling the tonsil stones began to free up and come out easily with my finger. I was amazed at how much was in there. Their like icebergs, you only see a small amount on the surface. Afterwards your self-esteem wil greatly improve from knowing your breath doesn't smell 10-mins after you brush your teeth.
Tonsil Stone Cure last decade
just wanna ask, to those that already had their tonsils removed, i heard that, side effects of tonsillectomy is weight gain. is that true in your case??
i want to undergo tonsillectomy this month. :(
i want to undergo tonsillectomy this month. :(
chel25 last decade
hey,its relieving to hear that there are others who have strange throat stuff. I woke up this morning with this funny rough feeling spot on the side of the back of my throat. Dismissed it because i am just recovering from a cold. It didn't go away all day so i took a look and it is this strange rough white lump thing :( i flipped out. It kinda looks like there are 3 sort of small lumps. I'm kinda worried and its a bit uncomfortable. i might be able to see the doctor tomorrow. I am very glad the internet exists, i don't feel so alone anymore. Thanks for posting this forum :) (FYI I'm 16 no asthma non smoker)
serbertsparrow last decade
I remove my tonsil stones just doing this:
- wash my hands carefully
- push with my finger on the edge of the tonsil, around the stone until it pops out.
The problem with this, is that I can remove stones only when they get big, and in the meantime my breath was horrible.
I do not use TheraBreath products because they have a secret ingridient (OXYD-8) whose composition is not known, I am worried that it could interfere with my teeth fillings (other similar products have this effect and release mercury)
So I have managed to prevent them doing the following in the morning, just after I wake up:
1) strong gargling with water (1/4 cup) mixed with a pinch of salt (or a couple of drops of vinegar). When I gargle, I tilt my head up all the way so that the water goes to the bottom, and I try to contract my throat while doing that. I also try to get water going internally from the mouth to the nose
2) I put a little bit of the same water mix on the palm of my hand (shaped as a spoon), and then I inhale the water mix with single nostril at the time. I try to get the water from the nose to the mouth, then gargle and spit.
The first times it is really annoying, but I have the feeling that all my internal nose duct get really cleaned up.
3) occasionally I also pass very gently my toothbrush over my tonsils.
My girlfriend says that my breath has improved a lot since I do that, plus the ingredients are natural, cheap, and available in any country.
- wash my hands carefully
- push with my finger on the edge of the tonsil, around the stone until it pops out.
The problem with this, is that I can remove stones only when they get big, and in the meantime my breath was horrible.
I do not use TheraBreath products because they have a secret ingridient (OXYD-8) whose composition is not known, I am worried that it could interfere with my teeth fillings (other similar products have this effect and release mercury)
So I have managed to prevent them doing the following in the morning, just after I wake up:
1) strong gargling with water (1/4 cup) mixed with a pinch of salt (or a couple of drops of vinegar). When I gargle, I tilt my head up all the way so that the water goes to the bottom, and I try to contract my throat while doing that. I also try to get water going internally from the mouth to the nose
2) I put a little bit of the same water mix on the palm of my hand (shaped as a spoon), and then I inhale the water mix with single nostril at the time. I try to get the water from the nose to the mouth, then gargle and spit.
The first times it is really annoying, but I have the feeling that all my internal nose duct get really cleaned up.
3) occasionally I also pass very gently my toothbrush over my tonsils.
My girlfriend says that my breath has improved a lot since I do that, plus the ingredients are natural, cheap, and available in any country.
red.incense last decade
Had my tonsils out last August and haven't had bad breath or stones since. I HIGHLY recommend tonsillectomy as an option to sufferers. It's so nice not to have that 'crappy' feeling that there's something disgusting stuck in the back of my throat all the time. Do it! You won't regret it!
herbuveaux last decade
...and by the way the recovery wasn't bad. I'm 30, and though 'they' say recovering from a tonsillectomy is harder the older you are, it really wasn't that bad looking back on it now. Just like having a really bad sore throat.
To the poster who wondered if tonsillectomy leads to weight gain-- on the contrary! You won't feel like eating solid foods for several days after the surgery and will probably _lose_ weight. At the very least, you'll lose the gram or so of infected tissue and actinomycin granules, and feel _so_ much better for that.
To the poster who wondered if tonsillectomy leads to weight gain-- on the contrary! You won't feel like eating solid foods for several days after the surgery and will probably _lose_ weight. At the very least, you'll lose the gram or so of infected tissue and actinomycin granules, and feel _so_ much better for that.
herbuveaux last decade
Well, I can't believe this post is still going, actually, I can.... Tonsil stones suck
.... Testimony to the fact that this is a long term and plaguing condition. No point in me reading through the 50 pages of chat Ive missed, but clearly there are two options for tonsil stones:
1. Get your tonsils out (ouch, blood, surgery, infection risk, permanent solution)
2. Live with the stones and blast them out when you smell/taste them if you can. Ive been successfully doing this for six years now. Only have to do it 4 or 5 times a year with plastic tipped syringe (just type 'plastic syringe' into google the bigger the volume and longer the better obviously)
Personally I avoid any unnecessary surgery, but each to their own. Good luck to anyone with bad stones (that includes ye all with uncontrollable gag reflexes and stones that develop deep in your throats ).
1. Get your tonsils out (ouch, blood, surgery, infection risk, permanent solution)
2. Live with the stones and blast them out when you smell/taste them if you can. Ive been successfully doing this for six years now. Only have to do it 4 or 5 times a year with plastic tipped syringe (just type 'plastic syringe' into google the bigger the volume and longer the better obviously)
Personally I avoid any unnecessary surgery, but each to their own. Good luck to anyone with bad stones (that includes ye all with uncontrollable gag reflexes and stones that develop deep in your throats ).
pedro_h last decade
i found some info on utube Jim Humble and CDS which is high oxygen mixture used to cure many of lifes ills also check out borax.
scuttlebug1 last decade
Hi Sergiorvil,
'Try Staphylococcinum 200c, homeopathic remedy, if you are interested how, please write to the forum.'
Would you kindly provide the method you used? Thank you.
'Try Staphylococcinum 200c, homeopathic remedy, if you are interested how, please write to the forum.'
Would you kindly provide the method you used? Thank you.
jjstarbuck last decade
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